Hi Lovelies, how have you all been? Happy belated New Year. I can’t believe it is the third month of the New Year. Spring is almost here, and I’m so thankful and excited. You know how I love the warmer weather. Going on my long walks and just enjoying the beautiful blue skies. I do have a brand new Franchy thing going on. I’m a model broadcaster for the app Pococha, a Japanese company. I started on January 1st and am currently in my third month. I’m really working on getting more modeling jobs. Modeling has truly madly deeply been a passion of mine since I was young. Then in my early twenties, I tried and did pageants. Now I have even signed up for a website to help me find more work, so ya I’m getting there.
Lovelies, I’m so blessed to have started my very own self-love journey back on November 1, 2016. Of which I truly madly deeply didn’t love myself and was really feeling ashamed of how much weight I put on. Ya, people constantly telling me I’m fat has really gotten to me. I care far too much about what other people think of me. All my life, I have been quietly dreaming my life instead of living my dream. There have been so many broken promises as I ride the merry-go-round of broken dreams. I want this perfectly imperfect year to be profoundly different. Sincerely finally being the year I stop dreaming my life and begin living my dream. What about you, Lovelies? How has 2023 been for you? Are you living your dream instead of dreaming your life? Sweet Lovelies, I always want you all to be inspired and learn from my mistakes. After all, that is the reason I started this blog back in 2015. I was lost; I was unhappy. I truly want you all to find your happiness in your very own happily ever after. Tomorrow is never promised to any of us. So today is the day; make it great. Live your dreams Sweet Lovelies. I love you.