

Sometimes you wake up on the merry-go-round of broken dreams. After a sleepless night daydreaming about last year’s past of broken dreams. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel do you know it is ok not to be ok? Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel everything doesn’t have to be perfect and beautiful for you to see the beauty of your very own happily ever after. Sweet Lovely, you are truly madly deeply worth all the happiness in this beautiful wonderful world. Carpe diem seize the day Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel as this may truly be your last. Don’t dream your life live your dream.

guten Morgen (Good morning ) World Fitters. Good morning to you from beautiful tranquil Munich, Germany.

Hi Lovelies, how do you do this lovely morning? I’m doing well thankfully and I hope you are also having a blessedly great day ya. Today Lovelies I woke up feeling a bit anxious about my lovely unfolding day. Which I’m absolutely certain has to do with my returning back to my normal sleeping hours. I know Lovelies I know seriously again Franchy? Yes, unfortunately again Sweet Lovelies. I don’t know I just have a real problem with sleeping at 10 or 11 pm. It is very difficult for me for some reason. Right now I’m currently back to being awake when everyone is sleeping and sleeping when everyone is awake. Furthermore, Sweet Lovelies, I have not been going outside to enjoy the beautiful weather like I’m used to. Which is similarly making me anxious. I love being out and about and when I can’t I feel really down and all sorts of ways. Nonetheless, I’m truly blessed to wake up and see another Franchy day ya.

Sometimes you wake up on the merry-go-round of broken dreams. After a sleepless night daydreaming about last year’s past of broken dreams. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel do you know it is ok not to be ok? Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel everything doesn’t have to be perfect and beautiful for you to see the beauty of your very own happily ever after. Sweet Lovely, you are truly madly deeply worth all the happiness in this beautiful wonderful world. Carpe diem seize the day Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel as this may truly be your last. Don’t dream your life live your dream. Ya Lovelies truly living the dream. Sweet Lovelies many of us suffer from anxiety now and again. Life at times can truly madly deeply be trying at times. Often leaving us breathless while we ride the merry-go-round of broken dreams. Making each day unbearable at times nevertheless each day we are able to create our very own happily ever after is a blessing. World Fitters if you are also suffering from anxiety speak to your doctor about it and see if you can adjust your sleep schedule. On Friday I will be going to see my doctor for my very own well-being. Sweet Lovelies live as comfortably as you can and enjoy your sweet life. I will see you all tomorrow. Have a great day mmmmmmmm ya.



Sometimes there truly madly deely never seems to be enough time to right the wrongs of last years past of broken dreams. Moreover the merry go round of broken dreams seemily eternally on a standstill from many broken promises. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel I see your beautiful heart. Always helping and thinking of making things truly better for other Beautiful Sweet Soul Angels. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel though your wonderful beauiful heart is absolutely on its way to your very own happily ever after. Remember to always make yourself the number one priority take care of all your perfect imperfections. Be blue be you. Dont dream your life live your dream.

Bonjour (Good morning ) World Fitters. Good morning to you from beautiful peaceful Port Au Prince, Haiti.

Hi Lovelies. How are you doing? I’m doing well praise God just trying to live my very best life as possible. I hope you are well too Lovelies. Ya to be honest I’m going through a difficult time now. Nevertheless I know this too shall pass. It is ok not to be ok. Moreover I do promise World Fitters that when I’m truly madly deeply in a better place in my Franchy life I will help others to create their very own happily ever after. Beauties as humans all we really want to do is survive. Ye swe have cell pones, computers, and big screen TVs. Nonethelesss when you take that all away you have survival again. Lovelies I do look at alot of YouTube videos. Form variouds topics as I’m truly madly deeply interested in alot of different things. For example, I started watching Mal Lewis videos about “addiction and the struggle.” Lovelies I really fall in love with this guys beautiful heart honestly. He interviews many drug addicts with all sorts of problems and try to help them all. That is beautiful isn’t it? I think it is so many of us just care about ourselves and our family. We don’t try to help a complete stranger and Mal do. I have joyously watch his channel grow and his frantastic online prescense increase tremendously. Praise God and may his business continues growing. Nonetheless Mal bring up a very important question which is how much time does it take to save the world?

Sometimes there truly madly deely never seems to be enough time to right the wrongs of last years past of broken dreams. Moreover the merry go round of broken dreams seemily eternally on a standstill from many broken promises. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel I see your beautiful heart. Always helping and thinking of making things truly better for other Beautiful Sweet Soul Angels. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel though your wonderful beauiful heart is absolutely on its way to your very own happily ever after. Remember to always make yourself the number one priority take care of all your perfect imperfections. Be blue be you. Don’t dream your life live your dream. Ya Lovelies I absolutely love what Mal is currently doing. Helping those in need and allowing them to tell their frantastic stories. Nevertheless not everone is going to love you and what you are doing. Mal Lewis is begining to find that out himself as rumors spread about him and his wonderful work. He is currently in a feud with another YouTuber. I personally like both man and think they both are helping Kensiton with their content. I thought they would work great together and this is all a misunderstanding. I see Mal is a little down understanably so I hope things all work out for him. I think me and him want to help the world truly but we can’t do it by ourselves. Mal needs help to continue his great work so he can reach larger areas. Of course that takes money. As Mal online presence grows may he grow his business expendentially. I will help you all when I’m truly in a better place Lovelies I promise. Have a lovely great day ya.


2022 Franchys Happily Ever After Check List.

Hi, Lovelies good morning to you ya. How are you all doing this wonderfully beautiful morning? I’m doing alright actually praise God. I’m slowly but surely getting some work done as we speak. Lovelies I’m truly madly deeply trying to live my dream instead of dreaming my life. Ya one of my dreams is to work from home growing my two perfectly imperfect businesses. Thankfully I’m able to do just that. I wake up out of my bed and in less than two minutes really I’m at my Franchy home office. Which is right next to my bed. Lovelies I live in a basement apartment here in New York. I have limited space so I do the best I can. Hence this wonderfully beautiful office.

Lovelies is that not what everyone does? Doing their very best. Well, I think it is. With inflation increasing the prices of food and other things. Doing our very best is truly madly deeply all that we can do to remain sane. Talk about remaining sane. Lovelies I would wake up in the morning and start stressing about all that I have to do for the perfectly imperfect day. I have many business and life responsibilities that I have to care for daily. For instance, texting my babe in the morning and seeing how his day is going thus far. Likewise, you have many things to care for as well. Are you married with kids? Or maybe you are an only child that has to care for your ailing parents. Perhaps you also are a business owner struggling to make the most use of your very own perfectly imperfect time. Lovelies are you going through different difficulties that I did not mention? Comment them below and get the support that you truly need ya. Beauties I do pray daily for everyone to be creating their very own happily ever after. Additionally, to prayer, I have recently found “Microsoft To-Do.” Where you can make a list of all the things you need to do for the day. Ya Lovelies “Microsoft To-Do” really helps me stay on track of all the things I need to do. It’s only available with Microsoft. Look for the app and install it. I also recommend Calm meditation. That is great for relieving stress and helping you stay focused on what truly matters.

What truly matters is that you are happy and you are living your very best life ever mmmmmmmm ya. I love sharing with you all so that you can learn from my past mistakes and make better decisions. This website is always here to support you no matter what. Feel to try out my sweet suggestions and let me know if they worked for you. I never ask for donations (except for go fund me) my only reward is that I have made a difference in your perfectly imperfect life. Take care and be well mmmmmmmm ya.

From Francesca Etheart INC ??????????


Sometimes you truly madly deeply wished that your happily ever after was created once upon a midsummer night stream. The beautiful dark blue skies were full of stars. Of which you picked one and close your beautiful blue eyes and made a wish. Then suddenly you woke up to find yourself on the merry-go-round of broken dreams. You look around you and see last year’s past of broken dreams all around you on a continuous whirlwind of broken promises. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel always believe in yourself. Don’t dream your life live your dream. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel seize the day carpe diem let’s pray that tomorrow is everlasting. Sweet dream Sweet Lovely.

शुभ प्रभात (Good morning) World Fitters. Good morning and many blessings to you from frantasticly intriguingly beautiful Nepal.

Hi Lovelies and how are you doing this lovely morning ya? I’m doing ok just feeling a bit unwell ya. Ya, my woman issues always truly interfere with my very own happily ever after. Nevertheless, we all just must love the life we live and live the life we love. I truly madly deeply hope you all are having an awesome day mmmmmmmmm ya. Lovelies have you ever felt like you were daydreaming all day? Like something would happen then immediately be followed by a wonderfully wanderlust awesome daydream. Lovelies we all have ideas of how we want to really live our lives and what we truly want to do. Nevertheless, the happily ever afters that we wished for was never created once upon a midsummer night stream.

Sometimes you truly madly deeply wished that your happily ever after was created once upon a midsummer night stream. The beautiful dark blue skies were full of stars. Of which you picked one and close your beautiful blue eyes and made a wish. Then suddenly you woke up to find yourself on the merry-go-round of broken dreams. You look around you and see last year’s past of broken dreams all around you on a continuous whirlwind of broken promises. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel always believe in yourself. Don’t dream your life live your dream. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel seize the day carpe diem let’s pray that tomorrow is everlasting. Sweet dream Sweet Lovely. Lovelies have you ever opened your beautiful blue eyes the very next morning? When you sit up with the most absolutely beautiful smile on your face. You just had the most amazing dream. Everything was truly madly deeply perfectly imperfect. You were truly living your dream instead of dreaming your life. You really wanted your dream to come true and you never wanted to wake up to your very own perfectly imperfect reality. Nevertheless, we can’t sleep for eternity Sweet Lovelies. For we are not sleeping beauty waiting for our prince charming to wake us up to our very own happily ever after mmmmmmm ya. Lovelies happily ever after means so much to different wonderful beautiful people. Ya your happily ever after is what you make of it Sweet Lovelies. So make it really special and beautiful. Create a happily ever after like no one has ever seen before. Sing, dance, and laugh like your the only Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel. Be merry and be well Sweet Lovely. I truly madly deeply love you. Stay safe and I will see you for another Franchy Tomorrow ya.



Sometimes your very own happily ever after is just a stop away on the merry-go-round of broken dreams. With last year’s past of broken dreams wonderful lullaby playing in the infinite backdrop of many broken promises. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel let me kiss away your sweet tears of hopes and dreams. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel always believe in your beautiful dreams. Don’t dream your life live your dream ya. For you are my happily ever after and I love you so.

Bonjour (Good morning ) World Fitters. Good morning to you from beautiful peaceful Nice France.

Hi Lovelies how are you all doing this beautiful lovely morning in Tinseltown? To be honest I’m not doing so well Lovelies. Ya, it is not a happy life. Today my perfectly imperfect life truly madly deeply got the best of me ya. I was supposed to blog and go live but was just too depressed to do anything really ya. Ya was just really despondent and could truly madly see no way out. I just kept watching a lifetime show trying not to think about my perfectly imperfect problems. Wondering where my happily ever after was.

Sometimes your very own happily ever after is just a stop away on the merry-go-round of broken dreams. With last year’s past of broken dreams wonderful lullaby playing in the infinite backdrop of many broken promises. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel let me kiss away your sweet tears of hopes and dreams. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel always believe in your beautiful dreams. Don’t dream your life live your dream ya. For you are my happily ever after and I love you so. Ya Lovelies today was an absolutely horrid day for me. I was just stressing so much that I ended up with a headache. The unfortunate part was truly that I had to work even while experiencing the headache and the heartache. Luckily my boyfriend called me later on in the day and cheered me up. Ya Lovelies I remembered that it was truly madly deeply ok not to be ok. I was eventually able to calm down and go on with my perfectly imperfect day. I have started meditating again and listening to motivational podcasts again as things are really difficult for me as of now Sweet Lovelies. Of course, it always helps to have someone at your corner to help you and just listen to you. Today that was my boyfriend for me. Ya, I cried and I truly madly deeply accepted my perfect imperfections Lovelies. If you are also going through a difficult situation have sweet hope and know everything will be truly alright. I’m here for you always and I love you all ya. Have a blessed day and be merry.



Sometimes life overwhelming adversities can truly madly deeply send us on a whirlwind of many broken promises. With last years past of broken dreams on an eternal standstill on the merry go round of broken dreams. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel always believe in yourself. Know that you are truly madly deeply beautiful. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel truly have sweet faith that everything will be ok. Sweet Lovely I’m here for you and always will be. Please never forget to stop dreaming your life and begin living your dreams. You are absolutely worth it and I love you so.

صباح الخير (Good morning) World Fitters. Good morning to you from beautiful amazing Sudan.

Hi Lovelies how are you doing? To be honest I’m not doing well. everything seemingly was going wrong. First I was feeling a bit irritated then suddenly my laptop shut off and absolutely refused to turn back on. Oh, Lovelies I was so stressed honestly. I just did not know what to do. I know that is not good World Fitters. I should truly madly deeply try my very best to live a stress-free happy life. One free from many worries. With laughter truly madly deeply plentiful. Nonetheless, every so often so many adversities are scattered all over the merry-go-round of broken dreams. Far too overwhelming for my sweetheart.

Sometimes life’s overwhelming adversities can truly madly deeply send us on a whirlwind of many broken promises. With last year’s past of broken dreams on an eternal standstill on the merry-go-round of broken dreams. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel always believe in yourself. Know that you are truly madly deeply beautiful. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel truly have sweet faith that everything will be ok. Sweet Lovely I’m here for you and always will be. Please never forget to stop dreaming your life and begin living your dreams. You are absolutely worth it and I love you so much. Ya Lovelies from being stressed out I had such a bad headache and just couldn’t think straight. Just trying to watch a simple show was difficult to concentrate on. Lovelies I believe after all these years I spent worrying so much stress has truly madly deeply become part of my perfectly imperfect life. Sweet Lovelies next time you feel overwhelmed take a deep breath and try to figure out what the problem was and whether there was anything you could do. Being stressed out is never good. Rather we should realize that it is ok not to be ok and not worry. This fantastic realization can really help create your very own happily ever after. Take it easy Lovelies and be well. Love all your perfect imperfections and be truly happy and free. Do the very best you can and live your dream. Have a blessed day.



Sometimes we all truly madly deeply need a second chance. With last years past of broken dreams continuosly playing on the merry go round of broken dreams. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel angel I truly understand that at time you may want to give up and give in on your sweet beautiful dreams. With many broken promises scattered all about your very own happily ever after. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel always believe in yourself. Carpe diem seize the lovely day truly madly deeply work hard for the life that you really want. Today is your second chance to stop dreaming your life and begin living your dreams. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel I love you. Be blue be you.

शुभ प्रभात (Good morning) World Fitters. Good morning to you from beautiful Nepal.

Hi Lovelies, how are you? I’m doing alright thanks for asking. I hope you are doing well too. Sweet Lovelies today I’m on second chance mission hope. Ya Beauties we all deserve a second chance no matter what I think. For instance, every time I wake up each morning I truly feel that I have a second chance. A second chance to stop dreaming my life and begin living my beautiful blue dreams. Of course, sometimes we may not want to give second chances. As life at times can truly be written with a really harsh pen. Moreover, some things done can never be undone we just must accept them. World Fitters I truly believe giving second chances can make our happily ever after be more special and meaningful. Oh, Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel give yourself another chance to truly live your sweet dream mmmmmmmmmm ya.

Sometimes we all truly madly deeply need a second chance. With last year’s past of broken dreams continuously playing on the merry-go-round of broken dreams. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel angel I truly understand that at times you may want to give up and give in on your sweet beautiful dreams. With many broken promises scattered all about your very own happily ever after. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel always believe in yourself. Carpe diem seize the lovely day. Truly madly deeply work hard for the life that you really want. Today is your second chance to stop dreaming your life and begin living your dreams. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel, I love you. Be blue be you. Ya Lovelies today is your second chance. Carpe diem seize the wonderful day. Sweet Lovely treat today like it is your last. Laugh, dance, and sing to your very heart content. Do all the things you always wanted to do. Live life! Enjoy your life! Forgive all your misgivings. Tell that special someone how much you truly madly deeply you adore them. Make sweet love to them. Let them know they are really your everything. That very thing that you truly madly deeply thought you could never do. Do it Lovely! Make it happen! Today is your second chance and can very well be your last. Take a chance! Make it work! This is your life. Create your very own happily ever after don’t let it be too late.



Sometimes understanding onself can lead you into the sweetest dance to your very own happily ever after ya. With last years past of broken dreams hanging in the balance forevermore. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel I stare into your beautiful blue eyes right before you got on the merry go round of broken dreams. There truly madly deeply was a deep sadness like I have ever seen. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel it is ok not to be ok. Come my darling lets learn how to truly madly deeply dance in the rain eternally more. Your happily ever after is right here right now if only you can truly madly deeply see Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel. Don’t dream you life live your dreams and know I will always love you no matter what.

καλημέρα (Good morning) World Fitters. Good morning and many blessings to you from amazingly awesome Greece.

Hi, Lovelies. How are you all feeling this perfectly imperfect morning in Tinseltown? Today I’m doing alright I suppose. Ya, I have a lot on my beautiful mind Sweet Lovelies. I have noticed a few things about myself on my perfectly imperfect journey of self-love. That ya I’m a Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel and am very kind to others. I enjoy pleasing others before I please myself. Nonetheless, I have noticed over the years that some people truly take advantage of my sweet beautiful heart. So I have to know myself and truly madly deeply know when. Ya Sweet Lovelies it’s my understanding that understanding my unconditional love should have a limit that I can truly madly deeply love with all my beautiful soul ya.

Sometimes understanding oneself can lead you into the sweetest dance to your very own happily ever after ya. With last year’s past of broken dreams hanging in the balance forevermore. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel, I stare into your beautiful blue eyes right before you got on the merry-go-round of broken dreams. There truly madly deeply was a deep sadness like I have ever seen. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel, it is ok not to be ok. Come my darling let us learn how to truly madly deeply dance in the rain eternally more. Your happily ever after is right here right now if only you can truly madly deeply see Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel. Don’t dream your life live your dreams and know I will always love you no matter what. Ya Sweet Lovelies it has truly madly deeply taken a while to get to really know myself and all my perfect imperfections. Throughout my sweet Franchy life I have always been different. I mean really different like no one of this beautiful world. When I would make a mistake or not really understand something I would at times be so hard on myself. Like, think I should have known better. Now I understand myself better I realize it wasn’t my fault. I just truly had people taking advantage of my kindness. I know now I truly madly deeply have to be careful. Take really good care of my sweet heart and be more mindful of who I let in my very own happily ever after. I’m me and ya that is wonderfully beautiful. You are you and that is perfectly imperfectly ok as well. Lovelies understanding yourself is truly your key to your own happiness. It is something of a special present that no one else can ever give you. Give it yourself today Sweet Lovely. Love yourself unconditionally without any limit or sweet regrets. I love you and I want you to be strong and create your very own happily ever after ya. Be well and take care Sweet Lovelies mmmmmmmmmm ya.



Sometimes no matter how hard you truly madly deeply try to create your very own happily ever after you’re often left breathless by last years past of broken dreams. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel I surprisingly saw you day dreaming while riding the merry go round of broken dreams. Your wonderful blue eyes shining ever so brightly and hopeful. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel I truly madly deeply love you so much. Don’t dream your life live your dream. Your happily ever after is waiting mmmmmmmmmm ya.

guten Morgen (Good morning) World Fitters. Good morning and many blessings to you from beautiful intriguingly awesome Vienna Austria.

Hi Lovelies how are you? Today I’m doing good praise, God. I’m truly madly deeply trying to live my best life ever mmmmmmmmmm ya. Hope you all are truly well and happy ya. Lovelies I have to tell you how frustrated I have been in the past few days. I mean I need to work on the phone and talk to my customers but my phone is still truly madly deeply not working. I have called countless times about the same issue and yet nothing has been fixed. I understand the importance of being patient Lovelies. I have been just that each time I called. They tell me this they tell me that. A never unending whirlwind of many broken promises on the merry-go-round of broken dreams is what I truly madly deeply have been experiencing Lovelies. Sweet Lovelies every so often no matter how much sacrifices and hard you work your happily ever after is right here waiting for you forevermore. Nevertheless, you know what no matter what I love you?

Sometimes no matter how hard you truly madly deeply try to create your very own happily ever after you’re often left breathless by last year’s past of broken dreams. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel, I surprisingly saw you daydreaming while riding the merry-go-round of broken dreams. Your wonderful blue eyes shine ever so brightly and hopeful. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel I truly madly deeply love you so much. Don’t dream your life live your dream. Your happily ever after is waiting mmmmmmmmmm ya. Ya Lovelies as of late things have truly madly deeply been hard for me. It seems the more I try to get my perfectly imperfect life together the more life truly happens. I wanted to support and inspire you Lovelies to never give up and never give in. Keep trying to create the life you truly madly always wanted. No, it won’t be easy or even fair. Sweet Lovelies there are times I find myself asking why me? Why does my life truly madly deeply have to be so complicated? Why I couldn’t be born with a beautiful silver spoon in my mouth? The truth is World Fitters I truly believe I’m a better person because of all the things I have been through. All my life I had to work hard to get the things I needed and wanted. My mother was at times neglectful when I was a child and I never had a father. This is why I have been taking care of myself since I was 16 years old. By the time I was 27 I had my own apartment. Lovelies I’m grateful even for the hard times I have experienced and the many heartbreaks that kept me up crying at night. Life is whatever you make of it Lovelies and I will continue fighting for the life I want. You do the same Sweet Lovelies never ever give up. I love you all have a blessed day mmmmmmmm ya.



Sometimes you are truly madly deeply sleep walking through your perfectly imperfect life. While day dreaming on the merry go round of broken dreams. Last years past of broken dreams are playing in a carousal of your sweet beautiful dreams. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel please stop dreaming your life and begin living your dream. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel you are truly beautiful and deserve much more. Why is it that you just can’t see? Darling carpe diem seize the day create your very own happily ever after now and forevermore. I love you Sweet Darling.

Bonjour (Good morning) World Fitters. Good morning to you from beautiful mesmerizing Nice France.

Hi, Lovelies. What’s going on? I’m doing alright can’t complain. Trying my best and really working hard ya. Ya, I have been working really hard lately Lovelies. As I really want to get out of the absolute horrid situation that I’m currently in. I have been praying and thinking Lovelies. My sleep has been affected by my constant worrying. I recently changed my sleeping back to 10 pm. As a model, my beauty is very important. We all know sleeping and beauty go hand in hand Sweet Lovelies. So I took the Franchy initiative to make getting better sleep a top priority. Consequently making my sweet health of top importance. Every so often I truly madly deeply want to stop sleepwalking through life and begin creating my happily ever after mmmmmmmmm ya.

Sometimes you are truly madly deeply sleepwalking through your perfectly imperfect life. While daydreaming on the merry-go-round of broken dreams. Last year’s past of broken dreams are playing in a carousel of your sweet beautiful dreams. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel please stop dreaming your life and begin living your dream. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel, you are truly beautiful and deserve much more. Why is it that you just can’t see? Darling carpe diem seize the day and create your very own happily ever after now and forevermore. I love you, Sweet Darling. Ya Lovelies I just recently changed my sleeping time back to 10 pm. Ya, I was sleeping when everyone else was awake and awake while everyone else was sleeping. Which truly madly deeply made it hard to do anything really. Additionally, I never felt well-rested. Moreover, I felt stressed. Sweet Lovelies something had to change truly and I made the change finally. Lovelies so many of us underestimate the benefits of a good night’s sleep. When it comes to it when you sleep well you are well. Not sleeping well can have a negative lasting effect on your perfectly imperfect body. Take care Lovelies. Give your perfectly imperfect body the rest it truly longs for. Love yourself enough and dance to your very own happily ever after. I love you ya.


Rest beautiful sleeping beauty your happily ever after is truly madly deeply waiting ya. ????????????