A Dressing Your Weight.

Hello World Fitters! I’m sure you’ve been told to put your best face forward at very important events. For instance  that time you took an hour just to comb your hair to get ready for your birthday party. We all know how important it is to dress our best.

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The way you dress says a lot about who you are. Humans(mostly the males) are largely visual creatures. In most cases before you utter two words people have already determined what kind of a person you are.


In the case of your weight it’s no different. People always judge you base on your weight. For example, “officer a fat man just took my bag and ran with it.”  You cant control how people judge you base on your weight. However you can use clothes to “A dress your weight.”

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What I mean is that you can use clothes to show and hide what you want. So that you feel comfortable in your own skin.  After all you only have one body you mate as well feel comfortable in it.

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One color that can help slim you down and help you  feel comfortable in your own skin is black. The dark color of black helps hide unwanted body crevices. However you have to be-careful not to look too gloomy especially at a party. To avoid this just add some color to your life. Black is always in as demonstrated in this acrostic poem.

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B- Buy clothes that fit you. Clothes that are to tight or too big can make you body look bigger and wider.

L- Look for your best features and accentuate them. Whether it is a jewelry or make up show of the best you. Putting emphasis on your best body part will take attention away from less desire parts.

A- Accept and honor your body. When you accept and love your body it will show. Everyone will notice and pay less attention to your body.

C- Comfort is key. If you don’t feel comfortable wearing an outfit then don’t wear it. Chances are if your not comfortable it will show and others will notice.

K- Know your body and stay away from unflattering clothes. Wearing the wrong clothes can send the evening in the wrong direction. Hence why wardrobe malfunctions are getting more popular.

I hope incorporating black clothes in your fashion life will help you feel better about your weight. You deserve to feel happy and not constantly worrying about how your body looks. Following my black list tips will help you feel more confident about your body. Have a great weekend World Fitters! Bye for now! Love Francesca AKA Franchy!

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4 thoughts on “A Dressing Your Weight.”

  1. Great advise! I have put several pounds the last couple of months and I realized what a positive or negative impact the clothing I wear can have. Your tips are very comprehensive. The one I agree with the most is :Comfort is key. We must feel comfortable wearing an outfit since people will notice this. Thank you for the advise.

    1. Hello Juan!
      Thank you I’m glad you find my advice’s useful. I truly hoped my advice have made a difference in your life. Yes absolutely the clothes you wear can either flatter your weight gain or expose unhealthy life styles. If you’re trying to lose weight you can choose clothing to hide or show off different body parts.

      Yes indeed “comfort is key.” If you don’t feel comfortable wearing it simply don’t wear it. Chances are people will notice and that wont be a pretty site. Especially if you run into your ex. It’s important to be comfortable in your own skin.

      Your welcome,

  2. I love to wear clothes that make me feel important. I have a shirt that every time I wear it. It makes me feel like I could conquer the world. I also have a pair of pants that make me feel fat. Personally I think they make me look horrible!!! Clothes definitely have a lot to do with they way you feel, and how much you get done in a day.!!! Torrey

    1. Hello Torrey!
      We all like to feel important. It’s great that you have a shirt that makes you feel important and like you can do any thing. Those outfits can come in handy when you have a very important meeting. You can surely use the boost in confidence! Unfortunately I don’t have such clothes I rely on my faith to give me strength.

      Yes I agree! Clothes can impact the way you feel about many things in your life. Moreover the kinds of clothes that you wear can influence how productive you are during the day. For instance you feel like your clothes don’t fit good enough. So you refuse to go out with your friends to run some errands.

      Love your body with the right clothes!

      Best of luck,

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