Tag Archives: believe in yourself


Sometimes life can truly madly deeply get so overwhelming at times. With the wave of last years past of broken dreams incapacitating you as you ride the merry go round of broken dreams. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel I see the worrying in your blue eyes as you stare so intently into my very own wonderfully beautiful blue eyes. Whats wrong Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel? Sweet Lovely come and take my hands and lets dive into the sea of the many broken promises of the unkown. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel let us wash away past sins and finally make peace with all of our perfect imperfections. Ya it is ok not to be okay nonetheless you have to truly madly deeply be in peace now and forevermore. Sweet Lovely your happily ever after is always waiting for you even as you take your very last breath. I love you beautiful be well and dont forget to stop dreaming your life and begin living your dream.

Bom dia (Good morning) World Fitters. Good morning to you from wonderfully beautiful Portugal.

Hi Lovelies how are you all doing? To be honest I’m not doing well at all. I don’t know I’m just under a lot of stress as of late. For starters this holiday season I’m feeling really lonely and alone. Yes, there is this guy I have been talking to but we barely text or talk on the phone. I feel utterly alone and like I can use the biggest hug ever. Moreover, my financial situation is not getting any better. Change of hope has to cum Lovelies. I know I can’t go on like this forevermore. I’m just not happy with the direction my perfectly imperfect life is going as of now. Things are truly madly deeply becoming far too overwhelming for me and every so often I need a hand to help me to my very own happily ever after.

Sometimes life can truly madly deeply get so overwhelming at times. With the wave of last year’s past of broken dreams incapacitating you as you ride the merry-go-round of broken dreams. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel, I see the worrying in your blue eyes as you stare so intently into my very own wonderfully beautiful blue eyes. What’s wrong Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel? Sweet Lovely come and take my hands and let’s dive into the sea of the many broken promises of the unknown. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel let us wash away past sins and finally make peace with all of our perfect imperfections. Ya, it is ok not to be okay nonetheless you have to truly madly deeply be in peace now and forevermore. Sweet Lovely your happily ever after is always waiting for you even as you take your very last breath. I love you beautiful be well and don’t forget to stop dreaming your life and begin living your dream. Ya Lovelies life is hard nonetheless it is truly madly deeply whatever you make of it. I know it is truly up to me to get my perfectly imperfect life back on track nevertheless, I will. I have faith in myself and believe I will make all my dreams come true. I’m working hard now and always because I really want a lot in life. Lovelies every since I was little I always wanted more than want was right in front of my blue eyes. Lovelies I will update you all when my financial situation gets better along with some tips.


2021 It Is All Because Of You

Faith runs deep like a voluntary dive into the unknown. Believe in yourself Sweet Lovely. Never settle as you truly madly deeply deserve the very best. Dont dream your life live your dream mmmmmmmmm ya.

Hi, Lovelies, good day to you all. How are you all doing this lovely beautiful morning in amazingly wonderful Tinsel Town of blue hopes and dreams? I’m doing alright truly madly deeply can’t complain. I hope you all are amazingly awesomely also doing very well too Sweet Lovelies. Lovelies I can’t believe 2021 is coming to a close and we will soon be welcoming 2022. I’m now 39 years of age and ever hopeful of stopping dreaming my life and living my dream. Lovelies I remember starting blogging and writing more seriously at 30 or 31 years of age. When in actuality I have been writing since I was like 9 or 10 years old. After all of this perfectly imperfect life wanderlust of dreams has come to past one begins to truly wonder what do you desire?

Well, Lovelies it is quite simple really I desire to help you all live the very best life you possibly can. I want you all to get up each day and open your beautiful blue eyes to all the wonderful beautiful possibilities that this life can truly offer. That’s right I only want to help! I started this blog after my very own weight issues. People were constantly bothering me and telling me how much better I looked thinner and how I needed to lose weight. Now when I look back at my old pictures when I was bigger I see my very own natural beauty that always prevails no matter what. I was so busy listening to other’s opinions about me that I did not even hear my very own sweet heart. There was this particular dreadful neighbor that just kept bothering me about my belly. Constantly asking if I was pregnant in a form of a joke. I was very lost and I really needed someone. Likewise, you may be lost and need someone I can be that for you if you like?

Lovelies tell Franchy what you like and desire? Ya, I want to know some things you would like me to publish about. This blog is for all of us so your thoughts are truly madly deeply very important. You are the reason that I’m online and I appreciate all of you. I love you all with all my Franchy heart. Yes, I’m currently in New York but you Lovelies allow me to travel to your heart every time you read my lovely blog. Thank you from the bottom of my Franchy heart. Have a lovely blessed day mmmmmmm ya.


Sometimes finally truly madly deeply loving yourself can reap the frantastic rewards like no other. For as you get on the merry go round of broken dreams you catch a wonderfully beautiful glimpse of your pretty face smilling at you. Reminding you that last years past of broken dreams is really finally no more. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel believe in yourself always. Stay true to yourself no matter how dark and unsettling this perfectly imperfect life maybe. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel I love you. Your innocense truly madly have no boundaries. I look deep into your blue eyes and truly see a beautiful soul with a heart of gold. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel you are always willing to help those in need. Sweet Lovely let me help you to your very own happily ever after mmmmmmmm ya. Dont dream your life live your dream.

Bonjour (good morning) World Fitters. Good morning to you from beautiful Paris France.

Hi Lovelies how are you? I’m doing well praise God and am truly blessed. Hope you Lovelies are truly madly deeply doing great and are living your dream no matter what they may be. Ya Lovelies as my birthday slowly approaches my beautiful blue eyes are shining brightly. Sweet Lovelies I don’t know what it is but every time I’m about to celebrate my perfectly imperfect birthday I start looking at those that are no longer with us. Yes, beauties it is no secret I hate getting a year older especially at my age. However, seeing someone so young lose the beautiful blue in their eyes forevermore definitely put things into perspective for me. Ya, we are not going to live forevermore and we should live every day like it is our last. Since one day we will certainly be right. This is why loving ourselves is so important in helping us reach our very own happily ever after.

Sometimes finally truly madly deeply loving yourself can reap the frantastic rewards like no other. For as you get on the merry-go-round of broken dreams you catch a wonderfully beautiful glimpse of your pretty face smiling at you. Reminding you that last year’s past of broken dreams is really finally no more. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel believe in yourself always. Stay true to yourself no matter how dark and unsettling this perfectly imperfect life may be. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel, I love you. Your innocence truly madly has no boundaries. I look deep into your blue eyes and truly see a beautiful soul with a heart of gold. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel, you are always willing to help those in need. Sweet Lovely let me help you to your very own happily ever after mmmmmmmm ya. Don’t dream your life live your dream. Ya Lovelies I’m always willing to help and truly love everyone hence my two perfectly imperfect businesses Francesca Etheart INC and Frans Online Business INC. I’m really here for you all and want to really have a positive effect on you all. If my very own perfectly imperfect story of my low self-esteem can inspire you to love yourself and all your perfect imperfection then that is truly a dream come true for me. Sweet Lovelies through living life and being appreciative of every breath that I take I have truly learned to believe in myself and my wonderfully beautiful blue dreams. Yes many of us have dreams and often feel that they are far too out there and will never come true. Sweet Beauties nothing is impossible if you really work hard and do all the things you need to do. Love yourself and know you are worth living your dreams and creating your very own happily ever after. I love you all be well and have an awesomely great day ya.


Smile Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel believe in your dreams and fly high ?????????????


Sometimes all that truly madly deeply matters is how you see yourself and all your perfect imperfections. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel I love you. Sweet Lovely everyday all I see is you getting hesitantly on the merry go round of broken dreams. With last years past of broken dreams playing in the back ground with no hope in site. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel your beauty truly everlastingly waiting patiently for you to just see. Your beautiful blue eyes eternally clouded by the mist of many broken dreams. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel promise me now and forevermore you will live your dream and stop dreaming your life. You are absolutely worth it Sweet Lovely be well and take care of yourself mmmmmmmm ya.

god morgon (Good morning) World Fitters. Good morning to you from beautiful Sweden.

Hi, Lovelies, and how are you? I’m doing well living my perfectly imperfect life the very best way I can. I hope you are having a great day thus far mmmmmmmm ya. So Lovelies going with my perfectly imperfect reminiscence of a broken dream. When I was going to my Franchy walk I was just thinking how my lack of self-worth truly madly deeply have affected my life. With so many broken promises enough to cry me a river to my very own unhappily ever after. The many heartaches that should have been avoided have left their deepest imprint on my franchy eternal despair of a broken dream. With so much lost love that has come to pass it is easy to truly lose yourself, Sweet Lovely. Your beauty truly knows no boundaries and yet here you are on the merry-go-round of broken dreams once more in someone else’s arms when you should be loving yourself. For everyone knows what truly madly deeply matters is how you see yourself and all your perfect imperfections.

Sometimes all that truly madly deeply matters is how you see yourself and all your perfect imperfections. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel, I love you. Sweet Lovely every day all I see is you getting hesitantly on the merry-go-round of broken dreams. With last year’s past of broken dreams playing in the background with no hope in sight. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel your beauty truly everlastingly waiting patiently for you to just see. Your beautiful blue eyes are eternally clouded by the mist of many broken dreams. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel promise me now and forevermore you will live your dream and stop dreaming your life. You are absolutely worth it Sweet Lovely be well and take care of yourself mmmmmmmm ya. Ya Lovelies as I was walking in the park by my house yesterday I suddenly decided that I was not really happy in the direction my perfectly imperfect life was going and change my direction eternally more. I mean seriously here I’m almost 40 years old and am not married and don’t have any children. Something deep inside me went terribly wrong when I decided to date that guy. Well, it was not really an intentional decision. I was actually tricked into it. Lovelies as I head to my 40’s let it be a beautiful wonderful new era of self-love. Yes, there are a few more things I have to take care of as I want to start fresh and be truly happy. Lovelies learn from my mistakes always love yourself. If he is not treating you right then leave him. Give someone who deserves you the opportunity to love and cherish you. You are absolutely worth it Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel. I love you just as you are mmmmmmm ya.



Sometimes you have to truly madly deeply make a choice of faith. For last years past of broken dreams does not determine your tommorows happily ever after. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel I see you on the merry go round of broken dreams with beautiful tears glistening off your lovely eyes. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel pleace don’t cry. Life is whatever you make of it truly. If you no longer enjoy the way your life is unraviling you can start a brand new happily ever after whenever you choose. Sweet Lovely seize this beautiful wonderful day carpe diem to your very own happily ever after. Tell me what you desire and it is yours now and forevermore mmmmmmmmmm ya.

günaydın (Good morning) World Fitters. Good morning to you from beautiful Turkey.

Hi Lovelies and how do you do this beautiful lovely morning? I’m doing alright just still a bit stressed. Sweet Lovelies every so often you have to make a choice of faith. World Fitters as some of you may know I’m a Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel. I have a big beautiful heart and am always willing to help in any way I can. Unfortunately, there are those who take advantage of my lovely heart at my very own expanse. For instance, my ex used me and lied to me constantly. I have come to realize it is up to me to truly madly deeply look out for myself. If I don’t no one will. No one truly cares as I had to learn that the hard way with eyes full of tears from last year’s past of broken dreams. Sweet Lovely Angel, every so often you have to truly make a choice of faith and pray that everything will be alright.

Sometimes you have to truly madly deeply make a choice of faith. For last year’s past of broken dreams does not determine your tomorrow’s happily ever after. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel, I see you on the merry-go-round of broken dreams with beautiful tears glistening off your lovely eyes. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel, please don’t cry. Life is whatever you make of it truly. If you no longer enjoy the way your life is unraveling you can start a brand new happily ever after whenever you choose. Sweet Lovely seize this beautiful wonderful day carpe diem to your very own happily ever after. Tell me what you desire and it is yours now and forevermore mmmmmmmmmm ya. Sweet Lovelies I desire to grow my businesses to their full potential. I have realized that to truly madly deeply do that I have to make a choice of faith. I have to truly make the choice to believe in myself and work hard to achieve my wonderful blue dreams. Sweet Lovelies I have made the decision to change so that I’m better able to reach my goals. I will be working harder and smarter. As I’m still single I have no one to help me. I have to believe in myself and succeed Lovelies. Wish me luck on this new great adventure that I’m taking. Love you all bunches have a lovely beautiful day mmmmmmmmm ya.


Sweet Lovelies believe in your dreams no matter how far they may seem.