Tag Archives: self love

Franchys Weekly Water Challenge.

Hi, there World Fitters, how are you? I’m doing well can’t complain actually. Hope you all are doing awesome. So this is the 2nd week into the challenge. I guess I’m still in the honeymoon phase of my challenge. The lovey-dovey and everything is going well phase. As I go more and more into the challenge as I suspect things will get harder and life will always happen. It is never easy to make a change. You just have to make the decision that you can’t truly madly deeply live like this anymore. That is exactly where I’m at in my Franchy life right now mmmmmmm ya.

Franchy Whats The News?

This week was similar to last week as I only missed one day of not drinking water. This is still good nonetheless there is always room to improve and get better. I really am drinking more because of my health. As I have a big problem with constipation. Additionally, I have a big bloated belly majority of the time which is not good at all. As a matter of fact, at times I can look like I’m pregnant. With my modeling business Francesca Etheart INC it is very important for me to look my very best. I want to be comfortable Lovelies. I don’t feel comfortable with a big belly wearing a bikini. I really hope I change for the best ya. This week was another 4 out of 5 which is awesome ya.


Sometimes skies are truly the limit Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel. As you ride on the merry-go-round of broken dreams last year’s past of broken dreams is in an eternal whirlwind of many broken promises. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel promise me that you will stop dreaming your life and begin living your beautiful sweet dreams. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel seize the wonderful day carpe diem. Today is all yours. Truly madly deeply live to your heart desire. Do everything that you always wanted to do. Be the person you truly always were meant to be. Have a beautiful day be merry be blue and be you ya.

guten Morgen (good morning) World Fitters. Good morning to you from beautiful wonderful Germany.

Hi Lovelies, how are you all doing this wonderful morning in wonderful Tinsel Town of sweet blue dreams? I’m doing great this morning actually. I woke up feeling great with a lovely smile on my Franchy face ya. Ya Sweet Lovelies I started my perfectly imperfect morning creating my happily ever after high on life. I really hope your day is going great as well Lovelies. I really believe what made my day have a nice Franchy start was truly madly deeply my mindset. For you truly madly deeply become what you think of Lovelies. For instance, if all you can really think of is negative happenings then that is exactly what your life will turn into. Lovelies skies are truly madly the limit if only you see.

Sometimes skies is truly the limit Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel. As you ride on the merry-go-round of broken dreams last year’s past of broken dreams is in an eternal whirlwind of many broken promises. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel promise me that you will stop dreaming your life and begin living your beautiful sweet dreams. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel seize the wonderful day carpe diem. Today is all yours. Truly madly deeply live to your heart desire. Do everything that you always wanted to do. Be the person you truly always were meant to be. Have a beautiful day be merry be blue and be you ya. Sweet Lovelies life is truly madly deeply whatever you make of it. The other day I was the opposite of the way I’m today. I was very worried and very uncertain about my future. Today I woke up to a promise I made to myself to always believe in my dreams no matter what. I know every day won’t be like today full of many promises. I promise to deal with the cards that I’m dealt with the best I can truly. I truly madly deeply love you all. I hope this article finds you well. I pray for you if you too are going through a difficult situation. Remember it is ok not to be ok and this too shall pass now and forevermore. Likewise, you are never alone so get help if you need to. Have a blessed day see you all tomorrow.


Lovely your happily ever after is waiting ya ??????

Every so often your happily ever after is a place that will always truly madly deeply be your home sweet home. Something you create from your sweet heart and will last etrnally more. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel you are my happily ever after and I love you truly.

Self Love Is Your Happily Ever After.

Self-love. What is that?

Self-love is the love I truly madly deeply have for you my darling.

Once upon a midsummer nights stream, I just could not see the beauty that had always been there. A beauty so effortless with sweet hope.

Self-love. What is that?

Self-love is truly madly deeply accepting all your faults and all your perfect imperfections and loving yourself still till your very last breath.

Self-love. What is that?

Self-love is a journey to your very own happily ever after. An eternal love that is truly everlasting. Additionally, an inspiring heart that sweetly reminds you to stop dreaming your life and begin living your dream.

Self-love. What is it?

Self-love is everywhere and anywhere. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel, it is truly madly deeply up to you to open your beautiful heart. Moreover opening your beautiful blue eyes to all the wonderful possibilities. Sweet Lovely live the life you truly madly deeply always wanted. Carpe diem seize the wonderful day. Darling let’s dance to our very own happily ever after mmmmmmmm ya.

True love truly madly starts from within. Love yourself, Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel, and always believe in your beautiful sweet dreams mmmmmmmmmm ya.

2022 Franchys Self Love Writing.

Hi Lovelies, how do you do? Good morning, I truly madly deeply hope you are having a great day mmmmmmmm ya. Lovelies as some of you may know that I’m currently trying to resurrect all of my websites. Which is no easy task as I really have a lot. Nevertheless, I truly love them all with my sweet Franchy heart. Each blog represents special sweet pieces of me ya. World Fitters every article was truly madly deeply written straight from the heart wanting to help you all. As you all know there are no real shortages of problems in the world. We all are going through something and not all of us will truly make it where we really want to be. Lovelies for as long as I could remember where I want to be is on my bed with a pen in hand, writing my very own perfectly imperfect happily ever after.

Ya Lovelies before I joined wealthy affiliate I have created the lovely beautiful blog my earning life. To be honest I have been writing since I was in junior high school. As a matter of fact, I still remember getting my first work published when I was 12 years of age. To be frank, my whole business was created because of my love of writing and wanting to share my Franchy ideas with the world. I know this weblog is about my self-love journey nonetheless, we can’t continue talking about self-love without discussing what is truly near and dear to my Franchy heart my lovely writing. Growing up being very shy and not too sure how to express myself writing was my escape. I can say exactly what was on my Franchy mind with no difficulty like I had with words. Which is truly madly deeply beautiful I think. Sweet Lovelies you all are beautiful because it is truly because you all that I’m living my wonderful beautiful dreams. Have a great day. I also wanted to say I love you and being you is the most beautiful thing ever truly. Stay blessed always ya.

2022 Franchys Self Care Love Be Beautiful.

Hi Lovelies good morning, bonjour. How are you all doing this wonderful glorious morning in Tinsel town? I’m doing alright truly madly deeply can’t complain. Today I was having a good inner love conversation with my beautiful Franchy self. As you guys may know for a very long time I truly madly deeply didn’t love myself and all my perfect imperfections. I just felt really unattractive and felt I was really ugly. Which inevitably lead me to not really care for my beauty. I really became what I thought about and truly became unattractive. Lovelies when I say love yourself and all your perfect imperfections I really mean it from the bottom of my Franchy heart. As I saw what really not loving yourself could do.

Lovelies what it could do is take the wonderful blue off your eyes, therefore, closing your beautiful eyes to all the wonderful possibilities. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel the possibilities are endless if you truly madly deeply believe. Ya Lovelies I believe in second chances so I’m taking care of my beauty now and forevermore. Between my modeling and new relationship, it is becoming imperative to stay looking beautiful. Lovelies take care of your mental health as it can truly havoc on your very own perfectly imperfect self-care. If you don’t love yourself you simply won’t look your best it is truly as simple as that. World Fitters, I do realize depression can be really hard to get over. As sometimes you are not even able to get off the bed. I truly hope by me sharing my struggles you no longer feel alone World Fitters.

Lovelies never feel alone because you are not. There is someone else going through a difficult time who needs some love and understanding. Take care of the way you feel on the inside Sweet Lovelies. As the biggest pain comes from deep within. Look the very best you can possibly each and every day for yourself. Create your very own happily ever after. Don’t dream your life live your dream. Have a great day and stay beautiful.


Sometimes life is not so everlasting. With so many twists and turns it’s truly madly deeply hard to see the beautiful picturesque view of the happily ever after you truly madly deeply always wanted. So much so that when the merry go round of broken dreams stopped right within your perfectly imperfect foot step you hesitantly got on not knowing if the next stop will be to your very own happily ever after. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel please dont let last years past of broken dreams hold you back any longer. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel seize each wonderful beautiful day like it is your last. Learn to dance in the rain as it pours down sweet tears of lost lonely love of last years past. Be well my darling. Take care of your body as you only truly have one. Be good to yourself always and the rest shall follow. Your eternal search of the forevemore you really dream of will soon be found. Don’t dream your life live your dream.

Bonjour (Good morning) World Fitters. Good morning to you from beautiful wonderful Paris.

Hi Lovelies how are you? I’m doing well Lovelies truly madly deeply trying to live my best life ever. Lovelies I remember being on Youtube and Youtube recommending me to watch a video of 5 young children who had died due to a house fire. My heart eternally broke for these Beautiful Sweet Soul Angels. So young they had their whole life to truly look forward to. The mother was of course unconsolable losing all her children in the tragic fire. If that was me I really don’t know if I could live without them. I mean we all truly madly deeply understand how unfair life can truly be. It can change in an instant and take your breath away. Life is definitely not everlasting nonetheless it is always whatever you make of it.

Sometimes life is not so everlasting. With so many twists and turns it’s truly madly deeply hard to see the beautiful picturesque view of the happily ever after you truly madly deeply always wanted. So much so that when the merry-go-round of broken dreams stopped right within your perfectly imperfect footstep you hesitantly got on not knowing if the next stop will be to your very own happily ever after. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel, please don’t let last year’s past of broken dreams hold you back any longer. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel seize each wonderful beautiful day like it is your last. Learn to dance in the rain as it pours down sweet tears of lost lonely love of last year’s past. Be well my darling. Take care of your body as you only truly have one. Be good to yourself always and the rest shall follow. Your eternal search of the forevermore you really dream of will soon be found. Don’t dream your life live your dream. Ya Lovelies so the perfectly imperfect year has come to a dramatic close. By now perhaps we all have made a beautiful wonderful new years resolution. One of the common ones is weight loss and taking care of your very own perfectly imperfect bodies. I myself no longer make new years resolutions as I know I never keep them. Instead, I promise to better myself with every perfectly imperfect breath I take. Do the very best I can to create the happily ever after that I always wanted. Lovelies we will not live everlastingly forevermore that’s is for sure. The moment we took our very first breath we were promised to take our last. Lovelies I have a new guy I truly care about. When I think of losing him forever my heart absolutely breaks into a thousand pieces. Nonetheless I truly madly understand it is to be. Lovelies always let your loved ones know you love them every single day. As that day may be your very last chance.



Sometimes you truly madly deeply get all caught up at staring at your perfectly imperfect reflection on the mirror of many sweet broken promises you dont even realize that the next stop on the merry go round of broken dreams is yours now and forevermore. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel as you stare more intently and deeply into the mirror of lost dreams you begin seeing last years past of broken dreams begining to pay you an unwarented visit. A visit suddenly acompanied by many tears of lost hope. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel I truly madly deeply love you for who you truly are. Your heart know no bounds and you are always willing to help. Come Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel let me help you to your very own happily ever after. Don’t dream your life live your dream.

Bonjour (Good morning) World Fitters. Good morning to you from the beautiful wonderful Canada of hope.

Hi Lovelies, how are you all doing today? I’m alright just feeling tired ya. I truly madly deeply hope you all are doing good this morning. Lovelies as some of you know I’m a content creator on various platforms. I really enjoy creating content for my fans and showing them some much-needed love. Lovelies when I first started this website I was not yet a model. Well, I was not a content creator either if I’m going to be completely honest. Nevertheless me truly madly deeply loving my perfectly imperfect body has helped me get back to my modeling. Since being comfortable with all my perfect imperfections has allowed me to be comfortable with the camera. There is much more I need to do and I’m definitely looking forward to all that loveliness mmmmmmm ya. World Fitters There was a time when I was constantly looking at myself in the mirror. Noticing all my flaws and just wanting to be a completely different person than I’m. Sweet Lovelies every so often you have to really open your beautiful blue eyes and see the natural beauty that is staring right back at you.

Sometimes you truly madly deeply get all caught up at staring at your perfectly imperfect reflection on the mirror of many sweet broken promises you don’t even realize that the next stop on the merry-go-round of broken dreams is yours now and forevermore. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel as you stare more intently and deeply into the mirror of lost dreams you begin seeing last year’s past of broken dreams beginning to pay you an unwarranted visit. A visit suddenly accompanied by many tears of lost hope. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel I truly madly deeply love you for who you truly are. Your heart knows no bounds and you are always willing to help. Come beautiful sweet soul angel let me help you to your very own happily ever after. Don’t dream your life live your dream. Ya Lovelies for a long time when I looked in the mirror all I could truly madly deeply see was my flaws. I did not love myself at all. Which inevitably lead me to date a lot of guys that truly madly deeply were never good to me. Moreover, I gave up on my modeling as I just did not think I was attractive enough. Sweet Lovelies the lies we tell ourselves are really detrimental to our well-being and success. Back then I could have been a great model as I was very pretty nonetheless unfortunately I just could not see. Now as I continue building my modeling career I keep reminding myself that I’m beautiful and am absolutely worth all the happiness in the world. Me truly loving all my perfect imperfections is creating my very own happily ever after. I’m looking forward to sharing with you all. One picture at a time full of natural everlasting beauty. Be well Lovelies and have a great day.



Sometimes all you truly madly deeply need is a wondeffully blue pen with the most beautiful paper to write a very sweet love letter of self love to yourself . Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel last years past of broken dreams is merrily just the past and even though tommorow is never really promised always remember nothing ever truly lasts forever. For instance though you ride on the merry go round of broken dreams and I’m sweetly kissing away your tears of many broken promises. I sweetly remind you the next stop on the merry go round of broken dreams is to your very own happily ever after. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel open your beautiful blue eyes to all the wonderful possibilities. I truly madly deeply know there is much more to this perfectly imperfect world. A world of sweet dreams just patiently waiting for you to stop dreaming your life and begin living your dream. I love you so my darling mmmmmmmm ya.

Goedemorgen (Good morning) World Fitters. Good morning to you from beautiful delightful Amsterdam.

Hi Lovelies, how are you all doing? I’m doing alright been feeling sick due to my women’s issues. I have picked up on my blogging and am truly madly deeply trying my very best to remain positive. Hope all is well with you too. I was able to chat a bit with the guy I’m currently talking to. We met back in the summer of 2018. We chatted while I was watching the movie Titanic. This movie brought back so many memories of when I was younger. When I went to the movies theaters with my perfectly imperfect family back in 1997 I was 14 years old. I remember having the same big heart as I do right now. For instance, I remember crying when the people on the ship were dying. I cried a little today as well. Sweet Lovelies I do believe it is my beautiful big heart that truly madly deeply inspire me to write a sweet love letter to myself. Ya, I love me so I write.

Sometimes all you truly madly deeply need is a wonderfully blue pen with the most beautiful paper to write a very sweet love letter of self-love to yourself. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel, last year’s past of broken dreams is merrily just the past, and even though tomorrow is never really promised always remember nothing ever truly lasts forever. For instance, though you ride on the merry-go-round of broken dreams and I’m sweetly kissing away your tears of many broken promises. I sweetly remind you the next stop on the merry-go-round of broken dreams is to your very own happily ever after. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel open your beautiful blue eyes to all the wonderful possibilities. I truly madly deeply know there is much more to this perfectly imperfect world. A world of sweet dreams just patiently waiting for you to stop dreaming your life and begin living your dream. I love you so my darling mmmmmmmm ya. Ya Lovelies so many of us are far too hard on ourselves that we fail to see our very own everlasting beauty. Sweet Lovelies for so long all I could see was all my perfect imperfections. Ya certain negative people in my life didn’t make anything any better. For example, my neighbor that was continuously bothering me about my stomach while intermittently trying to sleep with me. He later got me into a really unhealthy relationship that really ruined my life. So Sweet Lovelies I write a sweet love letter to myself. Truly madly deeply accepting all my faults. Knowing I’m perfectly imperfect and that is perfectly ok. I write a letter of unconditional love like no other. Willing to stop dreaming my life and begin living my dream. World Fitters write your very own love letter to yourself. Be blue, be you to your very own happily ever after mmmmmmmm ya.



Sometimes just a few days into the new year doesn’t guarantee a happily ever after of sweet blue dreams. For just as everything seems perfectly imperfect you see the merry-go-round of broken dreams waiting for you patiently right by your very own Franchy doorsteps. Moreover, you hear the continuous melody of broken promises playing in the eternal backdrop of your very own happily ever after. Additionally, last year’s past of broken dreams is paying you a visit right this very moment as we speak. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel choose happiness always. I know life can truly madly deeply be so trying that it can really leave you breathless. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel always believe in your wonderfully blue dreams. Don’t dream your life live your dream eternally more mmmmmmmm ya.

Bonjour (Good morning) World Fitters. Good morning to you from beautiful Paris of sweet dreams.

Hi Lovelies how are you all doing this beautiful perfectly imperfect morning? I’m doing well just a bit tired from working. I have recently returned back to working outside my home in order to supplement my income. Ya Lovelies I do a lot to earn every breath that I take. For instance, I model and create content. Additionally, I vlog, blog, podcast, and do outside jobs, gigs. Oh, I also stream live on Younow. Ya Lovelies I truly madly deeply want to put my current financial situation to rest. I most certainly don’t like living from paycheck to paycheck. As I’m in New York and it is pretty expansive living in this absolutely beautiful state. For example, just getting a one-bedroom apartment is very pricey. I have been paying rent since I was 20 or 21 years of age and got my first apartment at the age of 27. I also have my very own business bills that I pay in addition to my living expenses. Ya needless to say I do have a lot on my Franchy plate right now. Nonetheless just because it is a new year does not mean your happily ever after is right here waiting for you.

Sometimes just a few days into the new year doesn’t guarantee a happily ever after of sweet blue dreams. For just as everything seems perfectly imperfect you see the merry-go-round of broken dreams waiting for you patiently right by your very own franchy doorsteps. Moreover, you hear the continuous melody of broken promises playing in the eternal backdrop of your very own happily ever after. Additionally, last year’s past of broken dreams is paying you a visit right this very moment as we speak. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel choose happiness always. I know life can truly madly deeply be so trying that it can really leave you breathless. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel always believe in your wonderfully blue dreams. Don’t dream your life live your dream eternally more mmmmmmmm ya. Ya Lovelies the new year is here and I’m truly madly deeply very excited. I still have a chance to work on my wonderful blue dreams of hope. Nevertheless, last year’s past was not an absolute horrid waste of my Franchy sweet dreams. I was able to bring back one of my sites that is also near and dear to my heart https://www.myearninglifegog82.com/2015/11/coming-in-full-circle.html. Lovelies I have a lot of sites to work on getting back to Franchys love performance. Additionally, I have other sites for which I have to create content. World Fitters with this new year I really want to accomplish all my Franchy goals including finally publishing my very first book. I truly madly deeply believe in myself and believe I can indeed do it this year. Last year I partially reached my goals. This year I would truly like to meet my goals at 100%. Let’s see what transcribe Lovelies. I truly madly deeply wish you all good luck this year. May all your dreams come true. Stay safe and protect yourself from Covid. I love you all have a blessed day ya.


2022 A Franchy Year Of Self Love.

Every so often a New Year of hope is a very sweet chance for you to stop dreaming your life and begin living your dream. Create your very own happily ever after and live the life you always dream of. Yes you are absolutely worth it.

Wow, Lovelies Happy New Year! I’m so excited to be bringing in the new year with you Lovelies. This year I really am looking to post more regularly. Revealing more of the real me. Ya, I’m perfectly imperfect and that is truly madly deeply beautiful. Sweet Lovelies since starting this beautiful wonderful amazing blog I have never pretended to truly madly deeply have all the answers for every question. Because I truly don’t and there is no need to pretend otherwise. Rather this is just my very own journey of self-love that I’m sharing so that I may help you.

Yes truly helping you is the whole reason that I started my frantastic blog of self-love. I was feeling unattractive and unloved and I thought I might help others who are feeling the same way. Moving forward I will include a wide range of content just to your liking. Feel free to comment any suggestions on a topic you may have. Just please make sure it is a topic related to this blog. I’m unable to promise to write an article on every topic you suggest sorry. I do promise to always do my best to bring you the best content that will interest you. I’m am looking forward to another year with you all. Stay blessed and have a very safe new year. I truly madly deeply hope this is a great year for you all.

I dedicate this post to the lovly Betty White who passed away on New Years Eve. Just a couple days short of her very own perfectly imperfect 100th birthday. Gone but never truly madly deeply forgotten. Circa; January 12 1922 to December 31, 2021.