Sometimes an eternity of self-love can truly madly deeply brighten last year’s past of broken dreams with the sweetest lights. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel, I saw you walking straight into the merry-go-round of broken dreams. Your beautiful blue eyes are eternally dim from the many broken promises of last year’s past. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel, I truly love you just as you are. Your curves are ever so contagious and the crevices from deep within are full of sweet love. Sweet Lovely, you are so lovingly and share with pure kindness. Seize the beautiful wonderful day Sweet Lovely. Carpe diem to the new year of sweet hope. Let us walk to our very own happily ever after mmmmmmmm ya.
Bonjour (Good morning) World Fitters. Good morning to you from beautiful wonderful Nice France.
Hi, Lovelies how are you all doing this very lovely morning in Tinsel Town? I’m doing alright writing another frantastic blog for you all. I truly hope you all are doing very well ya. Sweet Lovelies as we come closer to the new year we all are thinking about our new year resolutions. We all want to be a better person the next year-round and do all the things we said we were going to do. One common new year’s resolution is to lose weight and get healthier. Ya, the holidays have gone by with us being very festive and eating all the lovely foods we just know we really shouldn’t be eating. We put on a couple of pounds and understandably we now want to lose the extra pounds. Nevertheless, love all your perfect imperfections and allow yourself to enjoy your meals without feeling too guilty. Let self-love always be your new year’s resolution now and forevermore mmmmmmmm ya.
Sometimes an eternity of self-love can truly madly deeply brighten last year’s past of broken dreams with the sweetest lights. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel, I saw you walking straight into the merry-go-round of broken dreams. Your beautiful blue eyes are eternally dim from the many broken promises of last year’s past. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel, I truly love you just as you are. Your curves are ever so contagious and the crevices from deep within are full of sweet love. Sweet Lovely, you are so lovingly and share with pure kindness. Seize the beautiful wonderful day Sweet Lovely. Carpe diem to the new year of sweet hope. Let us walk to our very own happily ever after mmmmmmmm ya. Ya Lovelies most new year resolutions revolve around you losing weight and being more healthier. Nonetheless, after being on my self-love journey for 5 years it is truly madly deeply not easy. You have to keep repeating the healthy behavior which can be a bit uninteresting at times. For example, in the last 2 months of the year (November and December) I was not that much active as I usually was. I missed 8 days of exercise in November and 7 days of exercising in December. I do want to get back on track right in time for the new year. Lovelies I truly madly deeply want 2022 to be my self-care year. World Fitters if you were enjoying too much food this holiday season try not to be too hard on yourself. Yes, you are perfectly imperfect and I love you so. You can restart your weight loss journey anytime you choose. Try your very best and create your very own happily ever after. Have a blessed day or night Lovelies. See you all tomorrow.