My Franchy Daily Weigh-in

Bringing a more cheerful, joyful side to weighing yourself. Lovelies it is truly madly deeply not that serious. ??????

Hi, Lovelies you know I’m all about self-love and loving and accepting all your perfect imperfections. The truth is there is no such thing as the perfect body. All bodies are exceptional in their very own unique ways. Your body has been through a lot, keeping you alive and helping you create your very own happily ever after. Be good to your body and love it to your very own happily ever after.

Growing up, I was always a skinny girl. I got plenty of compliments and try modeling, and was in two pageants in New Jersey. Then life happened, you know, and I put on weight nonetheless; I was still beautiful, as are you, Lovelies. One thing that really made me feel less attractive was when I stepped on the scale and saw that dreadful number. It is truly madly deeply astonishing to see how just a number can ruin your whole perfectly imperfect day. Keeping you Lovelies in mind, I thought I would create a fun, exciting way to weigh yourself. Ya, it really is not that serious. Love yourself no matter what that dreadful number said. After all, it is just a number, and there is much more to you than that. Don’t dream your life live your dream ya.

Me all smiles and don’t care ya ?????????????????????

58 thoughts on “My Franchy Daily Weigh-in”

  1. So I weighed myself today on 10-12-2022, and I’m currently 140 pounds at 5’5. So I will calmly take that in, continue to exercise, and watch what I eat, and then I will have a party and celebrate. Ya, it is really not that serious have a cupcake and smile. ????

  2. So I weighed myself today on 10-13-2022, and I’m currently 143 pounds at 5’5. So I will calmly take that in. I put on 3 pounds from yesterday, so what? I truly madly deeply think curves to your very own happily ever after are the best things ever. You can truly enjoy the scenery and perhaps have a piece of cake why not? Ya, it really is not that serious ????.

  3. So I weighed myself today on 10-14-2022, and I’m currently 140 pounds at 5’5. So I will calmly take that in. Wow, so in one day, I lost 3 pounds. While the other day, I put on three pounds. Great thing I didn’t make a big deal about the three pounds the other day. Mmmmmmm I truly madly deeply think I need a special treat. Mmmmmmmmmmm how about some ice cream? Mmmmmmmm yummy let’s add some whipped cream as well ya. Ya, it really is not that serious ????.

  4. So I weighed myself today on 10-15-2022, and I’m currently 138 pounds at 5’5. So I will calmly take that in. You know, Lovelies, it was only after weighing myself constantly that I realized that not only do I look more prominent on my periods, but I actually put on weight during that time of the month. So many times, we jump on the scale and are genuinely madly deeply horrified at the number we see. When we should remember that there are so many things that can impact our perfectly imperfect weights, it’s not only that we have been cheating and being too lazy to exercise. Be kind to yourself, Lovelies. Perhaps go to the bakery by your work and have that cake you have been eternally making eye contact with. Ya, it really is not that serious ????.

  5. So I weighed myself today on 10-16-2022, and I’m currently 140 pounds at 5’5. So I will calmly take that in. Ya, Lovelies, I’m an independent model in the New York area and so many more things. Because of this, I’m constantly taking pictures and putting my very own perfectly imperfect body on display. Moreover, I’m all over the beautiful world wide web. Additionally, on some of the sites I model own, they can leave me reviews and let me know how I’m doing. Needless to say, that can bring on some stress and take me back on the merry-go-round of broken dreams. Lovelies, that is why it is very important to love yourself no matter what. After all, no one knows you better than you know yourself. Be kind to yourself always, and have a nice whipped cream-covered hot chocolate mmmmmmmmm, yummy. Ya, it really is not that serious ????

  6. So I weighed myself yesterday, on 10-17-2022, and I was currently 140 pounds at 5’5. I will calmly take that in. Ya, Lovelies, so I did weigh myself yesterday, but I did not record it on here, so I’m doing so today. Mmmmmmm, better late than never, right? I see it is very important to do exactly what you said you would do to build trust with you all. Moreover, you are also creating a loving, trusting relationship with yourself which is awesome. Weighing yourself does not have to be so stressful; something you must do to maintain a healthy weight, whatever that might be. Weighing yourself may also be an excuse to treat yourself to some cookies and cream ice cream mmmmmmmmm ya. Ya, it really is not that serious. ????

  7. So I weighed myself today, on 10-18-2022, and I’m currently 140 pounds at 5’5. I will calmly take that in. Ya, Lovelies, so today is a brand new day full of wonderful hopes and dreams. Life has been happening as it often does, and I still managed to keep up with my daily weigh-ins with an exceptional one day of not recording my frantastic weight. I know some people may think that weighing yourself each and every day might be unhealthy for your well-being. Like if you have an unhealthy body image. To some degree, I agree. As someone who had an issue with my perfectly imperfect body growing up, daily weigh-ins may have been a little harmful to me. Nonetheless, weighing yourself like everything else is truly madly deeply whatever you make of it. Try to be optimistic and kind to your perfectly imperfect body. Have a few cups of recess pieces and give yourself a break. Ya, it really is not that serious. ????

  8. So another wonderfully frantastic week has passed. I’ve seen firsthand how my weight can and did fluctuate. Politely reminding me ya it really is not that serious. So many things can truly madly deeply affect your very own perfectly imperfect weight. It’s very important to take action but never let the number define you. The scale is simply another tool you can use to help manage your weight. Love yourself and all your perfect imperfections ya.

    My start weight is 140 pounds. My end weight is 140. Then I put on 3 pounds and lost 2. I did keep in mind that I was trying to get to my Franchy normal after my period. I calmly took it in and brought myself a piece of cake. Ya, as always, truly madly deeply not that serious ya.????

  9. So I weighed myself today, on 10-19-2022, and I’m currently 140 pounds at 5’5. I will calmly take that in. Ya, Lovelies, so I see I’m getting behind on my daily weigh-ins. Understandably so; this is a new project That I’m working on. I don’t want this to be another chore that I will have to complete. I truly madly deeply want to love weighing myself that I do it without thought. The whole point of this new endeavor is not to take things so seriously and to take time to enjoy just being. Your body works hard each and every day let’s show ourselves some love. No beating on yourself for not keeping up with the daily weigh-in. Life happens and often can get very busy, and you know what, that is ok? For example, my older sister just shared with me her brand-new schedule, which is truly mind-blowing. As long I’m truly madly deeply happy, that is what counts ya. I’m making myself a cup of tea so that I can relax some more. You enjoy yourself, Lovelies. Ya, it really is not that serious. ????

  10. So I weighed myself today, on 10-20-2022, and I’m currently 140 pounds at 5’5. I will calmly take that in. Ya, Lovelies, so I’m still behind on my daily weigh-ins. Just a lot has been going on in my very own perfectly imperfect life. Lovelies, I’m so fatigued from working outside and working from home. It is truly madly deeply a lot to handle at the moment. Likewise, I’m sure you Lovelies also have a lot going on in your life. Perhaps you are parents and have a lot on your plate. For instance, caring for your children, perhaps even for your husband. You have to make meals and ensure your children are doing their homework. Even though your daily weight-ins and your daily exercise are of utmost importance, it’s hard to work them into your schedule. Try your best don’t be down on yourself. Have some cinnamon buns with whip cream mmmmmmmm yummy ya. You deserve the best relax and enjoy yourself mmmmmmm ya. Ya, it really is not that serious. ????

  11. So I weighed myself today, on 10-21-2022, and I’m currently 138 pounds at 5’5. I will calmly take that in. Ya, Lovelies, so I’m playing catch-up with my daily weigh-ins. You Lovelies truly, madly, deeply know that I’m perfectly imperfect. I’m not some weight loss guru here to tell you how to lose weight. I’m all about loving your perfectly imperfect body at your weight, whatever that might be. I created this perfectly imperfect page to inspire you to have a better relationship with weighing yourself. I know for myself I just never got on a scale. I used to measure how I’m doing with how clothes looked on my body. Additionally, I wanted to have a fun take on the whole experience itself. Nevertheless, upon keeping up with my very own self-love, I’ve learned a lot about myself, which is great. It’s great when doing something so simple within itself brings on wonderfully beautiful self-discovery. Here have some cinnamon pretzels with cheese, and think about how awesome you are. Ya, it really is not that serious. ????

  12. So I weighed myself today, on 10-22-2022, and I’m currently 138 pounds at 5’5. I will calmly take that in. Ya, Lovelies, so I was very tired and went to sleep finally after two days of not getting enough sleep. Lovelies, you know what? I did not know how much not getting enough sleep can cause weight gain. So many of us don’t take care of our perfectly imperfect bodies. We don’t sleep well, and we don’t eat well, now we have gained 6 pounds. Instead of promising to take better care of ourselves, we blame ourselves. Be kind to yourself always, Lovelies. The weight gain can, at times, tell the most beautiful story that takes our breath away. Listen to your body as you walk to your very own happily ever after. I have a nice ice cream cone you can take with you as you walk. Ya, it really is not that serious. ????

  13. So I weighed myself today, on 10-23-2022, and I’m currently 140 pounds at 5’5. I will calmly take that in. Ya, Lovelies, so I’m currently going through many things in my perfectly imperfect life. Life is truly madly deeply hard, which we all know very well about. Life, at times, is truly like a never-ending roller coaster ride. After which, you dizzily get on the merry-go-round of broken dreams. You frantically searching for your happily ever after ya. Lovelies stress is not just bad for your mental health it can also really re-havoc on your perfectly imperfect body. Sweet Lovelies, I would recommend you meditate. Mmmmmmm, free your mind and have a lovely cup of tea with whip cream. Be thankful to see another day ya. Ya, it really is not that serious. ????

  14. So I weighed myself today, on 10-24-2022, and I’m currently 140 pounds at 5’5. I will calmly take that in. Ya, Lovelies, so I’m officially trying to put an end to my bad self-health. What do you mean, Franchy? You know what (I said in my British accent)? Lovelies, it is time I start implementing what I have been saying all along. That I work hard and truly madly deeply believe in myself. I mean, things have just been going haywire, seriously. I even have some trouble with my daily weigh-in which sounds simple enough. Moreover, I’m a bit disappointed in myself for not keeping up with the daily postings. It’s time I stop and truly believe in myself. Today’s weigh-in was literally off. I weighed myself at 11:48 PM after waking up. I was so tired that I just passed out. At first, it said 141 or 142 pounds, then it settled at 140. Mind you; I’m currently going through my women issues. When weighing yourself, it is very important to consider all that is going on in your perfectly imperfect life. After all, a scale is only a tool to help you live a healthier and happier lifestyle. Be kind and love all your perfect imperfections ya. Mmmmmm, love yourself with some Hershey Kisses ya. Ya, it really is not that serious. ????

  15. So I weighed myself today, on 10-25-2022, and I’m currently 141 pounds at 5’5. I will calmly take that in. Ya, Lovelies, so I’m currently back on track with my daily weigh-ins. Which I’m proud of even though I know it is truly madly deeply not much. I really believe, Lovelies, that to be successful at weight loss continuously, you have to count the small steps as it takes many little steps to reach your frantastic goal weight. Similarly, it was me taking the first step in loving all my perfect imperfections by creating this blog that started me on this wonderful journey. Lovelies start small and truly madly deeply see a whole new world of your very own happily ever after. I love you be well, and have a creamy cherry pie, mmmmmmmm ya. Ya, it really is not that serious. ????

  16. So another wonderful week has passed. I’m truly madly, deeply blessed to have made it to see another beautiful week dance wonderfully by. This past week has been very trying and hectic, to say the least. Sweet Lovelies, for the most part, I have been playing catch up with my daily weigh-ins. Thankfully I was able to get back on track and am now currently where I want to be. You know what, Lovelies (I say with my British accent)? These inconsistent daily weigh-ins show the truth about our very own perfectly imperfect lives. As we all have many beautiful responsibilities and things we have to do. Which makes it really easy to set aside our health for another better day. Unfortunately, not too many of us make our health our very top priority. Nevertheless, we inevitably find out that the best day is right now. Beautiful Sweet Lovelies, make today the best day to live your very own happily ever after, and it all starts with a healthy body.

    My start weight is 140 pounds. My end weight is 141. This week my daily weigh-in were largely inconsistent. For example, in one day, I weighed myself at 11:48 Pm, which was really late. Lovelies, I always want to be candid with you all. Letting you all know that I’m perfectly imperfect. This past week is no different ya. The first two days, I was 140 pounds, then by the third and fourth days, I’d lost 2 pounds. Ya, I became 138 pounds only to gain 2 pounds back. That’s right, for the next two days, I was 140 pounds. Only two put on 1 pound at the end of the week at 141 pounds. Lovelies, all this bouncing up and down of my weight shows me why I should not take my weight so seriously. Yes, I should take it into account and perhaps make some changes. However, I should never take it too seriously. Mmmmmmmmm, let’s have a delicious milkshake to toast to that. Ya, as always, truly madly deeply not that serious, ya.????

  17. So I weighed myself today, on 10-26-2022, and I’m currently 141 pounds at 5’5. I will calmly take that in. Ya, Lovelies, so I’m back at it again behind on my daily weight-in. You know what, that is ok? Things don’t always have to go exactly as expected. Life happens, and that is beautiful. Sometimes the most beautiful things can happen when you take a wonderfully unexpected turn. For example, your weight can take an unexpected turn at any time really. It is you that have to take it calmly in and not be too hard on yourself. Likewise, Yes, yesterday you indulged in a chocolate piece of cake too much. Today no need to starve yourself; just have a smaller portion of chocolate cake. Ya, it really is not that serious. ????

  18. So I weighed myself today, on 10-27-2022, and I’m currently 143 pounds at 5’5. I will calmly take that in. Ya, Lovelies, so I have put on a few pounds. I’m not worried as I know I’m currently on my women issues. Yes, I have my period, and I’m presently uncomfortable, as you can imagine. This uncomfortableness caused by my women’s issues is truly madly deeply not something many women want to discuss freely. Especially weight gain due to that time of the month ya. Similarly, your weight is a sensitive issue and your business that you wish everyone did not have an opinion about.

    Nevertheless, seemingly, everyone has something to say. Everyone has suggestions and no solutions. For instance, my neighbor had a lot to say about my weight gain but never was willing to pay for my frantastic gym membership. Truthfully I feel that if you are just here to give me your opinion and are not ready to help me, then I prefer you keep your thoughts to yourself.

    Similarly, weighing yourself without any real plan, just judgment about your perfectly imperfect body, will not help you. Your mental health has to be in a great place truly madly deeply. Love all your perfect imperfections and always remain positive. Don’t forget to reward yourself with a banana split and sprinkle some laughter and joy mmmmmmmm yummy ya. Ya, it really is not that serious. ????

  19. So I weighed myself today, on 10-28-2022, and I’m currently 141 pounds at 5’5. I will calmly take that in. Ya, Lovelies, so I have been reminiscing about my younger days at my lowest weight. When I was in my early 20s, I was an easy 122 pounds. As I prepare for my very own perfectly imperfect birthday, it only makes sense to think about my life and all I have accomplished with my incredible self-love journey. Additionally, when I was in my 20s, I was very depressed and just hated the way I looked. I thought I was ugly and that no man would ever want me.

    Now I’m almost 40 years old and truly madly deeply love myself. Lovelies, I really believe that when it comes to your weight, your age definitely plays a big part. For instance, I remember when I was 19 years old, trying to lose weight. It was so much easier than when I was in my 30’s trying to do the exact same thing. Please, Lovelies, as you celebrate your wonderful birthdays, have a nice piece of birthday cake and party like you want to ya. Ya, it really is not that serious. ????

  20. So I weighed myself today, on 10-29-2022, and I’m currently 143 pounds at 5’5. I will calmly take that in. Ya, Lovelies, so I have been keeping up with my daily weigh-in though sometimes a bit late. Furthermore, I have noticed the comment section getting longer and longer. It’s incredible what can be accomplished one step at a time. Lovelies, I have also noticed some of my comments have been rather long. Mmmmmmmm, long enough to be an entire blog post.

    So Lovelies, it got me thinking. Thinking is inevitable as I ride the merry-go-round of broken dreams. What are you talking about, Franchy? What I mean, Lovelies, is I have really been thinking about whether I have truly, madly, deeply reached my full potential. I remember when I first started the idea of the daily dose. It was truly well received. Then I started the same proposition on another blog. Sweet Lovelies, I’m truly madly deeply a bowl of contradictions. I have so many beautiful proposals and things I want to accomplish.

    Nonetheless, something keeps holding me back ya. What is holding you back, Lovelies? Don’t you let it! Don’t dream your life; live your dream. Lay on your sofa with a slice of Pizza and turn on the TV and think about being the best you. Ya, it really is not that serious. ????

  21. So I weighed myself today, on 10-30-2022, and I’m currently 140 pounds at 5’5. I will calmly take that in. Ya, Lovelies, so I’m getting excited as tomorrow is my perfectly imperfect birthday. Needless to say, I did not feel like weighing myself in between my excitements. Nevertheless, consistency is vital when it comes to keeping the weight off. Additionally, working hard and believing in yourself, ya. On that note, I’m going to have some cupcakes in preparation for my birthday. Ya, it really is not that serious. ????

  22. So I weighed myself today, on 10-31-2022, and I’m currently 143 pounds at 5’5. I will calmly take that in. Ya, Lovelies, so it’s my birthday. Happy birthday to me. Today I have reached the perfectly imperfect milestone of 40 years old. I truly, madly, deeply can’t believe I have been on this earth for that long. Needless to say, with all the wonderful, beautiful festivities going on, thinking about my perfectly imperfect weight is the last thing on my mind, as it should be, Lovelies. Thinking about our weight should be the last thing on our minds as we have a lot of other great things going on in our lives. I’m not saying don’t pay any attention to your weight. You should always take your weight into consideration.

    Nevertheless, please don’t make it your everything. Relax and enjoy your perfectly imperfect day. Mmmmmmm, I’m doing this right now while eating a lovely piece of birthday cake. Mmmmmmmm, I have saved you all a plate. Ya, it really is not that serious. ????

  23. So I weighed myself today, on 11-01-2022, and I’m currently 141 pounds at 5’5. I will calmly take that in. Ya, Lovelies, so it’s my sixth self-love anniversary. I remember rather vividly going to the doctor and, for the first time after a while, getting my weight taken. I was shocked by the results, 173 pounds. When I was younger, I was 130 pounds. It’s really amazing how time can change things. I feel like I was two different women at these perfectly imperfect times of my life. For instance, I went from being insecure and not knowing what I wanted to being a strong, confident woman going after what I truly madly deeply wanted. So ya, it is just a number; nevertheless, that number can take you on the most beautiful journey to your happily ever after. Before you head there, Lovely, have a nice piece of strawberry cake mmmmmmm, yummy. Ya, it really is not that serious. ????

  24. So another wonderful week has passed. This week was special because it was my birthday week, and I turned 40 years old, which is a significant milestone, as one can expect. To be honest, I’m not in the bit excited about turning 40 this year at all. That means I’m getting older, and I really want my sweet dreams to come true. Similarly, with age comes to all sorts of urgency to get fit and healthy. For instance, the prominence for women to lose all their baby weight after giving birth. The reality is all bodies are beautiful and very different. For example, a woman can quickly lose weight while another can have a challenging time. This is why it is essential to understand your own body and not be too hard on yourself. Love your body and all your perfect imperfections.

    My start weight is 141 pounds. My end weight is 141. With my start weight and end weight the same, one would think that my weigh-in was straightforward and uneventful. But, ya, Lovelies, things can be pretty much not what they seem ya. With my birthday additionally with me trying to catch up with my daily weigh-in, things were anything but easy and going with the flow.

    Additionally, I created another excellent daily on my perfectly imperfect birthday on my other frantastic website, “Franchy’s Earning My Life By Living It.” Lovelies, as you can see, my lovely routine was anything both uneventful. When it comes to my weight specifically, I have to mention that I was on my period. So ya, I was more extensive and put on a few pounds. For example, for the first four days, I went from 141 to 143 back and forth. Then I drop down to 140 pounds only to put on 3 pounds and become 143. After which, I did a grand final at 141 pounds. Lovelies, it never ceases to amaze me how much my weight goes up and down. Understandably so, as anything can affect your perfectly imperfect weight. Remember, Lovelies, never take your weight too seriously. Mmmmmmm, have chocolate-covered marshmallows instead ya. Ya, as always, truly madly deeply not that serious, ya.????

  25. So I weighed myself today, on 11-02-2022, and I’m currently 140 pounds at 5’5. I will calmly take that in. Ya, Lovelies, so I’m so behind right now; ugh, seriously. Lovelies, do you ever feel like you are really trying hard, and no matter what, you keep failing? Like you are in a quicksand of your happily unhappily ever after. I see that a lot in people who are in their active addiction. No matter how hard they try to beat their addiction, they always end up back on the merry-go-round of broken dreams.

    Similarly, weight loss can be just as stubborn. You can try your hardest to diet and exercise, and the number on the scale refuses to move. Then out of frustration, you pick up the scale and put it in the garbage; lol, just kidding. But seriously, weight loss can truly, madly, deeply be stressful, which is why I created these beautiful inspirations daily. So relax, have a Recess Cup and live your best life ever. Ya, it really is not that serious. ????

  26. So I weighed myself today, on 11-03-2022, and I’m currently 141 pounds at 5’5. I will calmly take that in. Ya, Lovelies, so I have not been getting enough sleep. I have been staying up and working hard. You know, Lovelies, as a business owner, you are never truly, madly, deeply ever off from work. Unlike a regular 9 to 5, you never really clock out from your work. Which is fine as I made the frantastic decision to work for myself, and I don’t regret my decision at all ya. I truly, madly, deeply love working on my very own sweet, beautiful dreams.

    Nevertheless, I know how important it is to get enough rest. Ya, it would be best to have enough sleep to live a long life. Moreover, Sweet Lovelies, do you know not getting enough sleep causes weight gain? I always tell you all to take everything into perspective, as many things can be the reason why the number on the scale is so high. So Lovelies, don’t take it too seriously and have a nice piece of lemon pound cake mmmmmmmm, yummy ya. Ya, it really is not that serious. ????

  27. So I weighed myself today, on 11-04-2022, and I’m currently 137 pounds at 5’5. I will calmly take that in. Ya, Lovelies, so I have been working really hard to increase my water intake, Sweet Lovelies. Ever since I had to go to the emergency room because of my lousy constipation, I have finally made sure I drink water each and every day. To be honest, the transition has not been easy at all. I’m so used to not drinking water. Not drinking water has been a bad habit that I have been trying to change for a while.

    Nevertheless, I must continue drinking more water as the iron pills cause constipation. Lovelies, if you have to take iron pills because of low iron in your body, please make sure you drink plenty of water. Take care of yourselves, Lovelies. Sweet lovelies additionally wanted to add that not drinking enough water is not good if you are looking to lose weight. Ya Lovelies, drink beautiful, excellent water in the meantime, and have a lovely strawberry shake with whip cream ya. Ya, it really is not that serious. ????

  28. So I weighed myself today, on 11-05-2022, and I’m currently 138 pounds at 5’5. I will calmly take that in. Ya, Lovelies, so I’m about to go back to my online modeling job. Being live online and showing your perfectly imperfect body is never relatively easy as you constantly wonder what others are thinking about your body. We all have insecurities about our bodies. Areas that we are not terribly happy about.

    Nevertheless, it is our very own beautiful body, and we must love ourselves. In the past, my low self-esteem had kept me from modeling all my perfect imperfections. So Now I do independent modeling and truly, madly, deeply am learning to love myself. Similarly, I would love a nice chocolate pie right about now. Mmmmmmmm, I have added some whipped cream mmmmmmmm, oh so delicious in my beautiful mouth. Ya, it really is not that serious. ????

  29. So I weighed myself today, on 11-06-2022, and I’m currently 140 pounds at 5’5. I will calmly take that in. Ya, Lovelies, so I’m doing better today, thankfully. Lately, I have been under a lot of financial stress and other frantastic life stresses. Ya, Lovelies, sometimes life happens, and you just don’t know what to do. Unfortunately, too much pressure is not just bad for your health it can also contribute to your weight gain. I’m trying to start meditating again so I can get back to my old Franchy self ya. Also, hear that some lovely banana muffins with whip cream may also do the trick. Ya, it really is not that serious. ????

  30. So I weighed myself today, on 11-07-2022, and I’m currently 140 pounds at 5’5. I will calmly take that in. Ya, Lovelies, so I have been working really hard. For instance, I was tired already, and I still managed to go live and talk to my fans. The reason I truly madly did that was because it was really important to me. Lovelies, whatever is important to you, you will make time for it sincerely. To me, the two most essential things in my life are my health and my two main businesses. I truly, madly, deeply will do what it takes to succeed. Tomorrow is work with Papa and then the online dating app Couple TV. Soon I will be auditioning for the reality show for my modeling business.

    Similarly, I had to work hard to lose all the weight I had. Its means exercising every day. Additionally, it means no more McDonald’s and Burger King. Lovelies, if you genuinely want things to be different, then you have to change. Take the first step and get on a scale. Always remember not to take it too seriously and have a nice delicious milkshake; after all, you are absolutely worth it. Ya, it really is not that serious. ????

  31. So I weighed myself today, on 11-08-2022, and I’m currently 140 pounds at 5’5. I will calmly take that in. Ya, Lovelies, so I’m genuinely unorganized ya, which I find a bit peculiar as I’m really good at cleaning. So good I’m thinking about adding it to part of my business, Frans Online Business INC. I don’t know, Lovelies; it is just that when I have a lot going on in my perfectly imperfect mind, my surroundings truly madly deeply show that. To be honest, I love a clean house where I know where everything is.

    Similarly, disorganized thoughts in your perfectly imperfect mind can also impact your weight in a negative way. Not knowing what is going on in your body can really have deadly consequences. Be well, Lovelies; know yourself and be good to yourself and eat that chocolate cake you have been eyeing. Ya, it really is not that serious. ????

  32. Just wanted to also mention Lovelies as I truly madly deeply want to remain transparent. On 11-08-2022, I weigh myself really late at night. To be more specific, at 12:10 AM. Ya, I’m truly perfectly imperfect.

    Love Francesca

  33. So another wonderful week has passed. Ya, Lovelies, another lovely, perfectly imperfect week; last week was definitely challenging in so many ways. For example, I’m so behind on my daily weigh-in, as you can all tell. Moreover, I have been weighing myself late as well. Thinking back to why I wanted to start my daily weigh-ins in the first place. Which was to inspire you all to weigh yourself more consistently without it causing any trauma in your perfectly imperfect life, hence “Ya, it is really not that serious.” I don’t mean not to react to any sudden change in your weight; just don’t let it bring you down. There is so much more to who you are. I’m delighted to have started my daily weigh-in. I hope you all like it too ya.

    My start weight is 140 pounds. My end weight is 140. Wow, I started and ended the same weight; how at ease does that feel? It looks pretty straight forward and easy to understand. Nonetheless, this week was anything but easy. For instance, I’m so behind with my weight and daily weigh-in. To be more specific, I started at 140 pounds and put on 1 pound, and became 141 pounds. Then I dropped 4 pounds and was 137, only to gain 1 pound to be 138 pounds. Finally settling at 140 pounds for the rest end of the week. Please don’t get me wrong, Lovelies. I’m proud of myself for keeping going and never giving up. As I’m not used to weighing myself daily.

    Nevertheless, I truly madly deeply want to be back on track to get back to my other dailies. Ya, I’m working hard to grow all my businesses. I’m currently working on getting another job, which will keep me very busy, but I need the work. I will talk more about that on another day. Lovelies in general, keeping up with exercising and your perfectly imperfect weight is never easy. Life happens as a lot of us are busy living our life. Nevertheless, live your life and have some sweet apple pie with whip cream mmmmmmmm ya. Ya, as always, truly madly deeply not that serious, ya. ????

  34. So I weighed myself today, on 11-09-2022, and I’m currently 141 pounds at 5’5. I will calmly take that in. Ya, Lovelies, so I have been a bit depressed as of late. You know life has been happening as it always often does. While many people may suggest just cheering up, it is just not that simple.

    Similarly, people may think losing weight is easy and for them to start a healthier lifestyle; nonetheless, things are never that simple. Life is not just black and white but is filled with many beautiful, wonderful colors. Likewise, we all come in frantastic, uniquely beautiful shapes; no size is better than the other. So Lovelies, instead of being judgemental about all your perfect imperfections, love yourself for whoever you are and make yourself some pancakes with whip cream to celebrate mmmmmmmmm ya. Ya, it really is not that serious. ????

  35. So I weighed myself today, on 11-10-2022, and I’m currently 140 pounds at 5’5. I will calmly take that in. Ya, Lovelies, so I’m really behind Lovelies. So sorry about that. I don’t know if it is that bit of self-doubt constantly playing in the background on the merry-go-round of broken dreams.

    Similarly, you may be trying to lose the very last 15 pounds, and your bashfulness somehow keeps you from living your wonderful sweet dreams. Don’t dream your life; live your dreams, Sweet, Lovely. Mmmmmmm, now have some banana muffins with whip cream that you have been dreaming of. So ya, it really is not that serious. ????

  36. So I weighed myself today, on 11-11-2022, and I’m currently 140 pounds at 5’5. I will calmly take that in. Ya, Lovelies, so I have reached a frantastic blossoming peak of life that I’m just going to trust myself no matter what. With the work I do constantly being rated and reviewed, it is easy to lose yourself. To truly, madly, deeply forget who you really are. When you are like me and have very low self-worth, it is easy to be taken by what others think of you. For instance, when I had put on weight, many people had something to say about my sudden weight gain. They were so kind to remind me how much better I looked when I was thinner. Lovelies, I didn’t stand for anything in particular, so I stood for everything. Likewise, the scale can be unbiased information about your health. Use it wisely but please never take it too seriously.

    Additionally, afterward, treat yourself to an apple pie with whipped cream. Finally, be good to yourself and love all your perfect imperfections. So ya, it really is not that serious. ????

  37. So I weighed myself today, on 11-12-2022, and I’m currently 140 pounds at 5’5. I will calmly take that in. Ya, Lovelies, so I’m so tired right now. Ya, Lovelies, no sleep for Franchy again. My mind is forever searching for its happily ever after and applying from one thing to the next and the next. For example, I recently learned about this new app called Pococha I, of course, signed up through Swagbucks. Lovelies, I have to go back to what I’m passionate about and absolutely love. Focus on what I truly am in love with and what matters to my warm Franchy heart writing.

    Similarly, doing every diet you have ever heard of won’t help to keep the weight off. You have to choose the one who truly madly deeply speaks to you. Mmmmmmmmmm, Lovelies, passion creates the most beautiful resolves. So Lovelies, resolve to live your very best life ever and have cookies and cream ice cream to celebrate mmmmmmm ya. So ya, it really is not that serious. ????

  38. So I weighed myself today, on 11-13-2022, and I’m currently 140 pounds at 5’5. I will calmly take that in. Ya, Lovelies, so I’m trying to be more positive and live my life to the fullest. I realize that my life is not perfect, and you know what, that is ok? Likewise, there is no such thing as the ideal body. We all have perfectly imperfect bodies, which are truly madly deeply beautiful. You are gorgeous, Lovelies, and I love you. Here is a rose-covered cake I made just for you mmmmmmmm ya. So ya, it really is not that serious. ????

  39. So I weighed myself today, on 11-14-2022, and I’m currently 138 pounds at 5’5. I will calmly take that in. Ya, Lovelies, so I’m so amazed that currently in my forties, I’m able to go back in my thirties in pounds, that is. Though it genuinely feels like turning back the beautiful hands of time. I remember the last time I was thirty pounds; I was in my early twenties. I was young, and ya was starving myself. I was truly, madly, deeply depressed, and all people could see was how amazing my body looked. When I put on the weight and was much more happier, all people could see was how fat I looked. My point, Sweet Lovelies, is that don’t let people’s opinions define you. Your weight is your business; love you no matter what. Have some cheery homemade pie made with sweet love. Don’t forget the whipped cream, mmmmmmmmm yummy. So ya, it really is not that serious. ????

  40. So I weighed myself today, on 11-15-2022, and I’m currently 140 pounds at 5’5. I will calmly take that in. Ya, Lovelies, so I’m contemplating about my perfectly imperfect life. There are so many things that I now realize that I was really thinking about something ultimately the wrong way. Mmmmmmmmmm, my beautiful blue eyes have been closed for a while, beauties as have yours, Sweet Lovelies. Your weight was never the problem, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with you. I hope by sharing my weight with you all, I open your blue eyes and truly madly deeply show you that you are perfectly imperfect, and I love you. Mmmmmmmmmmm, let’s walk to the nearest bakery and crab a delicious pumpkin pie with strawberries. Let’s walk to our happily ever after. So ya, it really is not that serious. ????

  41. So another wonderful week has passed. Ya, Lovelies, another frantastic week of me playing catch up; by the way, I still need to catch up ugh. Lovelies, I truly madly deeply have to look at my life and see the theme song that is playing eternally on the merry-go-round of broken dreams. The theme of not believing in myself and all my perfect imperfections. Lovelies, I have done this several times. On several different platforms. I must stop letting my self-doubt interfere with my very own happily ever after! The new year is almost here, and I truly madly deeply don’t want to keep doing the same thing and getting the same results. It’s time I believe and make it happen. You do the same, Lovelies; then we can celebrate.

    My start weight is 141 pounds. My end weight is 140. You know what, Lovelies? My daily weigh-ins are truly madly deeply like a roller coaster ride. You just never really know what to expect. Lovelies, use the scale as a tool only and not as a definer of your next ride on the merry-go-round of broken dreams because your weight can vary tremendously. For instance, I started at 141 pounds, then lost one pound and became 140 pounds for the next frantastic four days. Only to lose two more pounds and become 138 pounds which are genuinely remarkable. Then if you can believe it, the very next day, I put back on the two pounds and finished the week with 140 pounds.

    See, Sweet Lovelies, if I had let myself go too mad, I would end up in a mental hospital of sorts. Your mindset is everything! If you are going to obsess over your weight, you are going to live a life full of eternal worries and shame. For what? There is no such thing as the perfect body. You don’t have to apologize for eating your favorite cake in a time of happiness or weakness. Why not celebrate your new-found self-love with a lovely strawberry shortcake with whipped cream mmmmmmmmm, yummy ya? Ya, as always, truly madly deeply not that serious, ya. ????

  42. So I weighed myself today, on 11-16-2022, and I’m currently 140 pounds at 5’5. I will calmly take that in. Ya, Lovelies, so I have thankfully been keeping up with my daily exercises. As some of you may understand, the hard part is always keeping the weight off. Sweet Lovelies losing weight initially is easy. Lovelies, one thing I suggest you always try to do when you weigh yourself is to think of the positive instead of the negative. Like me, for example, I’m not thinking about how behind I truly madly deeply am. Instead, I’m focusing on what I have been keeping track of my exercising. If all we ever do is pay attention to all the bad things going on, we will clearly be unhappy and depressed. So Lovelies, be happy and have a tasty oreo cookie and cream shake mmmmmmmm, yummy ya. So ya, it really is not that serious. ????

  43. So I weighed myself today, on 11-17-2022, and I’m currently 142 pounds at 5’5. I will calmly take that in. Ya, Lovelies, so I love my body well, except my stomach. The stomach is always hard to get smaller. Sweet Lovelies, I’m just kidding. I honestly love every part of me as of now. I can joke and laugh, ya, and know; it really is not that serious. I have grown a lot as a woman. I have truly, madly, deeply fallen in love with myself. I hope to inspire you to do the same, Lovelies, dance, love, and laugh to your very own happily ever after. For at your happily ever after are your most delicious cupcakes, mmmmmmmmmm ya. So ya, it really is not that serious. ????

  44. Hi Lovelies, how have you all been? I have been good, praise God, and I truly, madly, deeply hope you are doing well, too ya. Ya, Lovelies, my daily weigh-ins have stopped and are entirely backed up. To be honest, some of my weigh-ins were inaccurate as I did them late and sometimes missed the day entirely right into the next beautiful day. You know what, Lovelies? This whole experience of my frantastic weigh-ins has shown the reality of weight loss and keeping the weight off, which is often frustrating with us ending up giving up eternally more. Sweet Lovelies, this is exactly why I wanted to create this fun point of view of getting on the scale and showing ya it really is not that serious. I will continue doing just that, introducing part two of my daily weigh-ins with sweet love. Let me end with my inaccurate daily weigh-ins ya.
    ?????140, 140, 140, 140, 141, 142, 143, 140, 140, 140, 141, 140, 140, 138 ???? So ya, it really is not that serious. ????

  45. Ya, Lovelies, truly madly deeply starting all over again to my very own happily ever after. Introducing part two of my daily weigh-ins with sweet love. So ya, it really is not that serious. ????

  46. So ya, I’m back at weighing in myself daily. Today I found out that I weigh 125. Wow, I have lost a lot of weight. That is why it is essential to keep track of your weight and ensure you are healthy. Love yourself and all your perfect imperfections. ????

  47. Ya, another frantastic weigh-in. I’m now 128 pounds. Someone is now complaining that I’m too skinny. Before, they were saying I was too big. That is why you don’t worry about what others think of you. Love yourself and all your perfect imperfections. ????

  48. Yes, yesterday I was 127 pounds, still on the smaller side, but I am ok. I’m still loving all my perfect imperfections and just giving this daily weigh-in another go. Let’s see what happens.

  49. Today I’m back to 131 pounds. I feel blessed, honestly. I realize how much I truly madly deeply don’t care what others think about my weight. I just want to be healthy and love myself. People will always have something to say. Oh, you are too fat. Oh, you are too skinny. In the end, it is your very own perfectly imperfect opinion that truly mady deeply matters.

  50. Yes, today, on 8-15-2023, I’m 130 pounds. That’s a significant number, and I love it. Most importantly, I love myself and all my perfect imperfections. This is my self-love journey create your own.

  51. Yes, today, on 8-16-2023, I’m 131 pounds. Before just recently, my lowest was at 133 pounds, so that is 2 pounds difference. I’m sharing my perfectly imperfect weight journey to encourage you all to manage your weight better. Ya, and to truly, madly, deeply realize ya it is really not that serious.

  52. Yes, today, on 8-17-2023, I’m 130 pounds. I have slowly but surely been getting back into the habit of weighing myself daily. I do think it is essential to know your weight definitely instead of relying on people’s opinions of your weight, which can be detrimental to your mental health. So love your body and remember ya; it is not that serious.

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