Tag Archives: live your best life


Sometimes just a few days into the new year doesn’t guarantee a happily ever after of sweet blue dreams. For just as everything seems perfectly imperfect you see the merry-go-round of broken dreams waiting for you patiently right by your very own Franchy doorsteps. Moreover, you hear the continuous melody of broken promises playing in the eternal backdrop of your very own happily ever after. Additionally, last year’s past of broken dreams is paying you a visit right this very moment as we speak. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel choose happiness always. I know life can truly madly deeply be so trying that it can really leave you breathless. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel always believe in your wonderfully blue dreams. Don’t dream your life live your dream eternally more mmmmmmmm ya.

Bonjour (Good morning) World Fitters. Good morning to you from beautiful Paris of sweet dreams.

Hi Lovelies how are you all doing this beautiful perfectly imperfect morning? I’m doing well just a bit tired from working. I have recently returned back to working outside my home in order to supplement my income. Ya Lovelies I do a lot to earn every breath that I take. For instance, I model and create content. Additionally, I vlog, blog, podcast, and do outside jobs, gigs. Oh, I also stream live on Younow. Ya Lovelies I truly madly deeply want to put my current financial situation to rest. I most certainly don’t like living from paycheck to paycheck. As I’m in New York and it is pretty expansive living in this absolutely beautiful state. For example, just getting a one-bedroom apartment is very pricey. I have been paying rent since I was 20 or 21 years of age and got my first apartment at the age of 27. I also have my very own business bills that I pay in addition to my living expenses. Ya needless to say I do have a lot on my Franchy plate right now. Nonetheless just because it is a new year does not mean your happily ever after is right here waiting for you.

Sometimes just a few days into the new year doesn’t guarantee a happily ever after of sweet blue dreams. For just as everything seems perfectly imperfect you see the merry-go-round of broken dreams waiting for you patiently right by your very own franchy doorsteps. Moreover, you hear the continuous melody of broken promises playing in the eternal backdrop of your very own happily ever after. Additionally, last year’s past of broken dreams is paying you a visit right this very moment as we speak. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel choose happiness always. I know life can truly madly deeply be so trying that it can really leave you breathless. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel always believe in your wonderfully blue dreams. Don’t dream your life live your dream eternally more mmmmmmmm ya. Ya Lovelies the new year is here and I’m truly madly deeply very excited. I still have a chance to work on my wonderful blue dreams of hope. Nevertheless, last year’s past was not an absolute horrid waste of my Franchy sweet dreams. I was able to bring back one of my sites that is also near and dear to my heart https://www.myearninglifegog82.com/2015/11/coming-in-full-circle.html. Lovelies I have a lot of sites to work on getting back to Franchys love performance. Additionally, I have other sites for which I have to create content. World Fitters with this new year I really want to accomplish all my Franchy goals including finally publishing my very first book. I truly madly deeply believe in myself and believe I can indeed do it this year. Last year I partially reached my goals. This year I would truly like to meet my goals at 100%. Let’s see what transcribe Lovelies. I truly madly deeply wish you all good luck this year. May all your dreams come true. Stay safe and protect yourself from Covid. I love you all have a blessed day ya.


2022 A Franchy Year Of Self Love.

Every so often a New Year of hope is a very sweet chance for you to stop dreaming your life and begin living your dream. Create your very own happily ever after and live the life you always dream of. Yes you are absolutely worth it.

Wow, Lovelies Happy New Year! I’m so excited to be bringing in the new year with you Lovelies. This year I really am looking to post more regularly. Revealing more of the real me. Ya, I’m perfectly imperfect and that is truly madly deeply beautiful. Sweet Lovelies since starting this beautiful wonderful amazing blog I have never pretended to truly madly deeply have all the answers for every question. Because I truly don’t and there is no need to pretend otherwise. Rather this is just my very own journey of self-love that I’m sharing so that I may help you.

Yes truly helping you is the whole reason that I started my frantastic blog of self-love. I was feeling unattractive and unloved and I thought I might help others who are feeling the same way. Moving forward I will include a wide range of content just to your liking. Feel free to comment any suggestions on a topic you may have. Just please make sure it is a topic related to this blog. I’m unable to promise to write an article on every topic you suggest sorry. I do promise to always do my best to bring you the best content that will interest you. I’m am looking forward to another year with you all. Stay blessed and have a very safe new year. I truly madly deeply hope this is a great year for you all.

I dedicate this post to the lovly Betty White who passed away on New Years Eve. Just a couple days short of her very own perfectly imperfect 100th birthday. Gone but never truly madly deeply forgotten. Circa; January 12 1922 to December 31, 2021.

2021 It Is All Because Of You

Faith runs deep like a voluntary dive into the unknown. Believe in yourself Sweet Lovely. Never settle as you truly madly deeply deserve the very best. Dont dream your life live your dream mmmmmmmmm ya.

Hi, Lovelies, good day to you all. How are you all doing this lovely beautiful morning in amazingly wonderful Tinsel Town of blue hopes and dreams? I’m doing alright truly madly deeply can’t complain. I hope you all are amazingly awesomely also doing very well too Sweet Lovelies. Lovelies I can’t believe 2021 is coming to a close and we will soon be welcoming 2022. I’m now 39 years of age and ever hopeful of stopping dreaming my life and living my dream. Lovelies I remember starting blogging and writing more seriously at 30 or 31 years of age. When in actuality I have been writing since I was like 9 or 10 years old. After all of this perfectly imperfect life wanderlust of dreams has come to past one begins to truly wonder what do you desire?

Well, Lovelies it is quite simple really I desire to help you all live the very best life you possibly can. I want you all to get up each day and open your beautiful blue eyes to all the wonderful beautiful possibilities that this life can truly offer. That’s right I only want to help! I started this blog after my very own weight issues. People were constantly bothering me and telling me how much better I looked thinner and how I needed to lose weight. Now when I look back at my old pictures when I was bigger I see my very own natural beauty that always prevails no matter what. I was so busy listening to other’s opinions about me that I did not even hear my very own sweet heart. There was this particular dreadful neighbor that just kept bothering me about my belly. Constantly asking if I was pregnant in a form of a joke. I was very lost and I really needed someone. Likewise, you may be lost and need someone I can be that for you if you like?

Lovelies tell Franchy what you like and desire? Ya, I want to know some things you would like me to publish about. This blog is for all of us so your thoughts are truly madly deeply very important. You are the reason that I’m online and I appreciate all of you. I love you all with all my Franchy heart. Yes, I’m currently in New York but you Lovelies allow me to travel to your heart every time you read my lovely blog. Thank you from the bottom of my Franchy heart. Have a lovely blessed day mmmmmmm ya.


Sometimes what is truly madly deeply in your heart is what you were always meant to be. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel I see you on the merry go round of broken dreams looking as beautiful as ever. Nonetheless last years past of broken dreams are continously playing on the merry go round of broken dreams. Tell me Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel what does your beautiful heart truly desire? In my Franchy experience it is much better to live a short life full of the things you always wanted then to live a long life living a life you absolutely hate. Sweet Lovely follow your heart to your very own happily ever after. Oh Sweet Lovely darling I want you to desire and feel an overwhelming passion for living your dream. For when it comes true you will truly madly deeply feel absolute pleasure and contentment living the life of your dreams. Sweet Angel Love desire love and happiness. For then you will truly madly deeply be living your dream instead of dreaming your life.

Bonjour (Good morning) World Fitters. Good morning to you from beautiful Port Au Prince Haiti.

Hi Lovelies, how do you do? How are you feeling this very frantastic morning? I’m doing well doing some much-needed blogging. Hope you all are well and happy World Fitters. Lovelies do you desire life? I do Lovelies. I woke up this perfectly imperfect morning with so much passion in my Franchy heart. I thought about how I had another chance of reaching my very own happily ever after. Lovelies so many did not get this very beautiful blessing this morning. Sweet Lovelies I started praying again in the morning. Thanking God for giving me another day. Another day to live the life I truly desire. Lovelies what is it you truly madly deeply desire?

Sometimes what is truly madly deeply in your heart is what you were always meant to be. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel, I see you on the merry-go-round of broken dreams looking as beautiful as ever. Nonetheless, last year’s past of broken dreams are continuously playing on the merry-go-round of broken dreams. Tell me Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel what does your beautiful heart truly desire? In my Franchy experience, it is much better to live a short life full of the things you always wanted than to live a long life living a life you absolutely hate. Sweet Lovely follow your heart to your very own happily ever after. Oh, Sweet Lovely darling I want you to desire and feel an overwhelming passion for living your dream. For when it comes true you will truly madly deeply feel absolute pleasure and contentment living the life of your dreams. Sweet Angel Love desire love and happiness for then you will truly madly deeply be living your dream instead of dreaming your life. Lovelies as I penned this lovely article I begin to think really intently. How much of us are truly living the life we desire? How many of us wake up each day knowing we will be doing exactly what we like without any consequences? Well truthfully not too many of us, unfortunately. Many of us are truly stuck in a job we hate just so that we can pay the bills month to month. As a matter of fact, living a life we desire is becoming more and more just a dream. For instance, when I hear people talking about their jobs it is just a means to an end. Working for another dollar to sustain an eternity that is comfortable. Lovelies working for myself have always been in my heart in some shape or form. I don’t want to just work for someone else’s dreams when I have my own. Lovelies I desire a life full of contentment and the ability to help others do the same. In finally I desire Francesca Etheart INC and Frans Online Business INC. I desire to bring joy and happiness to my Lovelies mmmmmmmm ya. I love you.


Desire that you are living your best life ever mmmmmmmmmmm ya. ????????????????


Sometimes life is whatever you make of it. Be merry Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel. Live a life full of contentment. Truly madly deeply learn to dance in the rain. Take out your wonderful beautiful blue dancing shoes as you cautiously get off the merry go round of broken dreams. With last years past of broken dreams truly madly deeply behind you you can finally open your wonderfully beautiful blue eyes to all beautifully wonderful possibilities. I love you Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel. This life of yours is never eternal but always everlastingly hopeful of creating the happily ever after you truly are warranted. Seize the day Sweet Lovely carpe diem. Live your very best life now and forevermore.

Buongiorno (Good morning) World Fitters. Good morning to you from Italy.

Hi Lovelies, how are you doing this perfectly imperfect morning? I’m doing good feeling blessed to see another day. I hope you all are doing very well too. Ya Lovelies life can be so hard at times. As a matter of fact life can drop you to your knees with you begging for it all to stop. It is no surprise the opioid epidemic is truly madly deeply a thing. As many people rather numb themselves from all the trauma. With so many asking why me? The real question is why not you? Sweet Lovely there is a story about a beautiful girl. That at one time all was going very well in her life. She was beautiful and popular with a guy that was absolutely mad about her. Then one day she was at a party. She was drinking and having the time of her life. A friend offered to shot her up and she happily laughingly said yes have a go. Now she is in the streets barefooted with just a dirty shirt on. The love of her life has recently pass from a heroine over dose and now she is all alone. Then suddenly she dropped to her knees screaming and cursing up to the havens. Why me she yells. Then at that very moment someone with the bluest eyes walk to her and asked. Did anyone ever told you that life is what ever you make of it?

Sometimes life is whatever you make of it. Be merry Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel. Live a life full of contentment. Truly madly deeply learn to dance in the rain. Take out your wonderful beautiful blue dancing shoes as you cautiously get off the merry go round of broken dreams. With last years past of broken dreams truly madly deeply behind you you can finally open your wonderfully beautiful blue eyes to all the beautifully wonderful possibilities. I love you Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel. This life of yours is never eternal but always everlastingly hopeful of creating the happily ever after you truly are warranted. Seize the day Sweet Lovely carpe diem. Live your very best life now and forevermore. Ya Lovelies we all should truly try to live our very best life ever. World Fitters there has been plenty of bad things that has happen to me at some point in my perfectly imperfect life. So many tears lost that could never be replaced. Nevertheless I know that life is truly madly deeply whatever you make of it. That beautiful girl story I was just sharing is someone’s perfectly imperfect story. At first we really believe we have control that we can stop getting on the merry go round of broken dreams any day we please. Nevertheless we never made the decision not to. Similarly we keep crying our hearts out. Laying on our bed that we have made plenty many times. Sweet Lovely true solace is inevitable when you realize life is really what ever you make of it. You can choose happiness now and forevermore for eternity. Lovelies that is truly madly deeply what I’m choosing on this special day. I promise no matter what I will be truly content and live my very best life. No more broken promises. This is the new me. Join me Lovelies and lets dance to our very own happily ever after.



Sometimes last years past of broken dreams are entangled so closely on the merry go round of broken dreams. That one just never know just how to make their perfectly imperfect dreams a true blue reality of many beautifully wonderful hopes and dreams. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel I see your beautiful blue eyes shining oh so brightly as you go on your many wanderlust walks of many hopes and dreams. Sweet Lovely Darling as you stare across the waterway of many sweet broken promises. The waterway begins to dissipate and has become dimmer from last years past of broken dreams. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel I know you want to close your beautiful blue eyes and put together your bright blue shoes of hopes and dreams. Then open your beautiful blue eyes to all the wonderful beautiful possibilities. Never give up on your wonderful sweet dreams Beautiful. Believe in yourself always. I love you and you are absolutely worth having the happily ever after you always wanted mmmmmmmmmmmm ya.

早上好 (Good morning) World Fitters. Good morning to you from Hong Kong China.

Hi Lovelies, how are you doing this lovely beautiful morning? To be Franchy candid I’m not feeling really good today as I’m experiencing my women issues yet again. Speaking of I will have to take some medication really soon so I may go on with my perfectly imperfect day. I’m truly madly deeply happy to say that I have been back on my beautifully wonderfully walks Lovelies. I must say my day truly madly deeply doesn’t feel complete without my special walks. As a matter of fact I’m officially making it a tradition to just step outside even for just a moment. I really need that Lovelies perhaps you need that too? When you are really trying to lose weight you think you need to do a lot so that you can finally see some results. That is not so Lovelies every step counts you just have to continue being consistent is all. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel walk towards your perfectly imperfect dreams one step at a time.

Sometimes last years past of broken dreams are entangled so closely on the merry go round of broken dreams. That one just never know just how to make their perfectly imperfect dreams a true blue reality of many beautifully wonderful hopes and dreams. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel I see your beautiful blue eyes shining oh so brightly as you go on your many wanderlust walks of many hopes and dreams. Sweet Lovely Darling as you stare across the waterway of many sweet broken promises. The waterway begins to dissipate and has become dimmer from last years past of broken dreams. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel I know you want to close your beautiful blue eyes and put together your bright blue shoes of hopes and dreams. Then open your beautiful blue eyes to all the wonderful beautiful possibilities. Never give up on your wonderful sweet dreams Beautiful. Believe in yourself always. I love you and you are absolutely worth having the happily ever after you always wanted mmmmmmmmmmmm ya. Ya Lovelies we all truly madly deeply deserve to have the happily ever after we all always wanted. To live a life full of contentment and making all our dreams come true. Nevertheless how do we go about making our dreams a reality? Is there some special kind of a spell we can cast or perhaps we can dance to our very own perfectly imperfect happily ever after? Lovelies I have find all we need to do is believe in ourselves and do the necessary work to achieve our wonderfully beautiful blue dreams. World Fitters we have to work hard for the life we always wanted. Lovelies there is a lovely waterway behind the mall by my house. Across from the waterway are the homes of my Franchy dreams. They are big and beautiful just the way I like. I know I just need to work hard to get there. I need to believe in my wonderfully beautiful blue dreams. Is there something Lovelies you always wanted? Go after your dreams Lovelies and remember to never give up. Have a wonderful day or night in the world mmmmmmmmmm ya.


Smile and reach for the stars Darling, Sweet Lovely. ??????????????????


Sometimes you got to lose it all to gain back the self love you so desperately needed. With last years past of broken dream never too far behind as you ride on the merry go round of broken dreams. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel all these years you had your blue eyes closed eternally forevermore. Not realizing your own worth not seeing your true natural beauty. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel always believe in yourself no matter what. I know it wont be easy nor will it last forever. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel you got to truly madly deeply fight for the life you want. Work hard eternally more if you must. Don’t dream your life live your dream mmmmmmmm ya.

Xin chào (Good morning) World Fitters.

Hi Lovelies, how are you? I’m doing well just trying to live the best life I possibly can. I hope you all are doing pretty well yourselves. Lovelies this blog is all about my perfectly imperfect self love journey. My self love journey have truly madly deeply taken me on a roller coaster ride. Ya Sweet Lovelies there have been many ups and downs. A lot of triumphs and perfectly imperfect failures. Moreover there have also been many loses as well. Lovelies every so often you have to lose everything to get back everything. For instance through out the many years that I truly madly deeply hated the way I looked I lost everything. If I truly had a clear hindsight to how my life would turn out I would have changed immediately Lovelies. However I realize how much I have gained from losing everything. It has made me into the hard working women I’m today.

Sometimes you got to lose it all to gain back the self love you so desperately needed. With last years past of broken dream never too far behind as you ride on the merry go round of broken dreams. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel all these years you had your blue eyes closed eternally forevermore. Not realizing your own worth not seeing your true natural beauty. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel always believe in yourself no matter what. I know it wont be easy nor will it last forever. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel you got to truly madly deeply fight for the life you want. Work hard eternally more if you must. Don’t dream your life live your dream mmmmmmmm ya. Ya Lovelies I have been thinking about my perfectly imperfect life lately. Too much should’ve, could’ve, and would’ve melody of many broken promises playing on the merry go round of broken dreams. Lovelies I truly madly deeply have lost a lot. So many tears from last years past of broken dreams to cry me a river into my very own happily ever after. Nevertheless it took me losing everything to know my very own perfectly imperfect self worth. We are all worth every bit of happiness World Fitters. We all truly madly deeply deserve to live the life we truly madly deeply always wanted. Lovelies I have lost everything so you don’t. Learn from my last years past of broken dreams. Stop dreaming your life and begin living your dream. Never say you will do it tomorrow because perhaps tomorrow will never come. Have a blessed day Lovelies be safe. I know the Corona virus is still out there closing blue eyes forevermore. Take care and get the help you truly need. Asking for help turns out takes a lot of perfectly imperfect strength. Strength not too many Lovelies have. I love you all and be well.
