Sometimes just a few days into the new year doesn’t guarantee a happily ever after of sweet blue dreams. For just as everything seems perfectly imperfect you see the merry-go-round of broken dreams waiting for you patiently right by your very own Franchy doorsteps. Moreover, you hear the continuous melody of broken promises playing in the eternal backdrop of your very own happily ever after. Additionally, last year’s past of broken dreams is paying you a visit right this very moment as we speak. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel choose happiness always. I know life can truly madly deeply be so trying that it can really leave you breathless. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel always believe in your wonderfully blue dreams. Don’t dream your life live your dream eternally more mmmmmmmm ya.
Bonjour (Good morning) World Fitters. Good morning to you from beautiful Paris of sweet dreams.
Hi Lovelies how are you all doing this beautiful perfectly imperfect morning? I’m doing well just a bit tired from working. I have recently returned back to working outside my home in order to supplement my income. Ya Lovelies I do a lot to earn every breath that I take. For instance, I model and create content. Additionally, I vlog, blog, podcast, and do outside jobs, gigs. Oh, I also stream live on Younow. Ya Lovelies I truly madly deeply want to put my current financial situation to rest. I most certainly don’t like living from paycheck to paycheck. As I’m in New York and it is pretty expansive living in this absolutely beautiful state. For example, just getting a one-bedroom apartment is very pricey. I have been paying rent since I was 20 or 21 years of age and got my first apartment at the age of 27. I also have my very own business bills that I pay in addition to my living expenses. Ya needless to say I do have a lot on my Franchy plate right now. Nonetheless just because it is a new year does not mean your happily ever after is right here waiting for you.
Sometimes just a few days into the new year doesn’t guarantee a happily ever after of sweet blue dreams. For just as everything seems perfectly imperfect you see the merry-go-round of broken dreams waiting for you patiently right by your very own franchy doorsteps. Moreover, you hear the continuous melody of broken promises playing in the eternal backdrop of your very own happily ever after. Additionally, last year’s past of broken dreams is paying you a visit right this very moment as we speak. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel choose happiness always. I know life can truly madly deeply be so trying that it can really leave you breathless. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel always believe in your wonderfully blue dreams. Don’t dream your life live your dream eternally more mmmmmmmm ya. Ya Lovelies the new year is here and I’m truly madly deeply very excited. I still have a chance to work on my wonderful blue dreams of hope. Nevertheless, last year’s past was not an absolute horrid waste of my Franchy sweet dreams. I was able to bring back one of my sites that is also near and dear to my heart Lovelies I have a lot of sites to work on getting back to Franchys love performance. Additionally, I have other sites for which I have to create content. World Fitters with this new year I really want to accomplish all my Franchy goals including finally publishing my very first book. I truly madly deeply believe in myself and believe I can indeed do it this year. Last year I partially reached my goals. This year I would truly like to meet my goals at 100%. Let’s see what transcribe Lovelies. I truly madly deeply wish you all good luck this year. May all your dreams come true. Stay safe and protect yourself from Covid. I love you all have a blessed day ya.