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2023 Coming in Full Circle to 1982

Hi, Lovelies, and how are you all doing? I’m doing okay, trying to live my very best life ever. I have been doing some lovely self-discoveries during my lovely ten thousand-step walks. My walks are really my me time and a time to escape to my very own happily ever after. I have been going through a lot Lovelies and am trying my very best to be less stressed out.

Yes, stress is a part of life, unfortunately. Life is not easy or even fair. Sometimes, I do find myself asking God why me. I’m a good person and am currently trying to live my very best life ever. I know for absolute certain no matter how bad things may be. There is always someone going through an even more difficult time in life. It’s my beautiful heart and truly madly deeply wanting to help that has led me to creating this frantastic blog. I can’t believe it has been eight years since I created this lovely home for you all.

Wow, the years truly madly deeply do pass quickly. I’m forever grateful to you all for continually supporting my wonderful blue dreams. I want us all to love all our perfect imperfections. We all are beautiful in our very own beautiful ways. My beauty journey has helped me with modeling and content creation. I’m all over the internet, putting myself and my beautiful, sweet dreams out there. It’s not easy, but is necessary for a healthy self-awareness.

My self-awareness has helped tremendously with my mental health. Knowing my triggers and understanding my wonderfully frantastic emotions have helped me get through the toughest times. Yes, life is hard; nevertheless, you can learn how to have a calmer response. You can accept that you are not ok, and that is perfectly ok. Acceptance is the key to a happy, balanced life. All you can do is try your very best. Be the best you. Finally, get off the merry-go-round of broken dreams and walk to your very own happily ever after.

2023 Franchys Sweet Musings Of Sweet Love

Good morning. Hi Lovelies, how are you doing? I’m doing okay it’s been a while, hasn’t it? Yes, indeed, it has been a while. I have been spending most of my time broadcasting on Pococha and sometimes on You Now. I need to get back to broadcasting on Twitch.

Broadcasting is a new venture I have decided to overtake. I have been broadcasting since the fall of 2018, and I really enjoy it. There Is something about interacting with your audience in real time that is awesome. There is no editing or rewinding. Everything you do and say will be viewed in real-time. Are you guys into watching live broadcasts? If so, which one is your favorite? Ya, one reason I have not been posting consistently is because of Pococha. Pococha is also the reason for my current weight loss. I’m now 125, and I can’t believe it; I’m back to my high school body while in my 40s, which is amazingly awesome, indeed.

Ya, Lovelies, I have come to a full circle. The reason I started this frantasticly excellent site is because I was feeling lonely and judged. I was constantly being told the way I looked was not enough. Then one day, I thought, hey, I’m not alone. Why not start a community, and here we are. Here is your uniquely safe haven where you can just be. I’m so happy to be back, Lovelies. Have a lovely day, and be well.

2023 A Franchy Update With Love.

Hi Lovelies, how have you all been? Happy belated New Year. I can’t believe it is the third month of the New Year. Spring is almost here, and I’m so thankful and excited. You know how I love the warmer weather. Going on my long walks and just enjoying the beautiful blue skies. I do have a brand new Franchy thing going on. I’m a model broadcaster for the app Pococha, a Japanese company. I started on January 1st and am currently in my third month. I’m really working on getting more modeling jobs. Modeling has truly madly deeply been a passion of mine since I was young. Then in my early twenties, I tried and did pageants. Now I have even signed up for a website to help me find more work, so ya I’m getting there.

Lovelies, I’m so blessed to have started my very own self-love journey back on November 1, 2016. Of which I truly madly deeply didn’t love myself and was really feeling ashamed of how much weight I put on. Ya, people constantly telling me I’m fat has really gotten to me. I care far too much about what other people think of me. All my life, I have been quietly dreaming my life instead of living my dream. There have been so many broken promises as I ride the merry-go-round of broken dreams. I want this perfectly imperfect year to be profoundly different. Sincerely finally being the year I stop dreaming my life and begin living my dream. What about you, Lovelies? How has 2023 been for you? Are you living your dream instead of dreaming your life? Sweet Lovelies, I always want you all to be inspired and learn from my mistakes. After all, that is the reason I started this blog back in 2015. I was lost; I was unhappy. I truly want you all to find your happiness in your very own happily ever after. Tomorrow is never promised to any of us. So today is the day; make it great. Live your dreams Sweet Lovelies. I love you.

2022 Your Self-Love Is Absolutely Valid.

This journey of self-love has taken on a most uncomfortable ride on the merry-go-round of broken dreams. With shattered pieces of many broken dreams every which way you turn.

Nonetheless, this inevitable ride on the merry-go-round of broken dreams was truly madly deeply needed necessary; It is truly necessary to understand nothing worth having is going to come easy. You have to fight for the life you truly madly deeply deserve. In this roller coaster of love, you have to hang on tight before you disappear into the mist and never to be seen.

This journey of self-love is continuously playing on the merry-go-round of broken dreams. Waiting for the perfectly imperfect stop to our very own happily ever after. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel, you are perfectly imperfect just as you are. Never change be blue, be you. Love yourself unconditionally and allow many room for an eternity of mistakes. Never apologize for being yourself. Love yourself always, and everything will fall into place. Don’t dream your life live your dreams ya.

2023 Hydrate Your Happily Ever After

Hi Lovelies, I’m here under the covers typing another frantastic blog post for you all. I love having a platform to share my frantastic views. One glamorous fact that has been continually imminent is my inability to drink water each and every day. Lovelies, I recently started taking an iron supplement as my doctor recommended for my low iron. The last time I went for my yearly wellness check, I gave blood and urine. In which the doctor was able to determine the deficient iron in my perfectly imperfect body. I’m not sure how long I will have to supplement my iron, but hopefully is not a forever thing.

After my low iron diagnosis, Lovelies, drinking more water, and having a healthier body are important. On that note, we will start the water challenge again. Lovelies, is it only me that has a problem with drinking water? What do you do to increase your water intake? Please leave your suggestions below, as I need help truly madly deeply. Similarly, I have promised to take care of my Franchy beauty truly madly deeply, for instance, by shaving my body regularly and getting some much-needed skin care. I love myself, and there is no better way to show this love than by taking great care of my perfectly imperfect body. You do the same, Lovelies. It’s not the size of your body that truly madly deeply matters. What truly, madly, deeply matters is that you feel good and are really happy ya. Please, Lovelies, be well. If you think you are anemic, talk to your doctor. Show yourself some love and be a healthier you. Have a great day, ya.

Franchys Frantastic Update

Hi Lovelies. Well, now it is October 9, 2023. Time flies; a whole beautiful year has passed. Yes, I’m still struggling to drink water. I don’t know; it just has been challenging drinking water. Growing up in Haiti, all we did was drink water. Drinking juice was a luxury. I think that is one of the reasons I don’t like drinking water. Nonetheless, that has to change. A couple of days ago, I was having horrible constipation, which was very painful. Last year, a few days before my birthday, I had to go to the emergency room for terrible constipation. By the way, we are on my birthday month again. That’s right, on the 31st, I will be 41 years old. Lovelies I can’t believe I’m in my 40’s. I’m getting so old, unfortunately. It is no big secret that I really dislike aging. I want to be young forevermore. I know, unfortunately, aging is inevitable. So I accept it truly madly deeply. I suppose the best defense against aging is taking care of all your wonderful, perfect imperfections by drinking water. Lovelies, you will be happy to know I’m really making an effort to drink more water this time around. I truly, madly, deeply want to be healthy. I want to be the best version of my Franchy self. After all, that is truly what this blog is about. Being the best version of yourself and living your happily ever after. Be well, sweet lovelies. Have a great day. Don’t forget to stop dreaming your life and begin living your dream.

2022 A Franchy What’s Up?

Hi Lovelies, how are you all doing? How have you all been? I myself am doing ok, not great ya. Hope everything has truly madly deeply been good for you all as well. First of all, I wanted to apologize for not keeping my frantastic promise of posting daily on here. I should have never made a promise that I just could not have kept. Now I just promise always to do my very best.

Ya, Lovelies, that is exactly what I do every single day my very best. No, I’m not perfect, for I’m perfectly imperfect. Ya, I make mistakes, and I’m not always right. When I first started this lovely blog, something was truly madly deeply missing in my life. I thought the same can be true for others as well, so I wanted to help by sharing my frantastic story. As I come upon my lovely birthday month, I found myself reminiscing on last year’s past of many broken dreams. There are so many should’ve, could’ve, and would’ve. For example, the last couple of days, I have been really busy doing my streaming job that I just did not have the time to go out or exercise. Moreover, I have been a bit depressed, feeling truly, madly, deeply overwhelmed. I’m almost 40 years old and still uncertain about so many things. You, too, may be going through the same thing. It is the thought of helping you that keeps me writing and never giving up. I will never give up. I will continually fight for the life I truly deserve, no matter what. Don’t dream your life live your dream. I love you, ya.

Hi Lovelies, how are you? I’m doing good hope you are doing well too. Ya, Lovelies, it has truly madly deeply been an uphill battle with me trying to drink more water. I don’t know; I just find it really difficult. This is exactly why the Franchys water challenge was created with deep blue hope. Drinking more water has been a challenge for me ever since I was a sweet child. I believe it is the fact that the water has no taste that is the problem. I’m thinking about creating my very own special Franchy taste stay tuned for that. Shall we try again, Lovelies?

A Brand New Franchy Water Challenge 2022 Edition.

Let’s try again, Lovelies, and see how far I take my sweet blue wonderful dreams. As of now, I have been drinking water here and there, not back to back. Many days have passed, and I haven’t drank any water. As a result, my stomach has been bloated and in pain at times. So starting next Tuesday, I will begin recording my frantastic water intake again. I love sharing a live view of my perfectly imperfect self-love journey. Feel free to create your very own. If you like, it can remain private just for your own beautiful blue eyes. Ya, World Fitters, I’m excited to start this wonderful journey again. Mmmmmmm, let’s go!

Keep in mind am experiencing my women issues ya.

2022 My Body Now

Hi there, Lovelies, and how are you? I’m doing great, thankful to be able to see another day. Of course, I hope you are doing great too. Lovelies, it is the month of August, and that means it is almost our perfectly imperfect birthday. Loseweightandfeelgreatwithfran .com will be seven years old on August 18, 2022. 

Happy Birthday To Our Very Own Happily Ever After.

Ya, World Fitters, on August 18, 2015, I was born love you queen. World Fitters, ourself love journey all begin on that perfectly imperfect day. At the time, I was very uncertain about my very own existence. I was truly madly, deeply unhappy with my appearance, and I knew something had to change. 

With love from Franchy.

Sweet Lovelies, the most beautiful, wonderful thing, happened when I begin thinking about how I’m not alone. I thought about all beauties going through the same body disturbance of love. At some point, I was feeling really low about myself. I truly madly didn’t love myself. To be honest, I was even thinking about committing suicide. Ya, it was that bad, Lovelies. This whole website was created as a safe place for all of us just to be ourselves. I will never tell you, you need to lose weight as that is none of my business. Your weight is your business, and none of mine truly.

Mine weight is my business.

Ya, quite literally, my Lovelies, my weight is my business. Yes, I have turned my bad experience into a business. I remembered how badly and alone I felt, and I truly madly deeply wanted to help others going through the same thing. People were just rude and were not concerding how I was feeling at all. It was like my true personal feelings didn’t matter. Like I didn’t matter. I remember one neighbor who kept bothering me about my big belly. For instance, he would keep asking me if I was pregnant, knowing I wasn’t. People have feelings, and yes, they are 100% valid.

How is your body now Franchy?

Right now my body is beautiful and I truly madly deeply love it. Yes, I do still want to work some more on my belly, but as for my weight, I’m just fine. I have changed some of my bad eating habits. For instance, I no longer eat at McDonald or Burger King. Additionally, I have cut a lot back on eating junk food. Overall what I have learned is that it has to be your choice. You have to want to do it for yourself.

My happily ever after.

Lovelies you are my happily ever after. Just knowing I can be helping you in any way truly madly deeply is a blessing. This weblog was created with you in mind. Never feel shy to leave a comment and let us help one another or feel free to contact me directly. I’m always here to help ya. In conclusion, don’t dream your life live your dream. Have a blessed day or night. I love you all.

Another Sweet Franchys Musings Ya.

Hi, Lovelies! I’m here on my bed typing on my laptop. Since working primarily from home. I have definitely gotten used to being in front of the computer screen. With you guys reading my frantastic thoughts and trying to make sense of it all.

Making sense of it all is exactly what each of us do daily. We wake up each morning clean ourselves and begin our very own journey to our very own happily ever after. Ya life is hard with no exceptions. I have been meditating and trying to change my whole frantastic mindset. No, it is not free nonetheless my mental well-being is truly madly deeply priceless as is yours Lovelies.

Ya World Fitters I’m just the same as you trying to navigate this roller coaster of a life. I always say this web blog is for all of us. I never claim to be some sort of an expert. I don’t claim to know all the answers. As a matter of fact, sometimes I have no answers at all. I’m perfectly imperfect. I have made so many mistakes and ya that is ok. My hope is that you learn from all my Franchy mistakes. Live your best life ever and be well. Stop dreaming your life and begin living your sweet wonderful dreams. On that beautiful note see you all tomorrow.

Franchys Special Prayer For Bre Aka Alyssa

Mal Lewis AML Films

Hi, Lovelies good morning to you from beautiful wonderful New York my home sweet home ya. Lovelies as of late I have been feeling very despondent. My low self-esteem melody of many broken promises eternally playing on the merry-go-round of broken dreams. Nevertheless I truly madly deeply know no matter how bad things may seem in my very perfectly imperfect world. I know truly things can always be worst. Today when I came across Mal Lewis video about Bre that truth was realized. I found out that Bre has been beaten and set on fire by a group of teenagers. Oh, Lovelies my sweet heart truly madly deeply dropped. Why would anyone or any children for that matter do this?

Lovelies this is a question that truly madly deeply may never be realized. Maybe the teens were just bored and wanted some excitement at someone’s expanse. A little about Bre she is a drug addict currently living on the streets of Kensington Pennsylvania. She went to school and graduated to become a specialist in audio diseases. Nevertheless, at some point, she took a wrong turn and ended up addicted to drugs. There have been rumors that she has been killed then this happened and she became injured. I myself have yelled the warnings of drugs and have never done any drugs. I don’t even drink alcohol. I’m truly madly deeply a good girl and know there are always consequences. Nevertheless, I never judge. There was something missing in Bre’s life that made her turn to drugs. That made her give up on her sweet dreams. Nonetheless, no one deserves to be set on fire no matter what they did. We all truly madly deeply deserve a second chance. Sweet Lovelies lets say a prayer for sweet Bre. May her wounds heal and her head clears off all the drugs destroying her perfectly imperfect life. If you are also suffering from addiction get the help you need before it is too late. Love yourself enough to stop dreaming your life and began living your dream. I love you all be well.

This picture was taken from Mal Lewis Channel. Get well soon Lovely. ???????????