Tag Archives: beautiful


Sometimes all the wonderful beautiful presents under the tree can’t truly madly deeply ever surpass the many last years past of broken dreams. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel I have followed you unto the merry go round of broken dreams. For you have forgotten the greatest gift of all. The gift of life and sweet laughther. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel your happiness means the world to me. Sweet Lovely lets dance off the merry go round of broken dreams. Lets thrill to all the wonderful possibilities that this perfectly imperfect life has for us. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel I love you ever so much. Sweet Lovely wont you creat your very own happily ever after? Never give up on your sweet dreams. Ya dont dream your life live your wonderful beautiful dream now and forevermore mmmmmmmm ya.

Bom dia (Good morning) World Fitters. Good morning to you from the beautiful wonderful Brazil of sweet dreams.

Hi Lovelies how are you? I’m doing alright thankfully ya I can’t complain at all. I hope you all my Sweet Lovelies are also doing very awesome on this very festive holiday. Merry Christmas to you. Merry Christmas to you. Ya Lovelies today is Christmas. A day of celebration and a special time to spend with your wonderful beautiful family. May all your worries become as white as snow and disappear with all the love and support you have from your wonderful family. Ya World Fitters unfortunately I did not receive any presents this year and I’m absolutely ok with that. As Christmas is not only about getting a lot of beautiful presents. Ya, what truly matters is what comes from the heart. Growing up as a kid yes I was very sad when I didn’t receive any presents. I truly believed that love was measured by how many presents I received. So if I didn’t receive any presents then no one didn’t love me. Now as I think about this heading to my 40’s I truly madly deeply realize how silly this all seems. Every so often you can have all the beautiful presents in the world and lose your soul.

Sometimes all the wonderful beautiful presents under the tree cant truly madly deeply ever surpass the many last years past of broken dreams. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel, I have followed you unto the merry go round of broken dreams. For you have forgotten the greatest gift of all. The gift of life and sweet laughter. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel your happiness means the world to me. Sweet Lovely let’s dance off the merry-go-round of broken dreams. Let’s thrill to all the wonderful possibilities that this perfectly imperfect life has for us. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel, I love you ever so much. Sweet Lovely won’t you create your very own happily ever after? Never give up on your sweet dreams. Ya don’t dream your life live your wonderful beautiful dream now and forevermore mmmmmmmm ya. Ya Lovelies so it is Christmas and soon it will be the new year of hopes and dreams. I truly madly deeply hope Santa was good to you all and send you all some lovely presents. Nonetheless, there is a lot more to Christmas than just opening presents. It can also be a time to reflect to see how far you have truly madly deeply come since last Christmas. Talk to your family and see how they are getting along and perhaps you may have a new member to your very own perfectly imperfect family. To be honest Lovelies my family is not that close and we really have never been. Now more so as some of us don’t even live in the same state anymore. For example, my brother and sister now live in Washington DC. One is a chef the other is in the military. One of my sisters did have a child needless to say my mother is looking at me and my older sister and expecting marriage and a new baby. So Lovelies when I speak of family togetherness I’m refering to what I would love to do with my very own family if that is possible. Additionally I would work with my current family and help us all to have a better relatioship. I truly madly deeply wish we were closer nonetheless growing up we really werent raise like that. Both my mother and grandmother were cold and were not really there for me when I needed them. Lovelies this Christmas holiday have a nice time with your families. If you are alone know you are no longer alone as I’m here for you. Enjoy the rest of your Christmas and have a blessed day mmmmmmm ya.



Sometimes your natural beauty can truly madly deeply say a lot about you Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel. Love yourself enough to take care of your wonderfully beautiful true blue beauty. I know last years past of broken dreams has cast an eternal shadow of self doubt leaving you absolutely breathless that you ended on the merry go round of broken dreams. Trying to take one breath at a time until the next stop to your very own happily ever after is truly madly deeply yours. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel you are so much more then your outer natural beauty can ever stipulate. Nevertheless as with your sweet thoughts you become what you think you look like. Take care of your outer beauty and your inner beauty will truly madly deeply have no bounds from the havens till your very own happily ever after. Sweet Lovely don’t dream your life live your dream.

صباح الخير (Good morning) World Fitters. Good morning to you from Egypt.

Hi Lovelies, how are you this beautiful morning? I’m doing alright Sweet Lovelies nonetheless still experiencing my women issues. Ya World Fitters it is ok not to be ok and everything doesn’t have to be perfect for you to be happy. Sweet Beauties do you realize how much better you look when you are truly madly deeply happy? I’ve noticed that a lot Lovelies. When your truly happy everything else in your life will be better as well. Needless to say I really hope you are really doing well this beautiful morning. Moreover I hope you are beautiful with an absolute sweet smile on your face. Sweet Lovelies when it come to looks I usually don’t give much value to your physical appearance. Given beauty in all is a magical twirl and twist of genetics from both of your parents. There is not much you can do except being born. I myself am attractive and swim in an absolute beautiful gene pool. I have a nice face and a lovely complexion complete with nice mix hair. However if you can look pass all that beauty and look deep within me and see that my natural beauty truly madly deeply says a lot about me. Who I truly am.

Sometimes your natural beauty can truly madly deeply say a lot about you Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel. Love yourself enough to take care of your wonderfully beautiful true blue beauty. I know last years past of broken dreams has cast an eternal shadow of self doubt leaving you absolutely breathless that you ended on the merry go round of broken dreams. Trying to take one breath at a time until the next stop to your very own happily ever after is truly madly deeply yours. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel you are so much more then your outer natural beauty can ever stipulate. Nevertheless as with your sweet thoughts you become what you think you look like. Take care of your outer beauty and your inner beauty will truly madly deeply have no bounds from the havens till your very own happily ever after. Sweet Lovely don’t dream your life live your dream. Ya Sweet Lovelies no having good looks is not everything. I’ve seen beautiful women like Halle Berry stills get cheated on by man and even get divorced. Similarly even though I too am an attractive women I have also had my fair sweet kisses with Mr. Frog. Needless to say looks will fade over time and personality is far more substantial in a long lasting relationship. Nevertheless even though being beautiful is not the most important thing in the world it does still matters in order to reach your very own happily ever after. For instance I remember when I was 12 years old and I was making myself something to eat. I turned around and I saw a little girl of about 6 years old standing across from me where my bedroom was at the time. She had a lovely dress on. Additionally her blond hair was comb nicely down her lovely shoulders and her blue eyes simply looked beautiful. Then she was gone that was my first and only experience with her and it was good and it all started with how she look and take care of herself. Lovelies we must always make a great first expression because perhaps we wont be able to make a second. Like when I go to the park I try to look my best always. Then one day I came across an old flame that was still burning now we are chatting to see how things go. Sweet Lovelies you never know who you will come across so always look your best! One day if this friend helps me out and give me an incredible go I will be doing my best with my looks now and forevermore till the day I take my final breath. Sweet Lovelies I always encourage you to do your very best. You should look your very best as well because looks do matter somewhat. Be the best you all around and you will do just fine! ?? I truly madly deeply love you all take care and have a blessed day.


Beautiful Asian women, we all are beautiful. ?????????????????????


Sometimes your true natural beauty is never quite fully realized. For last years past of broken dreams has created an eternal mist of many broken promises. So much so you accidently hesitantly got on the merry go round of broken dreams. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel why can’t you just see? You are so beautiful that words simply doesn’t suffice. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel I see you staring at your wonderfully beautiful lovely reflection. While your perfectly imperfect reflection truly madly deeply begins to dissipate to truly madly deeply reveal inevitably the whirlwind of many broken hearts. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel you are visually pleasing and strong. You’ve worked eternally hard to create your very own happily ever after. Sweet Lovely seize the beautifully wonderful day. Never stop dreaming and believing. Don’t dream your life live your dream mmmmmmmm ya.

guten Morgen (Good morning) World Fitters. Good morning to you from Germany.

Hi Lovelies, how are you? I’m doing much better today actually. Today I finally venture out doors to my very own happily ever after ya. I must admit not going out is totally unnatural for me. Moreover it is not good for my perfectly imperfect health either. Lovelies as I mentioned on an earlier post the reason I have been staying home was because I have been depressed. Some people think you can just snap out of it and just smile. Nevertheless I’ll have you Lovelies know that is certainly not the case. As I truly madly deeply wanted to be out and about enjoying my Franchy life. Depression is a very serious disorder that you should truly consult with your doctor Sweet Lovelies. Never feel you are alone and no one would get you. I’m always here for you Lovelies. Ya Lovelies so I wasn’t depress today and I was able to dress up and look cute to head out to the park near my home. I feel absolutely amazing that I can say that I looked good today without any self doubt. Sweet Lovelies truly madly deeply realizing my own natural beauty has been my greatest gift to myself thus far seriously.

Sometimes your true natural beauty is never quite fully realized. For last years past of broken dreams has created an eternal mist of many broken promises. So much so you accidently hesitantly got on the merry go round of broken dreams. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel why can’t you just see? You are so beautiful that words simply doesn’t suffice. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel I see you staring at your wonderfully beautiful lovely reflection. While your perfectly imperfect reflection truly madly deeply begins to dissipate to truly madly deeply reveal inevitably the whirlwind of many broken hearts. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel you are visually pleasing and strong. You’ve worked eternally hard to create your very own happily ever after. Sweet Lovely seize the beautifully wonderful day. Never stop dreaming and believing. Don’t dream your life live your dream mmmmmmmm ya. Ya Lovelies today I did a search for Jessica Simpson, Beyoncé Knowles, Christina Malian, and Rihanna. Lovelies I was truly madly deeply searching for a way off the merry go round of broken dreams. I remembered when I first searched for these beautiful Lovelies I was in my early twenties. I was young I was beautiful and yet I just could not see. I just remember putting myself down and telling myself how much better these ladies looked then me. Now when I think of how strongly against myself I truly was I want to cry. My thoughts were so fractured and unrealistic. I always loved magazines growing up and wanted to be on the perfectly imperfect front page as well. Nonetheless magazines also sometimes place unnecessary pressure on so many young teens. The models are absolutely beautiful and you’re thinking something is wrong with you as you don’t look this way. Which is how Francesca Etheart INC is different. I celebrate perfect imperfections and love them all the same mmmmmmmm ya. I model my perfect imperfections to learn to truly love all of me. I model for my own website and show natural beauty is the best kind of beauty. Additionally I have my very own model pages where I can show case my natural beauty. It is really amazing I’m a model heading to my 40s. I truly madly deeply want you Lovelies to know you can be beautiful at any age. You are beautiful Sweet Lovelies and I love you just as you are and nothing less. Have a blessed day mmmmmmmm ya.


Modeling my perfect imperfections ?????????????????

Franchys My Frantastic Weight-Loss

Hello World Fitters!

I hope you remember the mini series about what I do to stay in Franchy shape if you don’t remember that’s ok here is your friendly reminder. Like everything else in life losing, weight takes time and dedication. You don’t just wake up and decide one day that you going to lose weight and lose weight straight away. No of course not you have to be willing to do some hard work. Of course, every perfectly imperfect body is different we all lose weight in our own perfectly imperfect time frames. Which have to do with your age and how high your metabolism is. For instance, I remember being eight-teen years old when I was noticing some unwanted weight I was easily able to lose the weight with no problem. Contrastingly when I was thirty-four years old and I paid the doctor a friendly visit I suddenly realized how much weight I have put on and decided I’m going to lose it. Nonetheless, it wasn’t that simple as I was no longer a carefree teenager.

Where we are in our lives determine a lot about what we are trying to accomplish in this frantastic life of ours. For instance when we are in our later years hopefully most of the things we wanted to accomplish in our lifetime hopefully we have and now just want to enjoy the fruits of our labor. Contrastingly when we are in our 20’s we are just starting our life and there are so many things we wish to accomplish. On my website, I wanted to show how moveable weightloss can be. As a matter of fact, I know from experience to sustain any weight loss journey you have to change your routines every now and again. I created Franchys My Frantastic Weight-Loss to share my story so that it may also help you. This mini-series won’t be concurrent with my other frantastic series such as Franchys Daily Dose Of Self Love and Franchys Dear Dearest Diary. I will only share once in a while it won’t we daily like the other two nonetheless I hope it is just as helpful to you all. Comment below letting me know what you all think? If you have an idea about something you would like me to write about I would love to hear what’s going on in that beautiful mind of yours. Thank you for joining me here have a blessed day in the world.


Franchy recommends with love always:

Franchys Daily Dose Of Self Love day 58

Sometimes your body being unwell it’s your bodys way of saying please listen to me and love me.

By Francesca Etheart, for your well being

Hiya World Fitters!

Franchy here and how do you do? Me I’m not doing too well as I’m currently going through my women problems ladies you know what I mean. No matter how hard I try not to let it affect me the more it seeminly does. This month I’m trying desperately not to let my unwelcome guest affect my work too much. As in the pass I have lost many days of work and lost a lot of money. Perhaps I’m being too hard on my self it’s not my fault nor can I control and make the situation better. I just need to realx and listen to my perfectly imperfect body so that I can be well again.

Sometimes your body being unwell it’s your body’s way of saying please listen to me and love me. Often when we’re unwell we become depressed and we begin blaming ourselves for our unrelentless condition. For instance back like three weeks ago when I had a cold followed by an unexplainable rash I kept wondering if it was something that I did to get me so sick. It was not until I went to the doctor that I realized that it was my grandmother making me sick. She’s been sick for a while and for some reason when I come in contact with her I become ill. One such day I was looking for my mail when I went back down stirs my nose was really irritating me and I could not understand why. Then I realize I was next to my grandmother’s room. My body was trying to tell me that something was attacking me and I should be careful around my grandmother. Consequently, I have been staying away from her as I don’t want to get sick again. We all need to listen to our bodies it always has a wonderful frantastic story to tell. Pacifically one body part in particular that you should listen to is your heart because it will take you straight to your dreams. Have a blessed day World Fitters stay true to yourself.


Listen to your body.

Franchys Daily Dose Of Self Love day 51

Sometimes a girl just needs to be taken out and showed a good time, enjoy this life girl.

By Francesca Etheart, for your well being

Hiya World Fitters!

Good morning World Fitters! so today was the day I went on my first date. I must say I was both excited and nervous not knowing how the date is going to turn out. Nonetheless, I must say it was a good adventure venturing back to the dating world. While I’m not giving up my single status just yet it is nice just to get out of the house for a bit and to see what the world has to offer. The day is also cooperating it is nice and warm in New York. The perfect day for a first date if I do say so myself. Overall just a lovely day to get out of your comfort zone and live.

Sometimes a girl just needs to be taken out and showed a good time, enjoy this life girl. So I’m happy to say that my date went well and I made it back home safely as you can see. 🙂 My date was a total gentleman even though he did pay for this date. I did have some reservations about going on paid dates as I was certain the guy would think he deserves something a bit extra as he did pay. My fears were put to rest as Kelly (not his real name) didn’t expect anything other than my company and a good conversation over a meal. I must say I’m caught off guard by him. I expected a touchy-feely guy groping my body and trying to pay extra for sex. Thankfully Kelly wasn’t like that at all. I generally had a good time and might take his offer for a second date which he doesn’t have to pay for. All in all, I must say a successful date we shall see if a second date is in the works. I would like to give credit where it is due What’s Your Price really works and you could get some hot dates from this site. Just be safe and meet in a public setting. Have a blessed day in the world Lovelies!


Franchys Daily Dose Of Self Love day 38

Sometimes a walk is all you need to make everything all right.

By Francesca Etheart, for your well being

Buenos Días World Fitters!

Today is going to be a good day! I started my day off right by doing my morning meditation and positive thinking through prayer. I must admit that meditating has been really helping me with relieving some of my stress. I start my day with renewed positive thinking and I feel great. I’m thankful that my illness is going away and I’m slowly going back to my normal. Today the weather was matching my positive mood it was rather warm for a January in New York. World Fitters you know I had to take advantage of the awesome weather so I went for a lovely walk to clear my mind.

Sometimes a walk is all you need to make everything all right. I truly believe that a nice walk is an answer to many problems. For instance, a pregnant woman is often encouraged to do a lot of walking to help with the ease of delivering her baby. Likewise, I would absolutely recommend walking more if you got a lot of stress affecting your mental health. When I have a lot going on my mind I just clean up and get dress and head out the door for hours. I remember in my younger days I remember just heading out with no particular destination in mind I just walked and walked. Thankfully working from home works simultaneously with my free spirit, it allows me to be me. Additionally, as we all know walking on a regular basis can also help you maintain a healthy weight. I said many times if you are not interested in any weight loss that’s fine too your weight is your business. With that said get out there walk to your perfectly imperfect body. As always I love you all have a frantastic day.


Franchys Daily Dose Of Self Love day 24

Sometimes you’re only beautiful as you feel.

By Francesca Etheart, for your well being

Hello World Fitters how are you? Me I’m great just having a very busy day today. Tomorrow I go back to my other job and am doing a series of preparations so that I will be ready tomorrow. I’m really enjoying my new positions as I get the freedom that I need. Work no longer feels like work and I’m happy to be back. I believe if you’re truly happy then you will look beautiful no matter what.

Sometimes you’re only beautiful as you feel. You can be the most attractive person in the world but if you don’t feel that you are then you mate as well not be. For example, For a long time, I just didn’t see myself as an attractive woman which would inevitably take some of my attractiveness away. Followed by a lot of unhealthy relationships that just didn’t work out. I wasn’t happy I didn’t love me it was a very dark moment for me. It’s not until I decided to love my perfectly imperfect self that things started going right for me. My job as a web model is all about my looks. Every inch of my perfectly imperfect body is at view waiting to be judged. Right now I can say with true conviction I don’t care what others think my body my life. I love me as I’m, love yourself World Fitters you’re beautiful.


Franchys Daily Dose Of Self Love day 13

Sometime you just have to head out and take a deep breath, life can get very stuffy.

By Francesca Etheart, for your well being

Hola, my World Fitters!

Another day has come and gone now it is almost the begining of a new week and a new year. Time goes by way too fast! When I was younger I never remember thinking that time is moving too fast. Instead time seemed infinite and I took a lot of things for granted back then. Now that I’m in my late thirties I see time is very precious and we should use it wisely.

Talking about precious and making good use of time today is a beautiful day in New York and I’m going to run some errands and go for one of my walks. Since it’s been cold I have been doing my workouts indoors. Sometimes you just have to head out and take a deep breath life can get very stuffy. I’m going to enjoy my special day today. How about you any plans? Are you ready for the New Year? Lovelies I’m going to end this entry and wish you have the most beautiful day ever!


A lovely day, true beauty unknown.