I see your blue eyes filled with so many uncertainties Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel. You always knew you were the one. So different and yet so sweet too. You saw what others just could have never imagined of their very own happily ever after. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel always be true to yourself and all your perfect imperfections. You’re perfectly imperfect and I love you so. No lie can cause more harm then the lie you tell yourself each and every day. That your not special and worthy of all the love in the world. Sweet Lovely today lets create a forevermore that you always dreamed of. Carpe Diem seize the day to your very own happily ever after. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel don’t dream your life live your dream Sweet Lovely. You’re so beautiful and I love you so.

Lovelies how are you? I’m doing very well thank you. I truly madly deeply hope you all are doing awesomely well mmmmmmmmm ya. On todays blog post I wanted to do something differently then my usual frantastic post of self love. I will be telling four different special stories about Sweet Lovelies losing themselves in others perfectly imperfect happily ever after’s. I truly madly deeply hope you enjoy my Franchy stories. Sweet Lovelies I hope I truly inspire you to be the best you. Lovelies close your beautiful blue eyes let Franchy tell you all about being true to yourself no matter what!