Sometimes the reopening of old wounds can have dire consequences like last years past of broken dreams consistently replaying the merry go round of broken dreams Sweet Soul Angel let me kiss away all you pain softly creating a happily ever after that can put a beautiful smile back on your perfectly imperfect sweet lips your blue eyes shining ever so brightly you are so beautiful Sweet Soul Angel be well forevermore your eternity is eternally bliss you are blessed beyond words don’t dream your life live your dream Sweet Soul Angel I love you mmmmmm ya.

Buongiorno (Good morning) World Fitters

How are you doing World Fitters? I’m good just typing my perfectly imperfect words in hope of inspiring you Lovelies mmmmmm ya. With the state of the world now we all can use some inspiration I think. ????? Many of us are still experiencing social distancing and are feeling lonely and could use a bit of cheering up. Here in New York the weather is so beautiful. The skies are so blue and perfectly imperfect summer is definitely in the air. You know me World Fitters you know how I love creating my perfectly imperfect body by walking all over New York (actually I’m not kidding). Which is exactly why I’m so ecstatic about New York reopening and slowly reducing the social distancing orders. I don’t know what I would do if I was stuck home for the whole summer. I would be so depress and unhappy World Fitters.

Sometimes the reopening of old wounds can have dire consequences like last years past of broken dreams consistently replaying the merry go round of broken dreams Sweet Soul Angel let me kiss away all you pain softly creating a happily ever after that can put a beautiful smile back on your perfectly imperfect sweet lips your blue eyes shining ever so brightly you are so beautiful Sweet Soul Angel be well forevermore your eternity is eternally bliss you are blessed beyond words don’t dream your life live your dream Sweet Soul Angel I love you mmmmmm ya. World Fitters I can’t tell you how happy I’m that things are heading back to normal in New York. Well not completely normal but it is a good start. I sincerely hope that since the whole world is reopening up again that we don’t start getting sick all over again. I don’t want more people to die from the virus we already lost enough. World Fitters as always I will keep you updated on the going ons of my perfectly imperfect life. See you Lovelies tomorrow for now chabella .


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