Story 3 Part 2 Annisa Marshanda and Arief Family Is Everything. You Are My Everything.
Annisa took a quick and look at herself. She smiled pleasantly at herself. She looked so beautiful tonight. Nevertheless she does agree it is because of Arief that she has taken special attention to her natural beauty. You know what (she thought in her British accent)? Aside from my perfectly imperfect family Arief is my everything. After all if it wasn’t for him I would not even applied for Juilliard as I really felt I had no chance of getting in. It is through his unconditional love and patience that she is living her best life ever. Suddenly I hear a soft knock on the door. Yes I replied. Are you almost ready we are all waiting asked mom? I will be there in a few I said smiling. I’m very excited for this special celebration ya. I’m now at the restaurant. I took a bite of my delicious meal and I look all around my table so grateful my family was here supporting me in this life changing eternal choice. You look beautiful darling Arief said to me smiling. I’m so proud of you I told you, you would get in no matter what. I said thank you with a great big smile on my face and lean on his strong shoulders. Suddenly my dad stands up with a glass of wine in his hands. Prepared to give his perfectly imperfect speech. Ayah’s special message to his beautiful daughter: He begins, it seems like only yesterday that we were bringing you home from the hospital. Back then there also was a party welcoming the newest member of the family home. Even then we knew you were special and would make us very proud parents in the future. Now 16 years later we are proven right as you have been accepted to a very prestigious school in New York. No I’m not too crazy about you being so far away from your loving family. Nonetheless I know you have a dream and you truly madly deeply deserve it to come true. Best of luck my sweet angle you will always be our sweet baby and we will always love you. I said thank you daddy with tears in my beautiful blue eyes. I love you too.
The Faithful Decision:
Suddenly Arief got out of his seat and got on one knee’s and said my dear Annisa Marshanda. You know you are very beautiful and smart the absolute women of my dreams he said looking deep into my eyes. I loved you for a thousand years ok maybe since we were little. Everyone laughed knowing Arief was an absolute comedian which is one of the many reasons why I loved him so. He continued I’ve watched you grown into the strong confident beautiful lady you are today. Always reaching for the stars and never letting fear stand in your way. For instance when you were 7 years old you stand up to the biggest bully and played basketball just as good as the boys. Just like you said you would. Nevertheless you were never truly one of the boys to me. You were far too beautiful to be that. He took the ring out of his pocket and finally asked will you make me the happiest man in the world by becoming my wife? I know you are moving to New York the city of dreams. I will follow you wherever you will go. Yes, yes, yes, Annisa said letting him put the ring in her fingers and then hugging him. Everyone started clapping and saying their congratulations. This was truly madly deeply the best night of my life I thought smiling from ear to ear.
The After Glow Of Sweet Love:
Arief held unto my hands tightly as we slowly walk towards the water. I always enjoy being by the water. I always feel so relax and free. Which certainly seems fitting as the time approaches for me to move to New York. I’m going to miss you so much baby Arief said kissing me passionately and holding me close. It will only be for one year and then you will come join me I said in between kisses. Remember you have to finish your schooling and then you can continue your perfectly imperfect education with me by your side as your wife. I know baby I just don’t like being apart we have seen each other pretty much everyday since we were little. Now we will have to go one year not seeing each other. I know Ari baby I don’t like long distance relationships either Annisa said holding him more tightly. Nonetheless I have to remain true to myself and live my dream as I don’t want to keep dreaming my life. I know baby I just don’t want anyone to steal your love away from me said Arief. Don’t worry I belong to you always and forevermore Annisa said reaching for his face. They kissed passionately and said their final good byes. As I will be leaving early in the morning for New York. We are here my father said with a nervous look on his face. After my date with Arief I went home and was surprised with a good bye dinner. Everyone from my family was there to bid me farewell and to wish me good luck. I was given so many gifts and I cried out of pure happiness. You know you can still change your mind and stay Anna my father said with a hopeful smile on his face. Dad I said smiling and shaking my head lightly. What he exclaimed? You can’t blame a man for trying he said giving me the biggest hug ever. I love you my sweet little angel be safe. Bye Ayah I love you I said returning his warm hug.