Hi Lovelies, how are you all doing this beautiful wonderful morning? I’m doing well just tired as I have been truly madly deeply working hard on my businesses. Sweet Lovelies I honestly can’t believe that we are not really that far from Christmas and the New Year. Moreover my self love journeys anniversary is coming up on November right after my perfectly imperfect birthday. World Fitters I know it is not too often we talk about weight loss and the importance of taking care of your perfectly imperfect body. The reason for that is I really believe that your weight is your business and not something you necessarily have to share with the world. To be honest I always feel uncomfortable when someone is discussing my body and how they believe it should look. Nevertheless, seeing how it is our self love birthday month I thought it to be very appropriate.

Where am I now with my weight loss?
I’m at a very comfortable weight. I love my body and how it looks. I don’t think I ever truly hated my body. I was just listening too much to what other people thought about my body. World Fitters I know I care too much about what people think in general. For instance I have this neighbor that was constantly bothering me about my belly and how it looks. Truth be told I’m seriously annoyed by him. Next time he mentions about what he likes and doesn’t like I’m finally going to say something enough is enough already seriously. World Fitters I truly hope you all see the true beauty of your perfect imperfections. If your big and beautiful that is perfectly ok. Don’t let anyone tell you differently.

What’s next Franchy?
Lovelies on my self love anniversary I will post a follow up post. While what I weight is truly madly deeply not what this web-blog is about. Nonetheless, it is the foundation of what this business was build on always. I suppose I have to think the rude people who help me create this beautiful wonderful website. World Fitters this is truly madly deeply a non judgement zone full of love. I love you all and want you all to live your very best life ever. Have a great day ya.