2022 A Franchy What’s Up?

Hi Lovelies, how are you all doing? How have you all been? I myself am doing ok, not great ya. Hope everything has truly madly deeply been good for you all as well. First of all, I wanted to apologize for not keeping my frantastic promise of posting daily on here. I should have never made a promise that I just could not have kept. Now I just promise always to do my very best.

Ya, Lovelies, that is exactly what I do every single day my very best. No, I’m not perfect, for I’m perfectly imperfect. Ya, I make mistakes, and I’m not always right. When I first started this lovely blog, something was truly madly deeply missing in my life. I thought the same can be true for others as well, so I wanted to help by sharing my frantastic story. As I come upon my lovely birthday month, I found myself reminiscing on last year’s past of many broken dreams. There are so many should’ve, could’ve, and would’ve. For example, the last couple of days, I have been really busy doing my streaming job that I just did not have the time to go out or exercise. Moreover, I have been a bit depressed, feeling truly, madly, deeply overwhelmed. I’m almost 40 years old and still uncertain about so many things. You, too, may be going through the same thing. It is the thought of helping you that keeps me writing and never giving up. I will never give up. I will continually fight for the life I truly deserve, no matter what. Don’t dream your life live your dream. I love you, ya.

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