Sometimes you have to truly madly deeply say whatever that is on your mind. So that you can truly free your soul Lovelies. Last years past of broken dreams no longer holding you back from taking the very last step into your very own happily ever after. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel finally you are here. Come take my hand and let me help you off the merry go round of broken dreams. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel don’t dream your life live your dream.

Rant on Franchy.
Hi Lovelies how are you? I’m doing fine really can’t complain ya. All is good in my world and I truly madly deeply hope the same for you ya. Lovelies have you ever have an outer body experience? As if your soul have some how left your body and you are finally really seeing the state of your life. All the things that could’ve been floating aimlessly on the merry go round of broken dreams. Your blue eyes finally open as you lay there restlessly sleeping through your life. For you see Lovelies your dream life have some how become better then your real life. Your more in control in your very own perfectly imperfect dream land. Contrastingly when you wake up you can’t seem to find the key for your life car. The reason for that is everyone is taking turn being in the driver seat of your life. Everyone except you Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel.
What now Lovelies?
Do you keep sleeping and keep dreaming your life away? Is everyone except you going to continue being in the driver seat of your life? Lovelies I truly madly deeply hope your answer is a big NO to both of the questions. Lovelies to be frank I will say this. That for a good amount of my life I was not in control at all. Everyone was taking turns driving me around with me in the passenger seat not sure where I was going. I was just helplessly watching the car drive right pass my beautiful wonderful blue dreams. Lovelies don’t be like me take control over your life now! You are absolutely worth it and don’t let anyone tell you differently. Sweet Lovelies I tell you all these venerable stories about me in hope you learn from my mistakes. You deserve every bit of happiness. Do what you love and always be true to yourself. I’m going to end my frantastic Franchy rant. I hope my story inspire you to live your very best life ever. Have a great day or night in the world bye, chabella.