Franchys An Article To Beleive IN Forevermore.

Sometimes everything can seemingly be going chaotically in your perfectly imperfect life. Nothing seems to be going right. Nonetheless everyone seems to be looking to you for support and strength when you truly madly deeply have none left. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel look outside the rain is calling you. Why don’t you put on your best dancing shoes and lets dance out in the pouring rain of hope mmmmmmmmm ya.

Hi Lovelies, how are you all doing? I’m doing well thankfully I truly hope the same for you Lovelies. Summer is almost over and many children are enjoying the very last of their two months vacation and they love blue time. I remember when I was still in primary school and the only thing I had to worry about was getting all my homework done on time. When summer was ending I was rather sad but excited too for the new school year. Growing up I didn’t have much. My mother didn’t buy all the things I necessarily needed. Nonetheless I had a roof over my head and food to eat for which I was eternally grateful for. It was not until I got my first job at sixteen that I began getting the things that I needed. Nevertheless I don’t hold any grudges over my mother she did the best that she can. She was not married and had to care for 5 children on her own.

Changing your mindset to create your very own happily ever after.

Sweet Lovelies your mindset is truly madly deeply everything. For example, in my early twenties I was in a very bad place in my perfectly imperfect life. I was just not happy. Moreover I was extremely negative and consequently did not take the very best care of myself. Likewise during that time nothing good was happening in my life either. I was going from one bad relationship to the next. I was not at all in control of my very own perfectly imperfect life. It was not until my late twenties that I began changing my mindset and began living my very best life ever. Do you know what Lovelies (in my British accent)? That was all during my frantastic weight gain. All people could see was that I was big they didn’t even realize how happy I truly was. know your own worth Lovelies and always remember happiness is key. You can have all the money in the world what good is all of that if you are not truly happy?

Always believe in your wonderful blue dreams.

Lovelies I find the single most important thing that will determine whether or not you are happy and successful is believing in yourself. If you don’t believe you will never achieve it is really that simple. Life is full of many obstacles that you have to go through in order to reach your very own happily ever after. If you don’t believe you can do it then you wont. You have to truly madly deeply make the decision to succeed and to never give up until you win. I really believe that anything you want to do you can do if you are willing to truly put in the effort. Growing up I was never told this by my grandmother or mother. Instead if I couldn’t do something they would not encourage me to continue trying. For instance when I came to the United States at eight years old I could barely do anything on my own. I’m eternally grateful for my stepfather helping me to come to America. That was an effort that truly change the perfectly imperfect course of my life. If I stayed in Haiti would never have existed. Moreover I would never have created Francesca Etheart INC and Frans Online Business INC.

Prayer changes things.

Lovelies I know not all of you believe in God and I totally respect that. You don’t have to believe in God in order to pray. You can always pray to that inner child that once upon time had the most beautiful wonderful blue dreams. Pray for her health and wellbeing. Pray that one day she stops dreaming her life and begin living her dream. Pray that she truly learn to dance in the rain and still have the strength to walk to her very own happily ever after. For life is far too short not to. Have a great day and don’t forget to smile. You are still here and able to live your dream and create the life you always wanted to live.

Every so often you realize this is your life and it is only up to you to truly madly deeply live the life that you want. Love yourself Lovelies, don’t dream your life live your dream.

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