Sometimes change is good so you can prepare for the next frantastic stage of your life making room for some blue.
Bonjour World Fitters
Sitting down and writing an other blog post straight from the heart. I’m working on getting a nice balance between all of my jobs. I do a lot of different jobs to earn my life World Fitters. For instance on Fridays I do trailer checks to bring some extra money in. It’s a really cool job that takes me around a lot of different movie theathers all over New York. Nonetheless it is work and it has to be done diligently with as few errors as possible. I’m doing a lot better financially then last year. I’m able to pay my bills each month and take care of me. I believe I have changed I’m not the same women I once was. I remember growing up and being so shy and just not confident in my own skin and now look at me I’m a web model. Additionally I’m currently still single for a change no man in my life to hold me tight . Usually I would of replace the guy so quickly jumping into my next relationship. Now I have change waiting for the right man that will set my heart on fire. Change is good, God is good all the time!
Sometimes change is good so you can prepare for the next frantastic stage of your life making room for some blue. Blue is my favorite color World Fitters. Blue truly have a special meaning in my Franchy heart. I know you guys must be wondering exactly what I mean when I say blue eyes or otherwise mention blue. Blue to me represent hope and a chance for us to live our best life. Living the life that we truly want and deserve. We all deserve happiness and to have a life that we want and adore. Which is why I’m making the change World Fitters. Changing and becoming the women I always wanted to be. Full of hope and laughther. Living my dream and making Frans Online Buisness INC rise. I have been writing this blog since 2015 that’s four years of me sharing pieces of me with you all. I promise this girly is going no where anytime soon. I want to continue writing content more consistanly. Writing is my passion which is something that will never change. I know some changes are coming and that is exactly what I need in my life at this very moment. Change is good and necessary in order to live our best life. Our best life is not perfect but perfectly imperfect filled with an endurance that will last for eternity. World Fitters you will always be in my heart with loving care and special attention. Thank you for being part of my online family. I love you all!