Sometimes love finds you when you least expect it and just turns your world upside down making it a lot easier to see the blue skies creating a brand new blue of you filling your heart with hope and sweet love mmmmmmm ya.
Bonjour World Fitters
First of all how are you all? I’m ok actually I’m great truly hope you are as well. I think I have finally find the one World Fitters. Huh, who, what? Ya I was thinking the same thing. Last post I announced that I was no longer single and was officially off the market. I said I would talk a bit more in detail fortunately for you this is the post. 🙂 His name is Ebrima Tambedou and he actually lives in West Africa. We met on YouNow when I was live streaming. I mean at first I was not really paying him any attention at all. What he kept telling me didn’t seem to really make any sense to me. Plus I’m not a big fan of long distance relationships this is my first one actually. To be honest I’m very scared and nervous as he wants me to meet his family and visit him in his home Africa. It’s amazing how love could of find me so far away.
Sometimes love finds you when you least expect it and just turns your world upside down making it a lot easier to see the blue skies creating a brand new blue of you filling your heart with hope and sweet love mmmmmmm ya. Now World Fitters I’m not saying you need a relationship to help fulfill you. You need to do that yourself be your own happiness. You need to love yourself first as corny as that may sound it is true. No matter how much the other person may truly love you it means nothing if you don’t feel the same way. That was a hard lesson I had to learn many times World Fitters. For so long I just didn’t like myself much. I kept going from one bad relationship to th next. Nothing leading to me taking his last name. Ebrima have already done this by giving me his last name and an African first name. In Africa I will be known as Fatou Tambedou of course you all will always know me as Francesca Etheart. If everything goes into plan I wil be know as Francesca Valerie Etheart Tambedou. Lets see I will write the rest of my forevermore. I love you Ebrima Tambedou!

Now I’m in a much better place World Fitters. No more lies praise God. I’m in a much healthier relationship when the time is right I will tell you all bout it mmmmmmmm ya.