Sometimes everything you once thought you know about your everlasting life can have a variation that you never expected for your forevermore a life alteration with some blue from left over day dreams past create your future but never overwrite the past.
Good morning World Fitters.
As some of your have been reading my blog for quite sometime you know that I don’t care much for color. Yes we all come in different shades and colors that is what makes us a beautiful rainbow. I never understand racism I just think it is an ugly distraction that I wish would simply disappear and turn into love. 🙂 As for how I see myself I never thought myself as a minority or anyway to be inferior. I’m black but not actually black is how I can best put it. I have been asked before if I was mixed with something else and if I’m fully black? My answer have always been that I’m black with just nice hair as the family that I know of are all dark skin. I say only what I know of obviously. I can not speak about what I don’t know and don’t understand. Recently at the age of thirty four to be exact I found out that the man I have known as my father and took his last name is not actually my father. Which brings me to my frantastic announcement. I have brought “My Heritage DNA”. I will soon take the test and found out once and for all what I’m. I want to be able to tell my children a bit about their back ground other then that they are Haitian with some Dominican. That’s right World Fitters I said I may be part Dominican which I also recently just found out. I just want to know the truth.
Sometimes everything you once thought you know about your everlasting life can have a variation that you never expected for your forevermore a life alteration with some blue from left over day dreams past create your future but never overwrite the past. World Fitters I would never try to over write the past. There are so many lessons that we could learn from our past. For instance not following our hearts and trusting our inner self-love warily ends with a happily ever after forevermore. The past holds the key to the future nevertheless the key is never easily pass. There are many perfectly imperfect trials and tribulations that must be blessed our way. With that said I don’t think my results will be that surprising with the exception about the lie about my father. I’m going a head and take a guess about my potential results. My frantastic reults are as follow (75 perceent black, 22 percent white, and 3 percent native american). Today I will take the test wish me luck Lovelies.