Franchys Daily Dose Of Self Love day 140

Sometimes things are not always as they seem you have to really open your baby blues and discover the truth from within at times we can choose to be blind as we dont want to glimpse into a forevermore that is shattered with broken dreams.

Bonjour World Fitters

Comment vas-tu (how are you)? I’m good thankful to be able to see another day and create my perfectly imperfect life. World Fitters I’ve gather that after reading a few of my posts you have collected a few pieces of my soul and have concluded that I’m a very sweet girl. Indeed I’m very sweet and kind just as you thought. I want to help everyone and wish homelessness and poverty was no more. For instance I remember once when I was walking out side I saw a women and her child she asked for five dollars I have it so I gave it to her it was really that simple to me. Another time I was at a Burger King by my house a man left a lot of money on the counter by me I could of easily taken it but I didn’t. Instead I told him that he almost forgot his money on the counter. He looked shocked and it was then he told me that there was two thousand dollars in total. The thought of taking the money never crossed my mind that’s simply not me. As you look at some of my pictures you would notice I’m black. However if my picture was not available you may have thought I was white base on how I think and write. The way many people view African Americans don’t really relate to me personally. I’m black but not actually black ya. There is far more to me then my skin color things are not as always as they seem.

Sometimes things are not always as they seem you have to really open your baby blues and discover the truth from within at times we can choose to be blind as we don’t want to glimpse into a forevermore that is shattered with broken dreams. Yes World Fitters some people rather not see the truth and live in a fantasy world. For the most part most black people struggle fianancilly and socially. Some children grow up to use drugs in order to numb their pain. Of course not only black people struggle people from all races experience a life that is far from perfect. A life with many regrets and lost dreams are experience world wide at different intensities. World Fitters I would like to say I’m here for you seriously. If you would like to talk you can contact me via my social medias for now currently working on creating a bussiness email. If you Google my business Frans Online Business INC you can find a way to contact me directly. Please don’t abuse and take advantage of my kind heart only contact me for serious matters as that is my bussiness phone thank you. I’m here to help World Fitters. 🙂 Futhermore I hope my blog can always be a safe haven for you to relax and, be you, be blue. If you have something you would like to say that can be helpful to everyone please comment below as you never know who could use your help. Below I will also put a link of one of my Facebook Page where you can message me as well. Just be sure to let me know who you are and where you are from so there wont be any confusion. I love you all have a bless day or night in the world ya.


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