Sometimes the end is really the beginning of a new try at a forevermore that is worthy of your beautiful soul make each day count like it is your last chance for true happiness be blue be you mmmmmmm ya.
Good morning World Fitters
How are you doing in the world? I’m doing ok actually preparing my self for the upcoming year ya. I really can’t wait to see what the new year has in store for me. I hope it is all good though ya. 🙂 When I created this blog back on 2015 I didn’t really know what to expect actually. I just know that I have been teased about my body too much and wanted to help and connect with others going through the same situation. The year 2020 will make 5 years old. That is a triumpth of its own ya. As 2019 draws to a close I want to say thank you all for allowing me to share my perfectly imperfect life with you all. Hope you stay around for many more years ya. 🙂
Sometimes the end is really the beginning of a new try at a forevermore that is worthy of your beautiful soul make each day count like it is your last chance for true happiness be blue be you mmmmmmm ya. We all deserve every bit to be happy. I know I’ve said that so many times that’s because it is true. There is never a good reason to sulk and feel sorry for yourself. What good does that do? All you are doing is wasting prcious moments that you will never get back. For instance when I was in my late teens and early twenties I was very depress and unhappy when I was suppouse to be young and free. Now you know what, that time is gone forever and now I’m heading for my 40’s ? The truth is World Fitters time is flying. 2020 is almost here and is ready to make a grand entrance. At this time I would like to say good bye to two spreacial people that I lost on 2019. The first being my grandma (momma) Julia Jean 12/8/1925 to 9/12/2019 and my friends mom who was a very sweet women and I very much appreciated her friendship Clara Skeete. A lot of bad things happened to me on 2019 namely losing my Facebook account that threw my life for a spin. Nevertheless I still am here I made it and for that I’m forever greatful for praise God. Have a beautiful day or night in the world mmmmmn ya.