Sometimes it is ok to not be ok and to not know where exactly you are heading for your everlasting forevermore we wont to always have an answer to all life greatest questions somethings just can not be explained you have to open your blue eyes to see whatever is out there just look don’t seek for an explanation don’t do anything just relax be blue be you than an everlasting forevermore will come to thee with no effort at all all you have to do is believe and be happy mmmmmmm ya.
Good Morning World Fitters
How are you doing in this beautiful world? I’m ok tired but happy and currently at peace. You know World Fitters sometimes I don’t have a clue what to write to you all. It is not so easy to write a daily post each and everyday. My life is really not that interesting nevertheless I do have a story to tell. We all have a story to tell though not all of us are bloggers. To be honest I don’t have a blue print to my posts. I just sit down and honestly share what is going on in my perfectly imperfect life. Sometimes I have something really exciting to share and am in great spirits. While other times I’m not in the best moods and am not ok. Which is perfectly ok. It is definitely ok not to be ok. Everything doesn’t always have to be going great in your perfectly imperfect life. After all your life is perfectly imperfect and that is ok.
Sometimes it is ok to not be ok and to not know where exactly you are heading for your everlasting forevermore we wont always have an answer to all life greatest questions somethings just can not be explained you have to open your blue eyes to see whatever is out there just look don’t seek for an explanation don’t do anything just relax be blue be you than an everlasting forevermore will come to thee with no effort at all all you have to do is believe and be happy mmmmmmm ya. Ya World Fitters many of us are constantly searching for the meaning of our life. Trying to find out the reason we were born into our perfectly imperfect forevermore. When we are unable to answer these seemingly easy questions we get down on ourselves and become a bit depressed particular when there is someone we know that is our age who have seemingly been able to answer these very same questions. I believe whatever is meant to be will be. So if you have not yet found your purpose then it simply was not the right time. I find when you no longer searching is usually when you find exactly what you have been searching for. In which it is usually right under your nose. All you need is some patience and a little faith and the bluest sky will line up brightening your baby blues. World Fitters I hope you found the forevermore you have been searching for all you life for not even eternity. Have a blessed day and night in the world.