Sometimes promises are just that promises nothing is coming from the heart no meaningful attempt is being made promises of last years past have been since long forgotten instead a forevermore of lieing and deceit has taken its place unfortunately like marriages of today’s time vows are exchange but no eternal love and devotion is ever present you speak of a love that is lost within the pieces of long lost broken dreams nevertheless I still see the beautiful blue skies which goes on for eternity I still believe beautiful souls are all around us nonetheless we just cannot see because our blues eyes are shut closed open your baby blues let me blow new life into them filled of hopes and many dreams mmmmm ya.

Buongiorno (Good morning) World Fitters

How do you do this beautiful frantastic morning World Fitters? I myself am ok just still a bit frustrated on how my business is going. I want to be further into my business forevermore. I suppose I should just be happy that I’m moving. Moving to a more positive happy forevermore. My blue blue eyes are the bluest they have ever been in many years. I truly in my heart want this year to be different. I really want to take my business Frans Online Business INC to new heights of positivity. You see to me it is not all about the money I really want to help and make a difference in my World Fitters life. Yes of course I want to make money too as I have bills and business expanses nonetheless it is truly not my main focus. I believe as a blogger if your main focus is to succeed by making a lot of money you will give up before you even really get started. I promise you are the reason World Fitters?

Sometimes promises are just that promises nothing is coming from the heart no meaningful attempt is being made promises of last years past have been since long forgotten instead a forevermore of lieing and deceit has taken its place unfortunately like marriages of today’s time vows are exchange but no eternal love and devotion is ever present you speak of a love that is lost within the pieces of long lost broken dreams nevertheless I still see the beautiful blue skies which goes on for eternity I still believe beautiful souls are all around us nonetheless we just cannot see because our blues eyes are shut closed. Open your baby blues let me blow new life into them filled of hopes and many dreams mmmmm ya. World Fitters I speak of my dreams often on this blog. That is because I’m so passionate about living my dream. For example, right now Frans Online Business INC is only online. My dream is to have a physical space for my business. At first my “Franchys Life Store” will be very modest which is perfectly fine. My business have always been perfectly imperfect and it will always be. In my special physical store I will sale Socks, T-shirts, and Pants etc….. at a very affordable price and sometimes if necessary I will accept alternate styles of payments. Such as helping me to promote my business. I have thought about this extensively as you can tell. ❤???? Of course I would need support from the community to grow. What do you think World Fitters? Do you like my frantastic ideas? I hope you really like my ideas and think they are cool ya. Feel free to share your thoughts down below I really want to know what is going on in your perfectly imperfect minds mmmmm ya. Have a wonderful day full of hopes and many dreams.


Promise me that you will live your very best life start now ❤❤

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