Sometime you have to use your beautiful wonderful voice to speak straight from the heart and create your very own happily ever after. Use your voice and say what has been laying deep within your beautiful wonderful soul. Sing a heart felt song about last years past of broken dreams. All of should’ve, would’ve, and could’ve slowly slipping away into an unhappily ever after of nevermore. This repetitive unfortunate uncomfortable song continuously playing on the merry go round of broken dreams. Close your beautiful blue eyes Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel and let you beautiful wonderful hopes and dreams silence the lullaby of broken dreams mmmmmm ya. Don’t dream your life live your dreams.
Madainn mhath (Good morning) World Fitters
How are you this beautiful wonderful morning? I’m well I can’t complain ya. I hope you are doing frantastic of course. World Fitters we all are listening for the voice of hope . Especially with this whole pandemic still going on and with so many lost lives. Many of us are still surviving on unemployment checks and life savings. It is understandable that many awesome people are looking for additional sources of income (including me). Ya Lovelies you know I’m always searching for ways to earn every breath that I take. It is never a good idea to put all your eggs in one basket. Life is unpredictable and can change in a second. Hence for the frantastic reason that I’m opening a new way of creating beautiful wonderful content for you all. What am I referring to you may be wondering? I’m referring to creating a Podcast for “Franchys Daily Dose Of Self Love.” Lovelies I just have a lot of love to give through my stories and figure why not? I want to have a variety of platforms to voice my inner deepest Franchy soul.
Sometime you have to use your beautiful wonderful voice to speak straight from the heart and create your very own happily ever after. Use your voice and say what has been laying deep within your beautiful wonderful soul. Sing a heart felt song about last years past of broken dreams. All of should’ve, would’ve, and could’ve slowly slipping away into an unhappily ever after of nevermore. This repetitive unfortunate uncomfortable song continuously playing on the merry go round of broken dreams. Close your beautiful blue eyes Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel and let you beautiful wonderful hopes and dreams silence the lullaby of broken dreams mmmmmm ya. Don’t dream your life live your dreams. Ya Lovelies I’m going to be creating content through my Podcast. At first I was unaware what a Podcast was. Additionally I was concerned about my strong accent as I’m not American. So needless to say I had some reservations about having my beautiful Franchy voice being heard. Nevertheless I worked through the self doubts and created this amazing Podcast. Lovelies you should never doubt yourself. If there is something you truly madly deeply want to do just do it. You will never know if you can unless you at least try your very best. If you tried and you didn’t succeed that’s ok perhaps it is not for you. Lovelies always believe in yourself no matter what. Let your wonderful beautiful voice be heard and provide hope for others. Have a wonderful day Lovelies. Mmmmmmmmm ya.