Sometimes you have to silent the many voices of last years past of broken dreams. The eternal melody of many unforgettable disappointments and never ending self doubt continually playing in your perfectly imperfect thought process. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel I love you wont you take my hand and allow me to help you off the merry go round of broken dreams? For only then can you silent the cries of your shatter souls ghostly sin. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel don’t dream your life live your dream mmmmmm ya.

Buenos dias (Good morning) World Fitters

How are you World Fitters? I’m good can’t really complain ya. Just been going through a bit of an eternal war within my perfectly imperfect soul. Lovelies the negative voices always speaks considerably louder then the positive ones don’t they? Like an abundance of lost souls of last years past of broken dreams. Constantly putting you down and telling you you are never enough. Lovelies far too often we are our very own worst enemies. Keeping ourselves from living our perfectly imperfect dreams and creating our very own happily ever after’s. World Fitters do you often find yourselves being so patient with others and understanding everyone makes mistakes from time to time? Nonetheless when it come to yourself you don’t have no such patience at all. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel when will you silent the many voices on the merry go round of broken dreams and get off eternally forevermore?

Sometimes you have to silent the many voices of last years past of broken dreams. The eternal melody of many unforgettable disappointments and never ending self doubt continually playing in your perfectly imperfect thought process. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel I love you wont you take my hand and allow me to help you off the merry go round of broken dreams? For only then can you silent the cries of your shatter souls ghostly sin. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel don’t dream your life live your dream mmmmmm ya. Ya World Fitters I have really been going through a lot as of late. Been a bit depress and second guessing myself again. Thankfully I have made some peace and am completely back to my Franchy self mmmmmm ya. World Fitters I have been really working hard on all my business endeavors. For instance I’m working on my YouTube career again. Trying to be more consistent mmmmmm ya. So far I have 48 videos across all my YouTube channels soon to be 49 videos. Lovelies I have reflected on a lot how far I have truly madly deeply come. I mean there was a time I was no where to be find on the internet. Which makes complete sense as I’m a very quiet shy individual. Now I’m all over the internet. Which enviably comes with its own perfectly imperfect complications. Nevertheless I’m by no means popular. Nonetheless I have seen other content producers living under the lenses of social media. Everyone seems to know all about their perfectly imperfect lives. I have no interest in that Lovelies. I just want to share my perfectly imperfect pieces of me with you all. So as you can learn from all my mistakes. Yes I’m a beautiful Sweet Soul Angel but I’m not perfect and that is perfectly fine. No one is perfect we all do things we which we never done. We are still beautiful and still count! I love you Lovelies so much have a wonderful Franchy day mmmmmm ya.


Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel silent the voices of last years past of broken dreams. For only then will you create your happily ever after full of hopes and dreams forevermore mmmmmm ya. ????

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