Sometimes you have to ask yourself how far are you willing to go to stop dreaming your life and beginning to live your dream. No more last year’s past of a broken dream holding you hostage on the merry go round of broken dreams. Lovelies seize the day tomorrow is never promised carpe diem to your very own happily ever after. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel you are much more stronger then you can have ever imagined. Beautiful sweet Soul Angel I love you now more then ever. You have worked so hard to get to where you are right at this moment. Always believe in yourself Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel I love you.
Buenos dias (Good morning) World Fitters
Hiya Word Fitters! How are you this beautiful morning full of frantastic wonderful possibilities? I’m well Lovelies working hard as usual. Lovelies here I’m at my bank Citibank it is currently 3:22 am. I’m cold, I’m tired and I’m waiting to start my shift at which starts at 6am. I came to Hicksville Long Island at around 2:04 am. I had to walk in the cold dark night alone as there are no buses running or trains which is why I also had to take the last train to long Island at 1:18 am so I will be on time for work. Likewise I had to pay a total of $124 for a cab yesterday to get to work on time. I couldn’t do it again today certainly as it is quite pricey which brings us to here. One begins to wonder Lovelies how far are you willing to go to live your dream and stop dreaming your life? When is it finally enough?
Sometimes you have to ask yourself how far are you willing to go to stop dreaming your life and beginning to live your dream. No more last year’s past of a broken dream holding you hostage on the merry go round of broken dreams. Lovelies seize the day tomorrow is never promised carpe diem to your very own happily ever after. Beautiful sweet Soul Angel you are much more stronger then you can have ever imagined. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel I love you now more then ever. You have worked so hard to get to where you are right at this moment. Always believe in yourself Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel I love you. Ya Lovelies I’m now saying it is quite enough the way my perfectly imperfect life has been going. I remember saying I would never live pay check to pay check and that is exactly what I’m doing now unfortunately. Something’s have to change. I don’t want to continue getting on the merry go round of broken dreams. Lovelies a life not living as you truly madly deeply want is not worth living. You have to fight for the life that you truly madly deeply want. Lovelies this the new me care to join me?