Sometimes it is truly madly deeply the simplest things that matters. Perhaps a simple smile my way and a friendly hi ? Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel while last years past of broken dreams can leave an eternal scar on your happily ever after. While leaving you stranded on the merry go round of broken dreams. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel it is always up to you. Ya life is hard and is very often so unfair. Nevertheless this is your life to do as you please. Sweet Lovely be blue be you I love you so. Your eyes so blue. Your smile it’s very brightest ever. Oh Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel don’t dream your life live your dream mmmmmmmmm ya.
καλημέρα (Good morning) World Fitters
Hi Lovelies! How are you doing? I’m doing Frantastic! I feel quite awesome actually! I hope you are also doing amazing mmmmmmmmm ya. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel it is so amazing how much the little things truly madly deeply matters. I don’t need an expansive car. Or a new credit card so I can shop my sorrows away. I didn’t even need to win the lottery. No Sweet Lovely a hug and an understanding smile will do. Just sit and listen to me without any judgement. Tell me you truly madly deeply love me just as I’m. World Fitters as mortal angels we need physical stimulation. For instance we need to be able to touch, smell, and feel. Consequently leaving us with an never ending Hollowell of broken promises. We are never truly happy, nor satisfied. We always want more and more. Come Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel come take my hand and I will help you to your happily ever after. Where beautiful simplicity is truly madly deeply key.
Sometimes it is truly madly deeply the simplest things that matters. Perhaps a simple smile my way and a friendly hi? Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel while last years past of broken dreams can leave an eternal scar on your happily ever after. While leaving you stranded on the merry go round of broken dreams. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel it is always up to you. Ya life is hard and is very often so unfair. Nevertheless this is your life to do as you please. Sweet Lovely be blue be you I love you so. Your eyes so blue. Your smile it’s very brightest ever. Oh beautiful Sweet Soul Angel don’t dream your life live your dream mmmmmmmmm ya. Ya World Fitters yesterday I was so happy (I’m also so happy today). You would have thought that I won 5 million dollars or something. “What chu talking about Franchy?” Well Lovelies all I did was go to the Riverside Park in Manhattan it was that simple really. The weather was beautiful the sky so blue and my very own blue eyes were shining. I was in my very own haven of happily ever after. No stress, no worries they were melted away with the beautiful hot sun. Lovelies I know at times you can feel like your life is totally over and you will never ever be happy or fulfilled again. Have faith Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel for this too shall pass. Maybe not straight away but when it truly madly deeply counts. Life is truly simple why complicate things? Why worry about things that are not in your control? Lovelies simplifying your life and trying your very best is all that you can truly do. I was able to have an amazing time just keeping things simple and fun. I didn’t need any extravagant special gifts. Neither do you World Fitters. Enjoy every breath that you take and enjoy the simple things in life as best as you can.