Sometimes you are truly madly deeply just a step away from your very own happily ever after. Nevertheless last years past of broken dreams is pulling you empathically back unto the merry go round of broken dreams. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel open your beautiful blue eyes and see the next stop to your very own happily ever after is yours. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel I truly madly deeply know that what ever that is yours in this life is just blue and borrowed. There is no telling for how long true blue love will be yours. Nonetheless we give up so much of our free time to truly earn our life. So much so we at times lose ourselves while getting off the merry go round of broken dreams and being surrounded by the mist of many broken promises. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel this perfectly imperfectly life is yours. Why live a life truly madly deeply full of desperation and many regrets? Don’t dream your life live your dream now and forevermore mmmmmmmmm ya.
Bonjour (Good morning) World Fitters
Good day Lovelies and how are you? I’m doing well just currently going through my women issues which are truly making me unwell. Nonetheless still working hard for the life I truly want. Lovelies a lot of people work hard for the life they truly want. Since we all want to buy great beautiful things. Ya material things are really a constant for us. Whether it is a beautiful new skirt, or the latest sneakers in style, maybe even a new guitar you need for your band. We are constantly consuming things. Which inevitably lead us to getting more jobs to support ourselves. Moreover we are also spending less time with our perfectly imperfect families. World Fitters these material things we put so much importance on getting are just blue and borrowed. There is no guarantee that we will have them forevermore. Lovelies perhaps we feel that we are truly madly deeply one more step away to our very own happily ever after with every purchase.
Sometimes you are truly madly deeply just a step away from your very own happily ever after. Nevertheless last years past of broken dreams is pulling you empathically back unto the merry go round of broken dreams. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel open your beautiful blue eyes and see the next stop to your very own happily ever after is yours. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel I truly madly deeply know that what ever that is yours in this life is just blue and borrowed. There is no telling for how long true blue love will be yours. Nonetheless we give up so much of our free time to truly earn our life. So much so we at times lose ourselves while getting off the merry go round of broken dreams and being surrounded by the mist of many broken promises. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel this perfectly imperfectly life is yours. Why live a life truly madly deeply full of desperation and many regrets? Don’t dream your life live your dream now and forevermore mmmmmmmmm ya. Ya Lovelies yes it is nice to have nice material things to really make you happy. Nothing is wrong with working really hard then rewarding yourself with a nice sweet gift. Nonetheless it should not be your everything. Your most important value in your very own happily ever after. For instance there was this story about a teenage girl who got a really lovely coat for her birthday. Then one day this group of girls wanted to robbed her for her brand new coat. She refused to give her brand new coat to them and instead lost her life. Sweet Lovelies nothing is worth your very own perfectly imperfect life. All material things are truly madly deeply blue and borrowed. Nothing is more beautiful then the love you have for yourself despite what you may or may not have. Have a very blessed day and truly be thankful for all you have Lovelies.