Sometimes the simplest task of being absolutely honest can truly madly deeply mean the difference between reliving last years past of broken dreams and eternally surrendering your very own happily ever after on the merry go round of broken dreams. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel I know you have very sweet blue wishes of many wonderfully beautifully hopes and dreams. Seize the beautiful day Sweet Lovely. Don’t dream your life live your dream. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel always be honest and true to yourself and create the life you truly madly deeply always wanted to live and cherish. You are absolutely worth it mmmmmmmmm ya!
günaydın (Good morning) World Fitters. Good morning to you from Turkey.
Hi, Lovelies! How are you are doing this absolutely lovely morning? I’m doing well thankfully. Thank you for asking. I truly madly deeply hope you all are doing awesome as well. Lovelies we all want nothing but the truth if nothing else. I remember being with a guy and all he did was lied throughout our whole relationship, everything he ever said to me was an absolute lie. Although I must admit he was really good at lying. I suppose he was so good because he lies often. Ya Lovelies he was very convincing and always have an answer for every question on cue. His lying ways are why he is no longer part of my perfectly imperfect Franchy life. He is the sort of guy to be caught with his hands in the cookie jar and continually lie and say he didn’t do it. Needless to say, I was very annoyed with all his lies. I told him I never wanted to see or hear from him ever again. Ya, I’m a sweet girl who will do whatever it takes to help. I would have happily helped too if he simply just told the truth.
Sometimes the simplest task of being absolutely honest can truly madly deeply mean the difference between reliving last year’s past of broken dreams and eternally surrendering your very own happily ever after on the merry-go-round of broken dreams. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel, I know you have very sweet blue wishes of many wonderfully beautiful hopes and dreams. Seize the beautiful day Sweet Lovely. Don’t dream your life live your dream. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel always be honest and true to yourself and create the life you truly madly deeply always wanted to live and cherish. You are absolutely worth it mmmmmmmmm ya! Ya, no one likes being lied to Lovelies. We all want honesty of love instead of being blinded by a smokey wanderlust of broken dreams. To be honest Lovelies I’m a horrible liar. To be honest, again I do try to lie here and there but for the most part, I’m pretty much honest about things. Lovelies when I was lied to by that dreadful horrid fella. I truly madly deeply felt used and unappreciated. I mean our whole relationship was based on a lie after another. I didn’t like being lied to so I will not do it to others and it is really that simple to me Lovelies. I would very much like to be in a long-lasting loving relationship Lovelies. One that is based on absolute complete honesty. I have not been intimate for 3 years and if I get into something serious again I want things to truly madly deeply be different. World Fitters when I look back on my past relationships I realize how truly dysfunctional all my relationships were. I’m still involved in one right this very moment. I know I will have to leave him soon. Lovelies be good to yourself and others and tell the truth. I know it won’t be easy nevertheless it is absolutely necessary. The key to any healthy relationship is honesty. Love everyone and tell the truth always Sweet Lovelies especially when it is not easy mmmmmmmm ya. Have a lovely day mmmmmmmm ya.