Sometimes it is pain that truly madly deeply awakens you to all the beautiful wonderful possibilities that our happily ever after has waiting for us. With last year’s past of broken dreams on a standstill as you ride the merry-go-round of broken dreams. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel you know I don’t like it when you are in pain. The very look of sweet tears in your beautiful blue eyes absolutely breaks my heart. As I truly madly deeply care for you. You are my heart. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel take a deep breath for this too shall pass. Nevertheless, my love for you is eternal now and forevermore. Till death shall we part. I just have one wish my sweet darling. Don’t dream your life live your dream.

Bom dia (Good morning) World Fitters. Good morning to you from the beautiful wonderful Brazil of sweet dreams.

Hi Lovelies how are you all doing this beautiful glorious morning? I’m doing frantastic ya truly blessed for seeing another wonderful day. Nevertheless, with pain of hope, it is a sweet reminder. As a sweet welcoming reminder of ya, we are perfectly imperfect and that is ok and beautiful. So many of us strive for perfection and for an easy way out with less pain. Every so often we need to feel pain in order to truly madly deeply know we are alive. Sweet Lovelies so often things can go horribly wrong without any warning. Then a stern feeling of pain awakens all our wonderful senses and then we finally are able to see our very own happily ever after. Sweet Lovelies every so often we have to let pain awaken us to all the wonderful possibilities so that we can finally stop dreaming our lives and begin living our sweet dreams mmmmmmmmmm ya.

Sometimes it is pain that truly madly deeply awakens you to all the beautiful wonderful possibilities that our happily ever after has waiting for us. With last year’s past of broken dreams on a standstill as you ride the merry-go-round of broken dreams. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel you know I don’t like it when you are in pain. The very look of sweet tears in your beautiful blue eyes absolutely breaks my heart. As I truly madly deeply care for you. You are my heart. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel take a deep breath for this too shall pass. Nevertheless, my love for you is eternal now and forevermore. Till death shall we part. I just have one wish my sweet darling. Don’t dream your life live your dream. Ya living your dreams takes a whole lot of patience and hard work World Fitters. I can imagine the pain of failing over and over again. The pain of continuously falling and getting right back up just to try again. Lovelies pain reminds us that ya we are not immortal and will not live forever. Pain is truly a reminder that our time is limited and that we all should make the most of our time here on beautiful wonderful earth. Lovelies I truly madly deeply hope this article finds you at peace. Nevertheless with enough pain to help you reach your full potential and the strength to live the life you always wanted. Have a great day and don’t forget to smile.


Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel Please don’t cry. Let me kiss softly all your pain of hope and help you create your very own happily ever after. For this too shall pass. Nevertheless my sweet love will always be here when you need it. I love you my sweet darling. ???????????????

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