Sometimes your natural beauty is truly madly deeply enough Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel. Yet I contantly see you remeincing on last years past of broken dreams while riding the merry go round of broken dreams. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel dont you know that your beauty truly madly deeply takes my breath away. With your beautiful blue eyes truly shining ever so brightly and your sweet lips the color of the most beautiful sweet red rose. Beautiul Sweet Soul Angel always believe in your beautiful wonderful sweet dreams. Don’t dream your life live your dream. Create your very own happily ever after and truly madly deeply love all your perefect imperfections.
Bonjour (Good morning) World Fitters. Good morning and many blessings to you from beautiful intriguingly awesome Nice France.
Hi, Lovelies. How are you doing this perfectly imperfect morning? I myself I’m doing ok just feeling sick from my woman issues. I feel truly uncomfortable and unattractive because of my bloated belly. Yes, Lovelies it is extremely important that you embrace your beauty. In this perfectly imperfect era of Instagram filters and plastic surgery truly madly deeply becoming the norm. Self-acceptance is really becoming a thing of the past. For example, Alejandra Mercedes did not accept and appreciate her very own natural beauty. She made the faithful decision to get 5 plastic surgeries all in one day. As a result, her nipples got infected and had to be removed with a bit leftover. If only she truly madly deeply understand that her natural beauty is enough always mmmmmmmmm ya.
Sometimes your natural beauty is truly madly deeply enough Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel. Yet I constantly see you reminiscing on last year’s past of broken dreams while riding the merry-go-round of broken dreams. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel don’t you know that your beauty truly madly deeply takes my breath away. With your beautiful blue eyes truly shining ever so brightly and your sweet lips the color of the most beautiful sweet red rose. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel always believe in your beautiful wonderful sweet dreams. Don’t dream your life live your dream. Create your very own happily ever after and truly madly deeply love all your perfect imperfections. Ya Lovelies Alejandra Mercedes now realizes having 5 surgeries all in one day was not such a good idea after all. Her perfectly imperfect body just could not deal and consequently became infected. I really feel bad for Alejandra Mercedes. I don’t blame her for the perfectly imperfect decisions that she made. I understand the pressure to always look perfectly beautiful. Natural beauty truly didn’t appear to be enough again. I think natural hasn’t been in for quite some time now Sweet Lovelies. Ya women like me are a slowly dying breed. I now truly madly deeply appreciate my very own natural beauty. I’m ok with not being absolutely perfect and knowing ya there are better-looking women than me. I don’t care about being the best I just want to be original. A one-of-a-kind natural beauty. Today Lovelies I inspire you to love all your perfect imperfections. Work hard on your perfectly imperfect bodies instead of going under the knife. God made you perfect already. You truly have nothing else you need to do except to be happy with who you are. Lovelies have a wonderful day and be well mmmmmmmmmmmm ya.