Sometimes using your voice can create the most beautiful wonderful lullaby to your happily ever after. Nevertheless the lullaby of last years past of broken dreams is continually playing on the merry go round of broken dreams and as always it is hard to turn away and create a tune of your very own happily ever after. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel you are gorgeous with the most pleasant voice that I just can’t ever get enough of. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel let the lullaby of hope and faith lead you to your very own special place where all is perfectly imperfectly well and just need a very Sweet Angel touch mmmmmmmmm ya.
Godmorgen (Good morning) World Fitters
How are you Lovelies doing today? I’m well still working on my perfectly imperfect dreams. World Fitters as some of you may know I’m a very shy girl. Although I was much more shy when I was younger and would barely say a thing. With age and in lull of me growing my businesses I have become a lot more out spoken. Lovelies it is very important that your voice of choice is heard over the lullaby of last years past of broken dreams. If you have something to contribute to the bettering of your community you should always speak your mind. World Fitters each and everyone of us deserves our perfectly imperfect stories to be heard. With the internet and many different platforms to express ourselves has made it a lot easier. For instance the video producing giant known as YouTube is a great way to share your life with million of people all over the world. Oh Lovely wont you sing me a lullaby and bring the blue back in my eyes mmmmmmmmmm ya.
Sometimes using your voice can create the most beautiful wonderful lullaby to your happily ever after. Nevertheless the lullaby of last years past of broken dreams is continually playing on the merry go round of broken dreams and as always it is hard to turn away and create a tune of your very own happily ever after. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel you are gorgeous with the most pleasant voice that I just can’t ever get enough of. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel let the lullaby of hope and faith lead you to your very own special place where all is perfectly imperfectly well and just need a very Sweet Angel touch mmmmmmmmm ya. Ya World Fitters I’m happy to say that my beautiful sweet voice is being heard. Meaning I’m really working hard on my new business endeavor my Podcast. I just recently created my Podcast art and am now working on adding my perfectly imperfect episodes to different directories such as Spotify and Google Podcast. Lovelies I remember back when I originally created “FRANCHYS DAILY DOSE OF SELF LOVE DAY TO YOUR HAPPILY EVER AFTER” I just wanted to share more of my perfect imperfections with you all. Now it has grown to a whole other business that I can earn more with. See Lovelies that is what I truly madly deeply Love about owning my own business. The opportunities are simply endless. You can make as much money as you want as long as you are willing to do the work and sacrifice your perfectly imperfect time. If any of you Lovelies are thinking about starting a Podcast just do it! When I first thought about starting a Podcast I was not sure that I would be good at it or that I would enjoy it. Give it a try and see if it is for you, you never know mmmmmmmmm ya. Alright Lovelies I’m going to end my perfectly imperfect thoughts and say have a lovely day or night in the world.