Sometimes if you quite the voices long enough you can see all of last years past of broken dreams gathering and suffocating all the wonderful beautiful hopes that lives deep within. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel I truly madly deeply believe in you. I see you Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel the real you. Not the you that you create that you think I always see in you and truly madly deeply invariably wanted to see. I want to see you fly my Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel without any limits or dream draining hesitation carpe diem Sweet Soul Angel don’t dream your life live your dream mmmmmmmmmm ya.
सुप्रभात Suprabhat (Good morning) World Fitters
How are you World Fitters? I’m doing well praise God. World Fitters it really seems I have had a lot of outer body experience as of late last years past of broken dreams. I’m beginning to see where it all started going wrong. For me it all started the moment that I stop loving myself and all my perfect imperfections. Lovelies you got only yourself and if not even you loves yourself who will ever? You know what World Fitters who you date is a reflection of who you see in the mirror. If you don’t love yourself you will continually get into relationships that does not cherish you. For instance I have been in a lot of unfulfilling relationships that never lead to a marriage or end with me being a mother. That is why I’m choosing to remain single now as I don’t long to continue doing this over and over like the merry go round of broken dreams mmmmmm ya. Ya I get lonely and my broken heart begins singing the saddest song ever. When the beautiful melody of unhappily ever after abruptly just stops I can finally truly madly deeply lovingly listen with all my Franchy heart mmmmmmmm ya.
Sometimes if you quite the voices long enough you can see all of last years past of broken dreams gathering and suffocating all the wonderful beautiful hopes that lives deep within. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel I truly madly deeply believe in you. I see you Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel the real you. Not the you that you create that you think I always see in you and truly madly deeply invariably wanted to see. I want to see you fly my Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel without any limits or dream draining hesitation carpe diem Sweet Soul Angel don’t dream your life live your dream mmmmmmmmmm ya. Ya World Fitters imagine you are searching like crazy for your pen. You literally are turning your whole apartment upside down trying to find that darn pen. Then the pen accidentally fall from your hair and you responded seriously are you kidding me? Lovelies sometimes you are going crazy searching and the answer is right there staring into your bright blue eyes mmmmmm ya. Sometimes quieting the ghost of last years past of broken dreams is all you needed to do in order to create your very own perfectly imperfect happily ever after. Always believe in yourself Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel. Never become who you think they want you to be. For you truly madly deeply become what you think about Sweet Soul Angel. Don’t dream your life rather live your dream eternally forevermore mmmmmmmmm ya. Have a blessed day Lovelies mmmmmm ya.