Sometimes the merry go round of broken dreams is on a standstill. Patiently waiting for you to board again knowing quite certainly your happiness wont last forevermore. For your perfectly imperfect emotions are quite fleeting. So much so that with every blink of your beautiful blues eyes an eternal image of last years past of broken dreams is continuously playing over and over again. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel nothing lasts forever that’s why it is very important to cherish what’s near and dear to you. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel create your very own happily ever after by not just dreaming your life instead live your dream mmmmmm ya.

Goeiemore (Good morning) World Fitters

How are you doing this gorgeous morning? I’m well really cant complain mmmmmmmm ya. World Fitters as you all know being happy all the time can be a struggle living day to day in this beautiful perfectly imperfect world. No matter how much you tried something just may happen to take the blue out of your eyes and change the true beauty of your smile. Lovelies life is hard and is often vey unfair and unpredictable. For instance you can be working hard to survive living pay check to pay check. Then this Coronavirus occurs and changes everything in an instant. Furthermore Lovely you have some how gotten on the merry go round of broken dreams and has disappear in the mist never to be seen. Find your way to your very own beautiful happily ever after Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel mmmmmm ya.

Sometimes the merry go round of broken dreams is on a standstill. Patiently waiting for you to board again knowing quite certainly your happiness wont last forevermore. For your perfectly imperfect emotions are quite fleeting. So much so that with every blink of your beautiful blues eyes an eternal image of last years past of broken dreams is continuously playing over and over again. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel nothing lasts forever that’s why it is very important to cherish what’s near and dear to you. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel create your very own happily ever after by not just dreaming your life instead live your dream mmmmmm ya. World Fitters I do truly madly deeply believe that it is possible to be eternally happy and content forevermore. It all depends on how you see your perfectly imperfect world. After-all you become what you think about Lovelies. So think positively always. Ya World Fitters I realize it wont be easy at all to constantly be happy. Life is very hard and at times can be very unfair. Nevertheless you are worth all the happiness in the world Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel. Don’t let last years past of broken dreams interfere with creating your very own happily ever after. Be blue be you carpe diem seize the day and live out your very best life ever mmmmmmmmmmm ya. Have a blessed day or night in the world Lovelies.


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