Sometimes my happiness is not determined just by everything going possibly awesomely well. Everything doesn’t have to be perfect for eternity. No Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel cheerfulness is a choice. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel make a decision to not let last years past of broken dreams establish your perfectly imperfect happily ever after. Carpe diem seize the day truly madly deeply live the life you want. So that you are eternally content forevermore. Be blue be you I love you so Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel. Live a beautifully blissful life full of many hopes and dreams. Sweet Lovely leave the merry go round of broken dreams behind in the mist of many broken promises. For when the mist becomes a clear blue you find your happily ever after have been here all along mmmmmm ya.

Buenos Dias (Good morning) World Fitters

How are you? I’m good am feeling blessed as usual wish you are feeling the same ya. Are you really happy World Fitters? Many of us associate true happiness with material possessions and everything going good in our life. No last years past of broken dreams playing like a merry go round of unfulfilled dreams in the back drop of your perfectly imperfect eternal happily ever after. To be quite honest I’m the happiest I have been in many years. In my twenties I was very depress. I was convince I was the ugliest girl in the world and was very mesirable. Additionally I was in a lot of unhealthy relationships because I didn’t love myself. Now that I’m heading to my 40’s I’m a lot more content. I know and understand myself a lot better and truly madly deeply love myself and all my perfect imperfections. No everything is not going as they should and I’m ok with that am patient. Nonetheless everything doesn’t have to be perfect to make you the happiest person you have ever been mmmmmmmmm ya.

Sometimes my happiness is not determined just by everything going possibly awesomely well. Everything doesn’t have to be perfect for eternity. No Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel cheerfulness is a choice. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel make a decision to not let last years past of broken dreams establish your perfectly imperfect happily ever after. Carpe diem seize the day truly madly deeply live the life you want. So that you are eternally content forevermore. Be blue be you I love you so Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel. Live a beautifully blissful life full of many hopes and dreams. Sweet Lovely leave the merry go round of broken dreams behind in the mist of many broken promises. For when the mist becomes a clear blue you find your happily ever after have been here all along mmmmmm ya. Ya World Fitters life is good thankfully. I’m doing the job of my dreams. Which is having my own business and working on my own dreams. If someone asked me what would I need to happen to make me absolutely happy and content in my perfectly imperfect life? I would say my business being at a place that I’m very pleased with. Moreover finding the love of my life getting married and starting my very own perfectly imperfect family. What now do I have to be discontent because my life is not exactly as it should be? One thing life has shown me in general is that the unexpected is always looming near a merry go round of broken dreams. Just as you get off it is there to disorientate you. The cloud of self doubt blinding you and you can’t see all the wonderful possibilities that this existence always have available to you if only you believe. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel life is whatever you make of it. Carpe diem seize the day and love yourself enough to create the forevermore you truly madly deeply always wanted for yourself. I believe in you Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel. Don’t dream your life live your dream Lovely mmmmmm ya.


Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel seize every moment like it is your last. Enjoy every breath that you take. Laugh, love, and live your very best life ever. Believe in your dreams fall in love with all your perfect imperfections. ???????

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