Bonjour (Good Morning) World Fitters! I wanted to do a post to not only tell you about my weight loss but to show you as well. I know I said I would show you pictures of my weight loss well here they are.

I also have my weekly shapely to constantly update you on my frantastic weight loss. You should check that out as well. What my weight loss means to me is that I can do anything my heart desires. As long as I work towards my goals I’m fine! Working out is work I can’t tell you how many times I did not feel like exercising. However that is to be expected because weight loss is not perfect.
Nevertheless I got off my lazy bottom and started to exercise. One key component to my weight loss has been Pact. Pact is an app that pays you to live a healthier life style. For instance I’ve received about $30.00’s using the Pact app. Additionally I currently have 213 activities. To learn more about Pact please visit my post “COMMIT TO YOUR HAPPINESS!”
What I’ve learned is that your weight is up to you. World Fitters mainly what have been keeping me motivated is me. I want to love the body I’m in. When everyone is down on my body I have to be the women who pick myself back up.
I want you to do the same World Fitters. I want you to be your own #1 cheerleader. After all it is your body! No one knows what your body needs more then you. Likewise no one can get you to lose the weight except you. You have to want to lose the weight. You have to want to change. will be there with you through it all.
I will always be there for you I mean that sincerely. Leave a comment below and let me know what I can do to help you. Also have a look through my posts. Perhaps one of my posts can answer your questions. Be well World Fitters. Have a good day or night wherever you are in the world. Bye for now see you next time. Love Francesca AKA Franchy.