Sometimes a time of celebration can bring so many beautifully wonderfully joys to our very own perfectly imperfect life. Lovely smile and have some beautiful cake. Truly madly deeply taste your very own happily ever after. Come Lovelies lets celebrate Our Self Love Birthday now and forevermore. Show that big beautiful belly after enjoying some delicious cake. Dance in your bathing suit and show off your beautiful stretch marks. You are truly madly deeply beautiful in all your perfect imperfections and I love you so mmmmmmmm ya.

Hi Lovelies how are you all doing? I’m doing well really can’t complain ya. Hope all is good with you too truly madly deeply. Todays post is all about A Celebration Of Self Love. Ya Lovelies I would love to celebrate this site on this very special month. What is so special Franchy? Particular on this month was when was created. That’s right World Fitters I decided to buy the domain and make my weight truly madly deeply my business. Of course the original site was created on an earlier date. Back when the site design was completely different as I was. Ya Lovelies I was a different women then. I was younger and so fragile to what people really thought of me. Hence the creation of this wonderfully beautiful blog. This blog is my very own self love journey.

Self love can mean so many things to many different people Lovelies. For example, self love can mean creating your perfectly imperfect body with plastic surgery. I personally have no problems with getting plastic surgery to feel more comfortable in your very own skin. My motto is always live the life that truly bring you the most happiness that you deserve. World Fitters I never judge I truly just want you to be happy. Likewise I also want everlastingly joy to my very own happily ever after. This blog is my happiness! Moreover helping you Lovelies create your very own happily ever after brought meaning to my Franchy Life. Lovelies on that note I anoint the month of August Our Very Own Self Love Birthday. Which means as of today and every year after that the whole month of August is our perfectly imperfect self Love Birthday. I invite you to eat some delicious cake with me. Don’t worry you will still be beautiful after.
Happy Self Love Birthday Lovelies