Hi, Lovelies. It is me again Franchy. How are you? I’m doing well today thank you. I truly madly deeply hope you are doing good as well. First of I wanted to say thank you for checking out my wonderful website. Here is where I share my self-love journey with you all. As mentioned before I create this lovely wonderful blog because I was truly madly deeply frustrated with people’s rude remarks about my perfectly imperfect body. I said wait a minute my weight is my business and none of yours and I did just that and created a blog all about my beautiful perfect imperfections. Then the thought of you guys also seeing my wonderful journey came to mind and I created a lovely channel for you all.
As of now, I’m not currently active on my Youtube Channel but I will again soon enough and just wanted to share with you beautiful people. When I thought about maybe there were others also being body shamed I was not absolutely certain. As I know there truly madly deeply are beautiful plus-sized women all over the world. Some making money with their beautiful plus-sized bodies. I created this beautiful business when I was big and overweight. Now that I’m smaller you know what? I still have insecurities and issues that I want to share. Nevertheless, your body is your business and I’m here to support you. Follow me on Youtube I would really appreciate the warm welcoming support. Have a looksie and let us create our very own happily ever after. Where ever you connect with me my love and acceptance will truly madly deeply be eternal. Have a great day mmmmmmmmm ya.