Part 1 Feederism Feed Your Mind

Hey World Fitters!

How are you doing? Me I’m fine, I’ve just been doing some research about feederism. In case you miss last week’s post “feederism is a sub-category of fat fetishism, where individuals harbour a strong or even exclusive sexual attraction to people who are overweight or obese.” As you know World Fitters I’m not one to judge. This blog post is not to judge a sub culture group but rather to seek to understand it. I always say don’t judge you never know why the person is doing whatever is that they do. Instead seek to understand and educate yourself.  Let’s get right to it shall we? Below i will discuss two very special women who are both into feederism.

Donna Simpson A Former Weight Gainer


I’m happy to say that Donna Simpson is no longer a gainer. She was able to open hers eyes to the dangers of feederism.  She wants to be more mobile so she can better care for her daughter and son. Furthermore she is no longer in an unhealthy relationship, one day when her boyfriend went to work she pack up her things and left with her two children. She knew she no longer wanted to live this forbidden lifestyle.

Before this mind blowing realization Simpson was earning $90,000 yearly from her undying  supporters.  Wow $90,000 yearly I can certainly understand the attraction to this job. Yep webcam modeling can be quite lucrative, during which time she was gorging on 15,000 calories worth of junk food a day.  The question is how much is your life worth? I honestly feel like those fat admirers are paying these women to kill themselves, sort of like a grim reaper collecting payment for a less desirable place in hell. On the contrary if they don’t die they end up living a life completely dependent on others for their day to day care. I myself have been independent for most of my life, and that’s the way I like it. I can not imagine being completely dependent on someone else because people can always disappoint you. I’m sure Donna has had her share of disappointments throughout her life. Similarly I’ve had many disappointments as well. Let’s go back to when the world was still magical and full of promise.

Donna Simpson was conceived on 1967 in mogadore, Ohio. She mentions that her mother used to cook big meals for her family that by the age of 9 she was already 184 pounds. Donnas struggle with weight loss seemed to end when she met husband Robert Simpson and fiance Phillippe Gouambia. They encourage her to keep gaining because she is beautiful like that. Additionally her fiance Phillippe encourage her to start a career with her plus size figure.  Donna did just that by becoming a very popular web model. In the end she came full circle and went back to where it all started Akron Ohio. I trully hope Donna Simpson succeeds at her weight loss. It’s going to be hard and it’s gonna take a lot of determination.

Want your weekly dose of determination come here more often? will be here for you to the end. I’m sorry World Fitters I was not able to finish this topic tune in next week for the finale part 2. As always thank you for joining me. Have a lovely week, bye till next time.


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