Sometimes we truly madly deeply take so many things for granted Beautiful Sweet Soul Angels. With last years past of broken dreams seemingly just a dream while you close your beautiful blue eyes while riding the merry go round of broken dreams. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel wont you open your beautiful blue eyes to all the wonderfully beautiful possibilities that this perfectly imperfect day brings to you? Carpe diem seize the day to your very own happily ever after. Don’t dream your life live your dream Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel. Nothing is truly madly deeply impossible if you just have faith and truly believe in yourself. Life is never easy and rarely kind Lovelies. All you can truly do is the best you can and leave the rest to be sung in the melody of many broken promises of would’ve, could’ve, and should’ve. I love you Lovelies and all your perfect imperfections mmmmmmmmmmm ya.
доброе утро (Good morning) World Fitters. Good morning to you from wanderlust wonderful Russia.
Hi Lovelies, how are you this beautiful lovely morning? I’m doing alright just doing some work trying to supplement my income mmmmmmmmm ya. Lovelies I have been truly madly deeply working hard just as late. I want to succeed and I’m willing to do what it takes to do so. World Fitters, I never take it for granted where I came from. I’m from the poorest country in the western hemisphere. Growing up I had to make do with whatever I had which wasn’t much. For instance, when I was younger and was unable to buy my own clothes I was made fun of by other children because of the way I was dressed. Nevertheless I truly madly deeply believe that my mother did the best she could. Lovelies even when my business is truly madly deeply successful I will not take anything for granted I promise. I will never forget where I truly came from.
Sometimes we truly madly deeply take so many things for granted. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel with last year’s past of broken dreams seemingly just a dream while you close your beautiful blue eyes while riding the merry-go-round of broken dreams. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel, won’t you open your beautiful blue eyes to all the wonderfully beautiful possibilities that this perfectly imperfect day brings to you? Carpe diem seize the day to your very own happily ever after. Don’t dream your life live your dream Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel. Nothing is truly madly deeply impossible if you just have faith and truly believe in yourself. Life is never easy and rarely kind Lovelies. All you can truly do is the best you can and leave the rest to be sung in the melody of many broken promises of would’ve, could’ve, and should’ve. I love you Lovelies and all your perfect imperfections mmmmmmmmmmm ya. Ya Lovelies every day we go on our perfectly imperfect days not realizing how many things we truly madly deeply take for granted. For example, being an African American life truly was not always so easy for us. Truth be told things are still hard for us perhaps that is the way things will always be. Nevertheless, I’m appreciative of how far we all have truly madly deeply come. For instance, now I can go on the bus and sit wherever I want. I can go to the school down the block even if it is predominantly a white school. Mostly now I can live my perfectly imperfect dream if I really put in the effort. Sweet Lovelies many of us at times find it difficult to smile through little annoyances. Lovelies life is simply too short not too. If we truly looked around our wanderlust of our very own happily ever after we would really see all the perfectly imperfect things we have to be grateful about. Sweet Lovelies if you wake up and get to see another wonderfully beautiful day be truly appreciative. Sweet Lovely, you just don’t know if you will be blessed with another tomorrow. Have a blessed day Lovelies love you mmmmmmmmmm ya.