Sometimes you have to truly madly deeply make a choice of faith. For last years past of broken dreams does not determine your tommorows happily ever after. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel I see you on the merry go round of broken dreams with beautiful tears glistening off your lovely eyes. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel pleace don’t cry. Life is whatever you make of it truly. If you no longer enjoy the way your life is unraviling you can start a brand new happily ever after whenever you choose. Sweet Lovely seize this beautiful wonderful day carpe diem to your very own happily ever after. Tell me what you desire and it is yours now and forevermore mmmmmmmmmm ya.
günaydın (Good morning) World Fitters. Good morning to you from beautiful Turkey.
Hi Lovelies and how do you do this beautiful lovely morning? I’m doing alright just still a bit stressed. Sweet Lovelies every so often you have to make a choice of faith. World Fitters as some of you may know I’m a Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel. I have a big beautiful heart and am always willing to help in any way I can. Unfortunately, there are those who take advantage of my lovely heart at my very own expanse. For instance, my ex used me and lied to me constantly. I have come to realize it is up to me to truly madly deeply look out for myself. If I don’t no one will. No one truly cares as I had to learn that the hard way with eyes full of tears from last year’s past of broken dreams. Sweet Lovely Angel, every so often you have to truly make a choice of faith and pray that everything will be alright.
Sometimes you have to truly madly deeply make a choice of faith. For last year’s past of broken dreams does not determine your tomorrow’s happily ever after. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel, I see you on the merry-go-round of broken dreams with beautiful tears glistening off your lovely eyes. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel, please don’t cry. Life is whatever you make of it truly. If you no longer enjoy the way your life is unraveling you can start a brand new happily ever after whenever you choose. Sweet Lovely seize this beautiful wonderful day carpe diem to your very own happily ever after. Tell me what you desire and it is yours now and forevermore mmmmmmmmmm ya. Sweet Lovelies I desire to grow my businesses to their full potential. I have realized that to truly madly deeply do that I have to make a choice of faith. I have to truly make the choice to believe in myself and work hard to achieve my wonderful blue dreams. Sweet Lovelies I have made the decision to change so that I’m better able to reach my goals. I will be working harder and smarter. As I’m still single I have no one to help me. I have to believe in myself and succeed Lovelies. Wish me luck on this new great adventure that I’m taking. Love you all bunches have a lovely beautiful day mmmmmmmmm ya.