Sometimes your everafter is just being able to smile throughout the day.
By Francesca Etheart, for your well being
Hello World Fitters!
So today is another day that I will not be able to work on my sites. I’m not happy with that as I have bills to pay. For instance, I logged in with my Citibank account and see that I have a big payment due on my credit card. And as if I learned nothing from my large credit card statement I signed up for another credit card with chase my primary bank. The card I signed up for is Freedom unlimited. No World F
Sometimes your ever after is just being able to smile throughout the day. Today I relaxed more and was able to enjoy some Youtube videos. I was watching some crime shows and thinking to myself how can people be so cruel? It was betrayal after betrayal and I just couldn’t understand it. I’m a simple pretty girl who just is appreciative about being able to smile throughout the day no matter what. I didn’t have betrayal or hatred in my heart for no one. Just want everyone to enjoy the simple things in life. Many of us are not interested in the simple things in life. We want big lavish lifestyles and a lot of money in our bank accounts to do so. Which is why credit card debt is so high. If we could fill our heart with love then our empty pockets could have less significance. I’m not saying don’t work hard for the life you want I’m just saying to know your limit and your worth. How is your credit World Fitters? My credit is ok and I hope the same for you all. Please be mindful of what you’re spending your money on because an empty pocket can go on infinitely with an empty heart. I love you all my lovelies have an excellent day!