Tag Archives: dear me

My Life My Story

As I sit back my iPad in hand. I groan and murmured ughhh god. This is like my fifth attempt at a video for a survey web site. I always do this. Do like a hundred thousand takes (I’m not kidding) before the video is ready to publish. I shake my head as the reason becomes clear. On why it takes so long to make a video? The reason being my low self-esteem.


Through-out my life my low self-esteem have played a role in my life. Putting big walls between relationships. Putting my dreams and what I love to the side. Putting my self worth at it’s lowest. “If you don’t love yourself no one will.” These words have hunted me through-out my life. As I went from relationship after relationship. Looking for the love that I didn’t have for myself. Needless to say that search went on infinitely. It resulted in me kissing a lot of frogs and a bad after taste in my mouth. “Life is what you make it.”

Life is pretty difficult for people with low self-esteem. Their usually depress and can’t see the positives in life. World fitters “seize the day carpe diem.” Don’t let your size define your life. Lose the low self-esteem and found your-self. Get to know yourself intimately. What would you say to your younger self? Would your younger self be proud of the person you have become?

For instance You Tube had asked me a couple of months ago to do a “Dear Me” video. I happily accepted of course. “Dear Me” is a self reflection video. It’s about what your older self want to say to your younger self? Below is my “Dear Me” video and a poem I wanted to share. Sharing is caring!

Love thy self.

Make love to thy self.

Look in the mirror.

Look at your beautiful eyes.

The eyes are the mirror to your soul.

I look at your soul.

It looks so empty.

When you cry. Scatter

Pieces of your soul splatter on the ground.

Like a life size puzzle.

All the events of your life scatter every which way.

Not knowing where to turn.

Turn to me my darling.

Come to me.

Let me brush away your tears.

Kissing them gently away.

Caressing you gently in my arms.

Brushing away strands of hair.

I reach down and kiss you.

Suddenly our body begin to merge together.

Two hearts become one.

We are one.

I love you.

World fitters! I hope you enjoy this post. My name is Francesca Etheart. That was “My Life My Story.”

Smiling through life!


Fran's Art Museum