Sometimes life can pass you by ever so swiftly. That enviably the merry go round of broken dreams interchangeably with last years past of broken dreams got intercepted by the whirlwind of many wanderlust of broken promises. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel as you dance to your very own happily ever after in slow motion. The eternal gravitational pull of many lost dreams are incapacitating your very own wonderfully beautiful blue dreams of hope. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel like the finest wine ever created you just keep getting better with time. I truly madly deeply love you and I want you to stop dreaming your life and keep living your dream now and forevermore.
goedemorgen (Good morning) World Fitters. Good morning to you from the Netherlands.
Hi Lovelies, how are you doing this lovely morning? I’m doing well today praise God. Lovelies do you ever feel like you are stepping unto a time machine of love? Lovelies when you finally get out you are overwhelm at all the happenings in this perfectly imperfect world. Laugh out loud Lovelies I know that is truly not so the situation it just feels that way at times doesn’t it? World Fitters time is just flying and flying. For instance I can’t believe 2021 is almost over already. When ever my birthday comes I know the end of year is truly near. After my birthday comes Thanksgiving then the holidays have officially started. Sweet Lovelies I remember at just 18 years of age I was truly madly deeply worried about getting older. I would wonder if it would come naturally to age or would it be a perfectly imperfect struggle? For myself I have found it to be the latter as it is a daily struggle for me. Nonetheless I don’t want to let life just pass me by without reaching my very own perfectly imperfect happily ever after.
Sometimes life can pass you by ever so swiftly. That enviably the merry go round of broken dreams interchangeably with last years past of broken dreams got intercepted by the whirlwind of many wanderlust of broken promises. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel as you dance to your very own happily ever after in slow motion. The eternal gravitational pull of many lost dreams are incapacitating your very own wonderfully beautiful blue dreams of hope. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel like the finest wine ever created you just keep getting better with time. I truly madly deeply love you and I want you to stop dreaming your life and keep living your dream now and forevermore. Ya Lovelies as it is truly finally my birthday month it is official now heading to my perfectly imperfect 40’s. Lovelies I don’t think I will ever really be happy about getting older. That is just a fact that I will have to accept now and forevermore. Nevertheless I will enjoy every breath that I take for as long as I’m able to. You do the same Lovelies. Be the best you at any age. Seeing how it is the end of the year most of my Lovelies birthday has come to pass. I truly madly deeply hope you had a wonderful eternal birthday. You should always enjoy your special day. Ya time is flying but you can still hold many special moments in your sweet heart. Have a lovely day make it your best day ever! I love you.