Sometimes there are an unsung hero in all our perfectly imperfect hearts. With the melody of many broken promises being played on the merry go round of broken dreams. Truly madly deeply deafening our sweet hopes and dreams eternally more. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel don’t let last years past of broken dreams make away with your very own happily ever after. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel I know you are much more stronger then you think. For life has truly madly deeply run down your beautiful sincere heart over and over again. Yet your wonderfully beautiful blue eyes are still shining and moreover you still have that wonderful beautiful smile on your pretty face. Sweet Lovely seize this wonderful beautiful day. Truly madly deeply make it your own now and forevermore. For life is truly what you make of it. Make it your absolute wonderful beautiful dream come true mmmmmmmm ya. Don’t dream your life live your dream.
xin chào (Good morning) World Fitters. Good morning to you from beautiful Vietnam.
Hiya Lovelies, how are you doing today? I’m doing well just writing to you my Lovelies and starting my beautiful wonderful day mmmmmmmmmm ya. Sweet Lovelies I truly madly deeply enjoy telling you my untold story. As I truly want to make a perfectly imperfect difference even after my death. World Fitters, we all have untold stories. While some of us rather keep things just as they are others want to truly share if they know they can make a difference in someone else life. Lovelies that is totally me Franchy. I started this web-blog with this very idea. I was going through a difficult situation with my weight and I thought I can help someone going through the exact same thing so they won’t feel like they are alone. Six years later and I’m still sharing my very own perfectly imperfect story. Nonetheless, there are still many unsung stories to my very own happily ever after waiting to be uttered sweetly of course.
Sometimes there are an unsung hero in all our perfectly imperfect hearts. With the melody of many broken promises being played on the merry-go-round of broken dreams. Truly madly deeply deafening our sweet hopes and dreams eternally more. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel don’t let last year’s past of broken dreams make away with your very own happily ever after. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel, I know you are much more stronger than you think. For life has truly madly deeply run down your beautiful sincere heart over and over again. Yet your wonderfully beautiful blue eyes are still shining and moreover, you still have that wonderful beautiful smile on your pretty face. Sweet Lovely seize this wonderful beautiful day. Truly madly deeply make it your own now and forevermore. For life is truly what you make of it. Make it your absolute wonderful beautiful dream come true mmmmmmmm ya. Don’t dream your life live your dream. Ya Lovelies today I was feeling really reminiscent listening to old songs by the tempting temptations. From there I watch the documentary of David Ruffin, then Tammi Terrell, lastly I watch the story of Marvin Gaye. Lovelies I have been watching documentaries ever since I was a kid like at the very early age of nine. Lovelies I give new meaning to walking in their perfectly imperfect shoes. it is as if I’m going back in time and I became them. At least that is how I feel. Can you relate Lovelies? Maybe you can’t as I know I’m very different and I have learned to truly madly deeply love my differences. Ya, I watched many life stories nevertheless it was Tammi Terrell’s story that truly touch my Franchy heart. Hers was a story of being gone far too soon before she could make her very own perfectly imperfect dreams a reality. Lovelies I related so much to Tammi. I thought to myself what if I too don’t get enough time to truly realize all my beautiful wonderful dreams? We all know that life is short and time just keeps flying up above the blue skies. Tammi never gave up she kept fighting even though there was no cure. She kept hoping that this surgery would be the one and it never was. She died at just 24 years of age full of wonderful beautiful promises. Lovelies I promise I will never give up too. I have to stop dreaming my life and begin living my dream. I still have a chance and I will not waste my very own chance to my very own happily ever after. Never give up Lovelies you are worth every bit of happiness truly madly deeply. I love you be well and take care.