Tag Archives: heart ache lost love


Sometimes heart aches are truly madly deeply invitable. So you have fallen in love for the very first time. Your love of your life took your beautiful hands and helped you back on the merry go round of broken dreams. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel I know last years past of broken dreams were entangled with your perfectly imperfect bodies as you too were one. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel true love is everlasting. Carpe diem seize the day Sweet Lovley fall in love with beautiful wonderful confidece knowing your very own happily ever after is right around the corner. Sweet Lovely truly madly deeply love yourself first for only then will you find your eternal love now and forevermore. You are beautiful and deserve a love that will truly take your breath away. So tonight make sweet love and let them know how much you truly adore them. I love you.

hyvää huomenta (Good morning) World Fitters. Good morning to you from wonderful beautiful Finland.

Hi Lovelies, how are you all doing this frantastic beautiful morning? I’m doing alright can’t complain praise God. Hope you all are doing well. As I said before feel free to contact me via Facebook messenger if you ever needed to talk. I’m here for you truly ya. Lovelies it is truly fall in New York and the best time to fall in love. The cooler weather and beautiful changing leafs makes it ideal for first dates. Perhaps you can grab something to eat and go for a lovely walk at one if the great parks in New York. Talking about walks I need to go back to walking outdoors as the cold weather is quickly approaching and soon there will be snow on the ground. The cold weather is ideal to have someone to cuddle up with. Someone to love you unconditionally and be there for you when you need them the most. Ya Lovelies your true blue love. Nevertheless with true love comes heart aches.

Sometimes heart aches are truly madly deeply invitable. So you have fallen in love for the very first time. Your love of your life took your beautiful hands and helped you back on the merry go round of broken dreams. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel I know last years past of broken dreams were entangled with your perfectly imperfect bodies as you too were one. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel true love is everlasting. Carpe diem seize the day Sweet Lovley fall in love with beautiful wonderful confidece knowing your very own happily ever after is right around the corner. Sweet Lovely truly madly deeply love yourself first for only then will you find your eternal love now and forevermore. You are beautiful and deserve a love that will truly take your breath away. So tonight make sweet love and let them know how much you truly adore them. I love you. Lovelies it is truly madly deeply hard to tell someone how you really feel about them as you may be rejected. It’s really difficult to know if your love will be returned equally. You love them but how do you know they love you? You could just be going on the merry go round of broken dreams over and over again searching for your very own happily ever after forevermore. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel every so often you just have to make a choice of faith and truly madly deeply give true love another go. I’m just not sure that I’m there yet.
