Sometimes all you truly madly deeply need is a listening ear and a wonderful beautiful open heart. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel last night I heard you sing the most beautiful lullaby of many boken promises. Reminiscing on last years past of broken dreams. While riding on the merry go round of broken dreams. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel always remember, it is truly madly deeply ok not to be ok. Things doesn’t have to always go right for everything can be ok. Moreover truly madly deeply beleive in your heart that nothing ever last forever. Carpe diem seize the day cherish every special moment like it is your last. Don’t dream your life live your dream mmmmmmmmm ya.
সুপ্রভাত (Good morning) World Fitters. Good morning to you from beautiful tranquil Bangladesh.
H Lovelies how are you all doing this loving beautiful morning? Today I woke up a bit stressed, to be honest. As I did not do all the work I needed to do yesterday. Moreover, I still have a lot on my mind preventing me from being absolutely lovingly peaceful. Lovelies how do one quite the voices of last year’s past of broken dreams? Well, one can try to accept that they are truly perfectly imperfect and that is ok. It is ok to be yourself Lovelies. I do hope you Lovelies are having a good day ya. Ya, so Lovelies I woke up uncomfortable and stressed. I’m uncomfortable because I’m currently going through my women’s issues. Additionally, I have a headache still. World Fitters, we all are going through something in our very own perfectly imperfect lives. Every so often all we need is a very good listening ear and a very warm open heart.
Sometimes all you truly madly deeply need is a listening ear and a wonderful beautiful open heart. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel last night I heard you sing the most beautiful lullaby of many broken promises. Reminiscing on last year’s past of broken dreams. While riding on the merry-go-round of broken dreams. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel always remember it is truly madly deeply ok not to be ok. Things doesn’t have to always go right for everything can be ok. Moreover truly madly deeply believe in your heart that nothing ever lasts forever. Carpe diem seize the day cherish every special moment like it is your last. Don’t dream your life live your dream mmmmmmmmm ya. Ya Lovelies we all need someone to listen to us without any judgment. Someone with an open heart who will share unconditional love continuously and everlastingly. That someone can be yourself, Sweet Lovely. No one will ever love you more than yourself. World Fitters truly listen to yourself and record. You can use a notebook or an audio recorder and say whatever is deep in your heart without any fear of judgment. This will be private so store it somewhere no one will ever find it. Then let three months pass and re-read or re-listen to your frantastic thoughts and see what you truly madly deeply think? I have done this and was truly surprised by what was deep in my heart. I was able to discover things that I thought I never would. Lovelies I have learned that it is really detrimental to your mental health to keep everything inside. Like your beautiful heart continuously being filled with negativity. It will inevitably begin to deteriorate to your very own unhappily ever after. Be well Sweet LoveLies speak the truth from your beautiful heart. Yes, the truth hurts nevertheless it will set you free mmmmmm ya.