Sometimes life is whatever you make of it. Be merry Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel. Live a life full of contentment. Truly madly deeply learn to dance in the rain. Take out your wonderful beautiful blue dancing shoes as you cautiously get off the merry go round of broken dreams. With last years past of broken dreams truly madly deeply behind you you can finally open your wonderfully beautiful blue eyes to all beautifully wonderful possibilities. I love you Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel. This life of yours is never eternal but always everlastingly hopeful of creating the happily ever after you truly are warranted. Seize the day Sweet Lovely carpe diem. Live your very best life now and forevermore.
Buongiorno (Good morning) World Fitters. Good morning to you from Italy.
Hi Lovelies, how are you doing this perfectly imperfect morning? I’m doing good feeling blessed to see another day. I hope you all are doing very well too. Ya Lovelies life can be so hard at times. As a matter of fact life can drop you to your knees with you begging for it all to stop. It is no surprise the opioid epidemic is truly madly deeply a thing. As many people rather numb themselves from all the trauma. With so many asking why me? The real question is why not you? Sweet Lovely there is a story about a beautiful girl. That at one time all was going very well in her life. She was beautiful and popular with a guy that was absolutely mad about her. Then one day she was at a party. She was drinking and having the time of her life. A friend offered to shot her up and she happily laughingly said yes have a go. Now she is in the streets barefooted with just a dirty shirt on. The love of her life has recently pass from a heroine over dose and now she is all alone. Then suddenly she dropped to her knees screaming and cursing up to the havens. Why me she yells. Then at that very moment someone with the bluest eyes walk to her and asked. Did anyone ever told you that life is what ever you make of it?
Sometimes life is whatever you make of it. Be merry Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel. Live a life full of contentment. Truly madly deeply learn to dance in the rain. Take out your wonderful beautiful blue dancing shoes as you cautiously get off the merry go round of broken dreams. With last years past of broken dreams truly madly deeply behind you you can finally open your wonderfully beautiful blue eyes to all the beautifully wonderful possibilities. I love you Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel. This life of yours is never eternal but always everlastingly hopeful of creating the happily ever after you truly are warranted. Seize the day Sweet Lovely carpe diem. Live your very best life now and forevermore. Ya Lovelies we all should truly try to live our very best life ever. World Fitters there has been plenty of bad things that has happen to me at some point in my perfectly imperfect life. So many tears lost that could never be replaced. Nevertheless I know that life is truly madly deeply whatever you make of it. That beautiful girl story I was just sharing is someone’s perfectly imperfect story. At first we really believe we have control that we can stop getting on the merry go round of broken dreams any day we please. Nevertheless we never made the decision not to. Similarly we keep crying our hearts out. Laying on our bed that we have made plenty many times. Sweet Lovely true solace is inevitable when you realize life is really what ever you make of it. You can choose happiness now and forevermore for eternity. Lovelies that is truly madly deeply what I’m choosing on this special day. I promise no matter what I will be truly content and live my very best life. No more broken promises. This is the new me. Join me Lovelies and lets dance to our very own happily ever after.