Sometimes you got to lose it all to gain back the self love you so desperately needed. With last years past of broken dream never too far behind as you ride on the merry go round of broken dreams. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel all these years you had your blue eyes closed eternally forevermore. Not realizing your own worth not seeing your true natural beauty. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel always believe in yourself no matter what. I know it wont be easy nor will it last forever. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel you got to truly madly deeply fight for the life you want. Work hard eternally more if you must. Don’t dream your life live your dream mmmmmmmm ya.
Xin chà o (Good morning) World Fitters.
Hi Lovelies, how are you? I’m doing well just trying to live the best life I possibly can. I hope you all are doing pretty well yourselves. Lovelies this blog is all about my perfectly imperfect self love journey. My self love journey have truly madly deeply taken me on a roller coaster ride. Ya Sweet Lovelies there have been many ups and downs. A lot of triumphs and perfectly imperfect failures. Moreover there have also been many loses as well. Lovelies every so often you have to lose everything to get back everything. For instance through out the many years that I truly madly deeply hated the way I looked I lost everything. If I truly had a clear hindsight to how my life would turn out I would have changed immediately Lovelies. However I realize how much I have gained from losing everything. It has made me into the hard working women I’m today.
Sometimes you got to lose it all to gain back the self love you so desperately needed. With last years past of broken dream never too far behind as you ride on the merry go round of broken dreams. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel all these years you had your blue eyes closed eternally forevermore. Not realizing your own worth not seeing your true natural beauty. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel always believe in yourself no matter what. I know it wont be easy nor will it last forever. Beautiful Sweet Soul Angel you got to truly madly deeply fight for the life you want. Work hard eternally more if you must. Don’t dream your life live your dream mmmmmmmm ya. Ya Lovelies I have been thinking about my perfectly imperfect life lately. Too much should’ve, could’ve, and would’ve melody of many broken promises playing on the merry go round of broken dreams. Lovelies I truly madly deeply have lost a lot. So many tears from last years past of broken dreams to cry me a river into my very own happily ever after. Nevertheless it took me losing everything to know my very own perfectly imperfect self worth. We are all worth every bit of happiness World Fitters. We all truly madly deeply deserve to live the life we truly madly deeply always wanted. Lovelies I have lost everything so you don’t. Learn from my last years past of broken dreams. Stop dreaming your life and begin living your dream. Never say you will do it tomorrow because perhaps tomorrow will never come. Have a blessed day Lovelies be safe. I know the Corona virus is still out there closing blue eyes forevermore. Take care and get the help you truly need. Asking for help turns out takes a lot of perfectly imperfect strength. Strength not too many Lovelies have. I love you all and be well.